Kevin Zeese, a mainstay of the Green Party and the Howie Hawkins campaign, died unexpectedly on the evening of Saturday, September 5, at home, of an apparent heart attack.
Kevin Zeese, a mainstay of the Green Party and the Howie Hawkins campaign, died unexpectedly on the evening of Saturday, September 5, at home, of an apparent heart attack.
Let me go on the record immediately and say I am very skeptical of this “death”.
I am sorry but there has been so many of these in my personal and political life,
and in politics in America in general.
Remember the Star Trek episode where they are approaching a planet of mass illusionists?
Spock said It doesn’t work but it has to work. We are in a situation where what we see before us is unreliable. We are making observations that are unreliable.
Because the creatures in power are manipulating what we see before us.
Obvious ones include Judge Scalia, whose vacancy was to be replaced by Merrick Garland.
I have never heard of a sudden, EXPECTED apparent heart attack!
Dr. Marc Feldman who was called a terrorist then “died” under suspicious circumstances.
David Nolan who was getting into a fray in LP politics and suddenly “died”.
Dr. McFarland in Boulder, CO, my political mentor. “Died” in 2008, just when I was starting to make a political splash.
Nancy Benson, PhD also of Boulder. Who I made it no secret I wanted as a potential First Lady.
My Uncle Bill. Uncle Fred the Marine.
My own father recently.
Zeese I had mentioned along with Darcy Richardson as possible presidential material for the GP.
Along with myself.
Note that I proposed Jo Jorgensen as the best vp for a possible fusion ticket.
Then she got bit by a bat!
Now I have announced here in BAN comments that I am experiencing respiratory problems in this Pandemic. Wouldn’t take much for me to “die” then.
Oh, this is the saddest news I’ve hear in a long time. Kevin, who was a relatively young guy, was a committed activist and had me on as a guest on his morning radio show in D.C, a few years ago. I remember fondly the tremendous work he did with Theresa Amato during Ralph Nader’s presidential campaigns, especially Nader’s excruciatingly difficult 2004 effort — a year when the intrepid consumer activist was endlessly harassed by Democratic operatives intent on keeping Nader off various state ballots throughout the country.
Kevin’s passing is a huge loss for those of us who believe in open politics…
Kevin was a really, really decent person — and cared deeply about America’s under-served communities. I am so sorry to hear this. It’s so sad. God bless him and Margaret — and all of his loved ones.
There are two ways at least to quickly and decisively get to the bottom of this.
A reliable autopsy immediately of Zeese.
An exhumation of Nancy Benson, PhD.
“I’ve heard”
Really sad to hear this. I met him at a campaign party fourteen years ago when he was running for US Senate next door to me in Maryland. That was an event to remember. It was known as the “Unity Campaign” since he was simultaneously nominated by the Libertarian and Populist parties. Inspired me to run myself four years later.
PS: Get lost, Milnes.
Darcy, if that is you, am I getting through to you?
My personal/political sphere is a kiss of death evidently.
You could very well be next to “die” under unreliable circumstances.
Jeff Becker, No. You get lost.
Why don’t you get Richard to ban me from commenting?
Like I am banned from commenting in IPR?
Note that Zeese was posting a LOT of articles for the Howie campaign in IPR at the beginning of this election cycle.
“Darcy” You made an Andy tell.
Care to explain that?
As I have mentioned before an Andy tell is when he comments he almost always follows with a comment that is a typo correction.
I also remember that Unity campaign.
People said look Bob, Zeese has tried PLAS and it didn’t work!
No, that was not a reliable try of PLAS.
Darcy/Andy/paulie, even I have auto correct Spell check.
What is your problem with typos?
BAN all trolls — with or without typos.
Let them start their own websites and get zero visitors — except the google website search robot.
I am deeply sorry that half of this dynamic duo has died. Murder theories might wait a few days to allow grieving and celebration of the man’s Life. I am certain an autopsy will be performed. I hope Dr. Flowers is able to grieve first, and has the trusted support and love she needs right now. She has my love and support.
Heart attacks are the easiest way to dispatch someone with DEW Directed Energy Weapon.
I’ll miss him somewhat, but not totally.
I flat-out disagree with his take (like that of Maté, Blumenthal and the other allegedly outside the box foreign policy stenos) on all things China. It’s basically disgusting.
I also don’t fully agree with PNHP’s version of single-payer, to riff on Flowers, and I’m not alone there, either.
