The Natural Law Party only exists in Michigan, where it has been continuously ballot-qualified since 2002. As it had indicated earlier that it would do, this year its presidential nominee is Rocky De La Fuente. Here is the partial Michigan Secretary of State candidate listing, although so far it doesn’t include Democratic or Republican nominees.
How many states is Rocky on now?
Hoping I can get him on the AIP of California
Eh, can’t say I’m a fan. They nominated the SPUSA candidate three times since 2004 and the Justice Party candidate once, so I kinda wish they had stuck with another leftist party instead of whatever De La Fuente is.
Looks like a small party. Good for them for still existing and giving another option.
Hopefully Michigan Natural Law Party, Reform Party and Alliance Party will merge after the Presidential elections. Maybe they can call the new party; Alliance/Reform party. Something similar to CDU/CSU in Germany.
Consider Kanye, Mark.
Kanye’s not paying.
Rocky is a leftist. Read his platform.
Money trumps ideology.
Darcy’s more of a leftist. Rocky, IDK, more centrist from what I remember but maybe Darcy has influenced him more to the left.
I’ve read through his platform after your comment. Is it better than I remembered from when I last read it? Yes. I recall the last time I looked it over that it looked no different than a generic ‘progressive-lite’ platform, aka mostly uninspiring. I still wouldn’t call it leftist, but it’s okay, and again, better than I thought it was. I still wish the Natural Law Party had nominated someone else, though.
Darcy must of swung that like a boss swingin his sac.
Darcy must of swung that like a boss swingin his sac 4 realz.
Is there an echo in here?
I have considered Kanye, However, He has applied for Citizenship of Uganda. We need a citizen of the United States as POTUS. If you recall in 2008 McCain was a Citizen of the Republic of Panama. I want the POTUS and VPOTUS to be a Natural Born Citizen. Being a citizen of Uganda will create a dual loyalty. That is not
what we want in a President.
Did Uganda accept his application? This is the first I have heard of this. It is most alarming.
I must cancel my $2,000 Zimbabwe Dollar contribution to Kayne 2020 immediately!
Isn’t Rocky a Mexican citizen?
The AIP should nominate the candidate who won the primary, Phil Collins. By virtue of his name alone he’s guaranteed to get a magnitude more votes than Rocky. Picking Rocky, who lost the primary over Phil would make the AIP an undemocratic farce.
I would love if AIP chooses Rocky as it’s candidate! It would be up to the party to nominate him not just Mark Seidenberg. If Seidenberg would have thought about nominating Kanye West l presume the odds of other members considering nominating Kanye West are relatively high as well.
Rocky de la Fuente is running on behalf of centrist parties. Therefore neither him nor his VP are promoting leftist ideas. Centrist parties can work with any party on the political axis. In India the far right party, Shiv Shena allied themselves with National Congress party (centrist) and Congress Party (center left) in Maharashtra which is the most prosperous state of lndia. If not for NCP, this alliance would never have gotten formed. Up to now the alliance has been successful and popularity of the Shiv Sena Chief Minister has increased. This could even attract electorate from its non traditional base. Maybe that’s what AlP wants if it selects Rocky as it’s candidate.
AIP should not mind if Kanye is an alternative to Rocky. He along with his VP a Christian preacher promote Judeo-Christian values. If their concern is on Kanye applying for Uganda passport maybe you should inform his campaign on that. I’m sure he will cancel his application in a heartbeat. If they choose Kanye, this will create a lot of media attention and AIP would be one of most googled terms that would be looked up. One thing is close to be certain. If Kanye is chosen, as an AIP candidate he could Presidential candidate that gets most votes.
Either Rocky or Kanye would be good candidates for AIP though my preference once again goes for Rocky. Phil Collins would not bring anything of value. His party is struggling to get ballot access (so much of Phil Collins sharing same name with the famous singer). His party likes to view itself as being centrist which is false. They are populist.
I think you are being naive about how the AIP now functions.
You are right, l don’t know how they function as l am not a member of their party. I’m assuming there would be a vote like with any other political party and majority elects their Presidential nominee?
@ Charles: How about the American Natural Reform Rocky & Bullwinkle Alliance Party?
Aug 2020 Mich prim res –
D/R party hack conventions shortly.
I can feel it in the air tonight. It will be Phil Collins. And this won’t be just another day in paradise.
By the way l wanted to respond to William Saturn. There is nothing wrong in Rocky giving funds to a member of AIP. If one gives funds to Democrat or Republican Party no one would say anything. Why should it matter with regards the AIP? His goal is to get the nomination from AIP. Totally understandable. Of course if one uses the funds for his own personal use that would be another story but in that case I’m sure that AIP members would ask questions on that. Ok l contributed enough for now on these threads. I don’t want to bore people. Will still view these message boards. Good job Richard Winger.
How 0.1 and less pct 2020 EGO FREAK Prez candidates so far ???
How many 0.1 and less pct 2020 EGO FREAK Prez candidates so far ???
The vote if there is one is a formality with Aip these days. It’s a closely controlled operation run mostly as a shakedown racket. Any voting or other formalities they adhere to are strictly pro forma and nothing else.