Republican National Convention Unanimously Renominates President Trump

On August 24, the 336 delegates to the in-person Republican national convention in Charlotte unanimously nominated Donald Trump for president. There were six delegates from each state and territory. However, this limited number of delegates used proxy voting, so that the vote was 2,550 for Trump, and none for anyone else. Thanks to Tony Roza for ths information.


Republican National Convention Unanimously Renominates President Trump — 58 Comments

  1. So proxy voting in a political election is a thing now. Maybe we should have perpetual proxy voting for members of Congress, and then maybe we can switch our proxies to someone else if they do something that we don’t like.

  2. So less delegates showed up in person to the Republican National Convention, than showed up in person at the Libertarian National Convention, even though the Republican Party is much larger than the Libertarian Party. LOL! What a bunch of cowards.

  3. Even in Communist dictatorships vote totals for the Dear Leader was never 100%. God do I hate Donald Trump! I think Trump Derangement Syndrome is a perfectly understandable reaction. I question the sanity of Trump supporters.

  4. The RNC has decided that there will be no Republican Party Platform. There will only be unswerving devotion to the whims of President Trump. How much more evidence do people need to see that President Trump wants to be a totalitarian dictator?

  5. Robert A Stock AKA cyberpig xaulie banali doesn’t remember the 100% for Obama at the 2012 DNC or for George W. Bush at 2004 RNC.

    If Trump wanted to be a “totalitarian dictator” he easily could’ve used this pandemic as a way to do so. Ask yourself why he didn’t.

  6. I am no person except myself. Robert Keith Stock born in San Antonio Texas September 30th 1958. I grew up in Ventura California. Presently I live in El Reno Oklahoma and work as the Night Auditor at the Motel 6 in El Reno. I am not anyone else and I have never posted under any other name.

  7. We don’t care about the fake background story you created for this character.






  9. I think Robert K. Stock is a real guy posting as himself, not a made up character or an imposter, posted by Paul or some other troll.

  10. Henceforth, the planks of the Republican platform will be published on Trump’s Twitter account, as needed.

  11. I do think it is equally terrible that George W Bush in 2004 Barack Obama in 2012 and Donald Trump this year all received their presidential nomination with 100% of the vote.

  12. Walt: I changed my voter registration from Libertarian to the Democratic Party in June. According to Oklahoma law the change won’t officiate take place until September 1st. Who is or is not a Libertarian no longer interests me. I am definitely not a Libertarian. I am a Liberal.

  13. LOL! The Democrat Party governors/mayors are the ones using this pandemic as a means to increase their power and control our lives. Those are the true totalitarians and now you’re finally admitting to being one.

  14. “the planks of the Republican platform will be published on Trump’s Twitter account, as needed.”

    Meaning they’ll actually be seen and read by the public, which is a good thing.

  15. Uigher Lives Matter: You’re wrong about the Democratic Governors/Mayors. But nothing I could say will change your mind. So continue in your delusions.

  16. Tyrants love tyrant created events —

    See Feb 1933 Reichstag fire >>> Mar 1933 *** Enabling Act *** >>> Hitler tyranny 1933-1945.

    How much of the 1929-2020 Elephant fascism is in response to RED Donkey communism

    [and vice versa] ???

    NOOOO shortage of 2020 stuff – Floyd death, Portland riots, Chicago Dark Age looting, Detroit street mob events, etc.
    PR and AppV

  17. I said months ago Robert Stock was a fake libertarian, and now he finally admits it. Why did he pretend for so long?
    It’s very true the Democrats (and some Republicans) are using this virus to control our lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if these restrictions are kept for years, and they get their wish of communism. That’s their end game- scare and con the people so much they run to Big Brother.

  18. A cynic might say that “Party platforms don’t matter. No one reads them, anyway.” But that’s not entirely true. At the very least, a platform provides the pretense of higher principles that are embraced by members of the party. Now, with the Republicans, all pretense of principle is gone.