So, again, for those and other reasons, I’ll miss him somewhat, but not totally.
Oops …. missed a URL.
Here’s my take on why I’ll miss him somewhat, but not totally.
No. I disagree. Murder theories should not wait a few days.
Also, it goes way beyond murder theories.
I say the powers that be actually have co significant control over who lives and who “dies”.
e.g. I have said before that I do not believe Nancy Benson, my ex girlfriend, is not in that grave.
Her body. i.e. I believe she is not dead. Her death, funeral, burial, faked.
Same goes for my father. That is why I considered cutting his face off. To determine what that actually was.
His earthly remains or some sort of mannequin.
He “died” in federal custody in effect. In the VA in Philadelphia. Further I suspect my sister is a DHS operative against me. So double custody. I think he was drugged to make him “dementia”.
I think he wound up in the VA so should I try to “rescue” him, I could be charged with various felonies.
So I refused to visit him in protest and self defense.
Then he “died” reportedly from a urinary tract infection/sepsis.
I don’t think so.
So where are these people? Obviously in some sort of high security facility incommunicado.
Perhaps in Israel.
Further, my father acted peculiarly in several instances over the years. I think he also was recruited by the government to spy on me. But by the DoD. I think they appealed to his sense of patriotism. Pursuaded him to not tell me.
Now something about Margaret Flowers. She is on the GP Steering Committee. There was supposed to be a special Steering Committee meeting in my hometown Camden NJ late last year. To the best of my knowledge that meeting never happened. What was that all about?
What is going to happen to Zeese’s body?
Cremation could be promptly arranged.
We MUST insist on a transparent autopsy.
Who, when, where?
Why do you, wendy, are you so confident in an autopsy? Let alone a reliable autopsy.
I am not confident about ANYTHING about this.
The entire autopsy must be recorded in full and uploaded to YouTube. Otherwise how are we to know he’s not been kidnapped and locked up in Tel Aviv?
Also, if an open casket funeral is allowed, someone should remember to bring a pocket knife to make sure it is not a mannequin in the casket.
Another victim of Putin’s death squad — with their nerve poisons ???
RIP. Kevin Zeese was a great man.
If that was paulie commenting above as Darcy, I suspect Darcy has already been compromised.
That would explain A LOT.
Sure sounded sincere, didn’t it?
Unless Darcy comes here and proves he is Darcy, I am suspicious.
I very nearly do not trust any of you.
Wait, I thought the Andy tell identified Andy not paulie?
As a former Green Party State VP and as a member of the Libertarian and Democrat Parties, I am incredulous that the Deep State would consider anybody from the Green or Libertarian Parties to be a threat. Both are too insignificant to be on anybody’s radar screen.
Kevin Zeese was a great activist and I mourn his death. Robert Milnes, like any paranoid, should fear for his life. I mourn for him as well and hope he finds safety in Q Anon
@Wendy, he wasn’t murdered, of course. Don’t feed the trolls, people with mental health problems, etc.
And, at 64 and overweight for at least a decade (look at old pictures) a heart attack for Kevin wasn’t totally unexpected anyway, one could argue.
Quiet observer, yes, you are correct.
This is quite a complex operation run by paulie.
Andy fooled me. He is in on it.
So it was agreed that Andy would write the shocked and saddened fake condolences comment.
So is Socratic Gadfly.
Nice patronizing attitude mister gadfly.
Why should we believe anything YOU say? Howie fix in lover.
Everybody witness the longstanding gaslighting of me and my campaign for years.
Up to the poisoning of my cats and browning my evergreens.
Not to mention all the compromised people.
Add Andy and Darcy o that list.
Think of the magnitude of this operation.
Who else would have the capability AND the motive?
The democrats, republicans and Israel.
Russia and China are bit players. Note that my sister and my dead uncle Bill’s sister, my aunt joanne
are longtime associated with the democratic party.
The George Floyd murder was deliberate.
Trump badmouthing mail in voting deliberate.
The idea is to foment chaos for the November election.
Robert Milnes meet dep rep. Dep rep meet Robert Milnes.
You should go out more often Robert and not just to wallmart. You only live once.
This is awful- incredibly sad! Condolences to his family-We always lose the good ones while the low life lying scumbag boot lickers continue to destroy lie lie & lie-Expose them all daily! Let’s all be like Kevin – His memory shall be eternal -as his soul lives on…#BDS
I am sorry for his family, friends, lovers, mistresses and the like. But, I did not know him and I am not a huge fan of the Green Party.
