Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert Introduces Resolution to Ban Democratic Party Unless it Changes its Name

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) has introduced this resolution, which says that the Democratic Party must change its name, or be barred from the U.S. House of Representatives. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert Introduces Resolution to Ban Democratic Party Unless it Changes its Name — 20 Comments

  1. While I think it’s a totalitarian notion to ban political parties and thus I’m against this bill/resolution on principle, Gohmert has a point. The “Democratic” Party’s very name has become doublespeak and hypocrisy as we all know on here. They like to call themselves Blue, maybe they should just make it official instead of continuing to mislead voters. Same could be said for the Republican Party, they should just make GOP their official name instead of pretending to believe in a republican form of government when clearly most of their membership supports a dictatorial style of governance in Trump.

  2. But probably should go along with changing republicans to reds, redhats, redcoats, red party or how about American know nothings…as that seems to be the direction they are headed.

  3. Gee– RED communist Party and White fascist Party ??? Duh.

    See olde Reds and Whites in Russia Civil War 1918-1922.

    ANY named ANY thing going to left standing — monuments, paper money, etc. ???

  4. typo-

    ANY named ANY thing going to be left standing — monuments, paper money, etc. ??? –

    OR – just another pile of ruins as the many in olde Middle East.

  5. Demo, since YOU posted this news, why not post here under your real name, Thomas Jones?

  6. Maybe Congressman Gohmert should have mentioned the Democrats’ ties to Bolshevist organizations like BLM and Antifa—and growing ties to the Chinese Communists.

  7. This is clearly posturing and wasting time. Yes, his points are true, but isn’t there a better way to illustrate that? Otherwise, the Libertarian Party should also change their name since they are far from that these days.

  8. Actually the Democratic Party has as much right to the name “Democratic” as Zhirinovsky’s party has to the name “Liberal Democratic Party” or North Korea has to the name “Democratic Peoples’R Republic of Korea.”

    And the Trump Republicans deserve the name “Republican” as much as North Korea deserves the name “Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea.”

    So the two big parties DO have something in common.

  9. Yeah, they’re both in a competition who can lick the most crony corporatist ass and, invade and bomb more countries and occupy them the longest, lock the most people up for BS and victimless “crimes”, and generally be the fashiest.

  10. Using fake names only gives people a false sense of anonymity. If I want to post something truly anonymously I go through the necessary steps (using a dedicated device that gets wiped after every use, loading up a virtual machine every time, using a vpn (located in a country outside the 9 eyes) to tunnel into the tor network, never logging into any site while in use, paying for a burner email address with crypto for any correspondence, and never-ever-ever reuse the same fake moniker across sites or even on repeated posts on a single site)

  11. How soon before the govt killers END any anon internet stuff ???

    Any one time pads still around ???

  12. First part of G Res —

    mini- re-hash of 1859-1861 Donkey conspiracy stuff — 1859 John Brown raid in VA, etc.

    End part of G Res

    That any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported
    slavery or the Confederacy shall either change its name or be barred from participation in
    the House of Representatives.

    Obviously UN-Const — adding a disqualif in violation of 1-2-2 qualif to be a USA Rep.

    Earlier – Elephant Purge of Donkey Sens and Reps from CSA and ex-CSA regimes in 1861-1870.

    SCOTUS Elephant Hacks let the Purge happen — esp for ex-CSA regime hacks in 1866-1870 — ie de facto forced ex-CSA regimes OK for 13-14-15 Amdts in order to have ex-CSA Sens/Reps back in gerrymander Congress.

    IE Union Army/Navy might makes right — circa 400,000 Union DEAD – hundreds/thousands of southern battlefields and camps.

    Other nations — would have been Treason / Rebellion mass hangings/shootings of top CSA folks- civil and military.
    Did NOT happen only due to TN Prez A. Johnson – mass CSA person pardons in 1865-1869.

  13. Brandon,

    The effectiveness of anonymity against a variety of threats is on a continuum just as the degree of anonymity opsec is. Regardless of the reasons it should be an individual decision when and how to use real life identity online. We know it’s far from risk free, and the risk doesn’t only come from the best resources available to federal government agencies pursuing active terror investigations, or for that matter government agencies of any kind.

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