  19. I have come to the conclusion that the dividing line between “libertarians” and “non-libertarians” is not sharp. As the Nolan Chart indicates, political views exist to a relative degree in every individual. The purpose of the libertarian movement is move more individuals closer to that point of perfect libertarianism indicated by the highest point on the chart. It is not defined by membership in the Libertarian, or any other, party. The party is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

  20. A real libertarian: I waited so long because I didn’t realize that I was not a Libertarian anymore. Over the past few years my thinking about Rights has changed. I used to accept Natural Rights as explained by Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard. Now I have come to the conclusion that there are no such things as Rights. Rights are what the government says they are.

    That took a few years and I have only recently realized that is my position.

    It also took some time for me to leave a party that I had been an active member of for 28 years. Any person would have difficulty due to the emotional attachment that developed over the years.

    And I am so glad I am no longer thought of as someone who might have any agreement in any way with you.

  21. Sorry – 1776 DOI is still around.

    Nonstop control freak statists again on the march, as in 1914 and 1939.

  22. Walter Ziobro: Yes that is my position. People cannot have “Rights” because they do not exist unless codified by a government. In a Democracy individuals will have several “Rights” in a Monarchy or Dictatorship individuals will have fewer or none. It will all depend on the circumstances of the time. And it will never be absolute or universal. You can see why I now realize that my thinking is no longer Libertarian.

  23. If the principles stated in the Declaration of Independence are not valid, was the American Revolution illegitimate?

  24. Robert K. Stock, your support for Bill Weld should have been a clue that you weren’t a libertarian.

  25. Rights exist as moral principles. You will have as much rights as, a) the people you live around want you to have, and b) you are willing to defend.

  26. @ Stock: Yer messed up.

    Seems like yer synaptic clefts ain’t sparking. Get ’em fixed first, then post. Otherwise, yer going to hurt yersef’

  27. Government — one more giant FICTION – artificial *person*.

    Reality 1 – Govt = the hacks/folks holding elected/appointed govt offices – legis, exec, judic.

    Reality 2 – govt contractors, govt welfare folks, govt interest getters.

    Reality 3 – the above folks who nominate the hacks/folks holding elected govt offices.

    Reality 4 – the above folks who elect the hacks/folks holding elected govt offices.

  28. Walter Ziobto: I disagree with the basic thought of the Declaration of Independence. I do not believe that “All men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”

    Some people are born with huge advantages and some people are born with huge disadvantages. That has always been true and always will be true.

    There is no God so it is not possible for a non existent Creator to endow anyone with anything.

    If I had lived during the American Revolution there is a good chance I would have fought for the British. I have branches of my family tree in New York and Connecticut that were Tories at the time.

  29. Andy: Rights come from the minds of human beings. Morals are the way a group of people agree on behavior. Morality is subjective and changeable. What is moral for one person is immoral for the next. Both are equally valid at the same time. It depends on the individual and the circumstances.

  30. Robert, this is why you need a society which has the same general moral principles in regard to what rights are.

  31. Robert, I had ancestors who were American revolutionaries. If I had been alive back then, I’d have fought along side them.

    My ancestors should have kicked your ancestors out of the country. If all the Tories had been kicked out, we’d probably have a freer and more prosperous country today.

  32. Andy: Your ancestors did kick my ancestors out of the country. When the war was over the property of my Tory family was confiscated by the Patriots. They became refugees in Canada. Some came back to the United States in the late 1850s.

    We do not need a society with agreement on the same moral principles. It just isn’t necessary.

    I don’t expect you or anyone else to accept my viewpoint on Rights and Government. I am explaining my thought and why I have chosen to leave the Libertarian Party. I am not trying to convince you or anyone else to agree with me.

  33. Hey “Robert” Here’s your great great grandfather Abraham Frankel getting his loyalist ass tarred and feathered:

  34. The Walrus: Yes sir. My Loyalist family were on the losing side. Just like my Confederate ancestors from my mother’s side lost their war. Shit happens. You move on.

  35. Killing someone is immoral in most cases (not talking about abortion- that’s a whole other ballgame) yet doing so is valid? Huh?

  36. Tim: By adding the qualifier “in most cases” you already accept that murder can be morally valid. So I don’t understand what you are questioning.

