Don Blankenship Files Notice in California Ballot Access Case, Explaining Why Kishore Decision Should Not Control His Own Case

As previously noted, on July 20, a U.S. District Court in Los Angeles refused to give injunctive relief to Joseph Kishore for California ballot access relief. Kishore is the Socialist Equality Party presidential nominee and he wanted to use California’s independent presidential petition, which requires 196,964 signatures to be collected mid-April through early August.

On July 23, Don Blankenship, Constitution Party nominee, who has a parallel case in San Francisco, filed this Supplemental document explaining why the Kishore decision is flawed and why the judge in the northern district should not follow it. The supplemental document lists seven favorable ballot access precedents that the judge in Los Angeles ignored in her opinion.


Don Blankenship Files Notice in California Ballot Access Case, Explaining Why Kishore Decision Should Not Control His Own Case — 8 Comments

  1. It is nice that Blankenship is doing this, but he does not appear to be putting much effort into getting on the ballot anywhere else.

  2. I am hearing through the grapevine that Mr. Blankenbooney is now in the process of blowing his ballot line in Idaho. Why this fool wants to waste money in Calaugh-a-fornia but not do the easy campaign work in smaller electoral vote states is beyond me. I won’t be surprised if he blows it in Vermont too. Stay tuned.

  3. Something to do with the CP-Idaho bylaws, of which I do not have access to, in relation to their actual state nominating convention (scheduled for this coming Saturday). Donny boy apparently refuses to participate. Stay tuned.

  4. McMuffin did very well in Utah and Idaho, but he is a Mormon. Blankenship to my knowledge isn’t, but Trump isn’t universally loved in this states either. High single digits wouldn’t be impossible if he tried, despite his baggage.

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