  37. Self defense is what I mean. You act as if it is OK if I decide to randomly shoot and kill six people

  38. Tim: I am not saying that at all. I am saying if a government decides to do something that I think is immoral, then it is moral for them. A case in point is the Chinese genocide of the Uighers. Every country on Earth knows it is happening, but not one country on Earth would even consider trying to stop it.

    Also keep in mind that I do not give a damn about being logically consistent. I am not writing a book or teaching a course. I am speaking about what I think regardless if others think I am full of shit or not.

  39. Uigher Lives Matter: It just might. The Chinese genocide of the Uighers is proof that might is right. What is moral or immoral is different for different people and it all depends on how many others agree with you and how strong your military is.

  40. Kill tyrants [Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito] before they kill you [and millions/billions of others] ???

    No trials for any of such 3 killers – M shot dead Apr 1945. H suicide 30 Apr 1945, H lived to 1980s

    Later mock trial for Tyrant N.C. in Dec. 1989 Romania.

    — hastened end of E. Europe commie regimes and end of olde USSR in 1991.

    How many internal / external killings in private lawless criminal gangs with zero trials ???

  41. Tim: If you would like to shoot six random people, then that’s fine by me. Why stop at six? Kill as many people as you would like, but be prepared to face the individuals who think what you have done is wrong. I think it would be immoral, but if you think it is moral then that is your decision.

  42. Uigher Lives Matter: You say that as if mass murder was a bad idea. It’s not something that I would do, but under different circumstances, who knows?

  43. @ Robert Stark; I respect your honesty, but a couple of points: 1. Equality before the law does NOT mean equality of circumstance. 2. The existence or non-esistence of a God does not change the inherent nature of rights.

  44. Robert, I saw a picture of a statue online, which was either in New York, Vermont, or New Hampshire, which depicted Tories being run out of the USA and going to Canada, and the description of the statue, etched in metal, said that the Tories were incompatible with liberty in America. Your ancestors never should have been let back into the country, or at least not granted citizenship or allowed permanent residence.

    I had ancestors who fought in the American Revolution as revolutionaries, and also in the Way of 1812, as well as the Civil War. I am not sure if I had any ancestors who fought for the Union in the Civil War (I might have, but I do not know), but I did have ancestors who fought for the Confederacy.

  45. Andy: I do have ancestors on my mother’s side who fought for the United States in the War of 1812 as well. It is possible some of them fought in the US Army during the Revolution. I just haven’t found any documentation yet.

    What does my Tory ancestors on my father’s side have anything to do with my politics today? Why would the actions of those born in the 1750s bar their grandchildren born in the 1840s from moving to America? I realize that you hate the idea of immigration to the United States by any “foreigners”, but Jesus Christ Andy. For how many generations will you hold a grudge?

  46. Some people say political attitudes/views are inherited. You may have inherited the “Tory” gene, which makes you bow in subservience to self professed authority figures.

  47. Walter Ziobro: Equality before the law DOES mean equality of circumstance if one is born rich and white or not.

    My comment about a non existent Creator is supportive of my assertion that Rights come from government and not because humans are born with any Rights.

    For Rights to be inherent then they would have existed while humans were hunter gatherers living in small groups like chimpanzees.

    I argue that Rights came into existence for the first time shortly after humans invented agriculture. The ability to stockpile food led to the creation of the first cities. The need to protect your food and lives from bandits gave rise to agreements between individuals regarding mutual protection. Those agreements are the first governments. The specifics of those agreements are the first time that Rights came into being.

    Before the invention of government Rights did not exist.

  48. Andy: Political views are not found in DNA. I have never heard of any Scientist writing an article in any peer reviewed journal saying such a thing.

  49. Walter Ziobro: I think what I said about equal under the law could be a little difficult to understand the way I said it.

    To be clear I am saying that if one is born white, rich, and male then you are born with huge advantages that others will never have regardless of the written law.

    Being born a rich, white, male allows one to be above the law. It should not be that way, but it has been true in the United States from 1776 to this day

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