Corinne Z,.
Yes BDS.
Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel.
The anniversary of 9/11 is coming up.
I think something is going to happen.
Quite some time ago I called for a military coup d etat including police and civilian leadership.
As opposed to a military coup without the police which would install a military leader/junta.
If they implement Top Six i.e. put Trump, Biden, Hawkins, Blankenship, Rocky, Jo on ALL ballots,
I would support it.
poison victim story
STATISTS KILL opponents or what — for 6,000 plus years ???
TOP killers in charge know nothing ??? Yeah. Sure.
Report: I feel a little better this morning.
I am tired so I will provide more details later.
OK. Short nap.
I have two things going on. Bad cold/mild covid. Very spread athletes foot.
The former viral, latter fungal.
Went to walmart Friday. Flareup of BOTH on Saturday. On Sunday morning I considered going to Urgent Care it go so bad. Very sore and swelled up right foot. Left food had gone down. I started getting a very sore throat and sneezing like crazy. I actually felt if it got worse I would have difficulty breathing.
But by afternoon I felt a little better.
This morning better further. Now a little better.
The only thing I can think of is a general suppression briefly of my whole immune system.
How could my political enemies accomplish that?
Whatever happened to Zeese was reportedly on late Friday.
Whatever happened to me was also on late afternoon Friday.
Simultaneous political assassination attempts?
I want Darcy to come to BAN comments and prove it is him and tell us what is going on with him.
Note the time differential. It is now 5:40 where I am East coast.
Just to be clear, I did not have bad cold/covid when I went to walmart on friday afternoon. I would not do that.
It hit me early Saturday. I concluded I caught it at walmart.
The only other place I went to was to send a package at a ship and print shop and then to a bank drive in.
Of course I had a mask on at shipping place. I did not have mask on and did have window down at bank drive in.
Entrance at walmart monitored for mandatory mask.
A simultaneous exposure to covid AND an immunosuppressive?
In that case I should test positive for covid/antibodies. Like I said before I had a bad cold/covid in April. Lasted a few days.
So, did somebody figure to give me a second try with an additional jolt immunosuppressive?
Jesus Christ, Milnes. TWENTY THREE (23) posts on this thread and all just full of bullshit, NONE with any respect to the deceased. You are now officially a bigger douche than Demo Rep.
Milnes off his meds,
First of all I am not convinced he is deceased.
Second, I named him and Darcy as second/third choice to me as best man for fusion ticket.
That is how much respect I have for him and Darcy. That should go without saying.
Third, f u.
It seems pretty obvious the same people who killed Zeese are now trying to kill Milnes by infecting him with covid.
Did you see any orientals at walmart?
Where in Hell is Darcy?
I am starting to think there is no Darcy Richardson. Kind of like there is no William S. Saturn.
Has anyone ever met either of these men? I have not.
Tom Knapp, have you ever MET Darcy Richardson?
Oh sure there is an online presence. No photo of WSS but some of Darcy. A handsome middle aged white guy, grey hair. And when he wrote a comment in IPR I swooned. And the comment above in Darcy’s name written by Andy, well, my eyes welled up. Bastards.
Andy must be a real person. Because of the Andy Tell.
What is he doing writing a great comment using Darcy’s name?
Somebody prove me wrong!
WSS has at least two websites that I know of. And a significant presence in wiki news. I had many an email conversation with him over the years. I asked, almost begged, to meet. I thought I had an online friend.
Eventually I gave up. Hey, if the guy wants his privacy, his anonymity, well who am I?
Let’s examine, thoroughly, Zeese’s body.
If it is him, and I want definitive ID,
then let us find out the cause and manner of death.
I have been watching The Justice Channel Now The True Crime Channel.
And if it is not him, who or what is it?
While we are at it, let’s exhume Nancy Benson, PhD.
my ex girlfriend. Reportedly buried in Boulder, Colorado.
I understand she got married just before she “died”.
I believe that was in 2012.
So she has a husband, and two daughters.
I say her body is not in that grave.
As to what is in there, I do not know. Maybe nothing.
Let’s find out.
Also I am ok with exhuming my father.
I think what was present in his casket that day was a very high quality mannequin.
Robert you and demo rep should get together. I’m sure you would strike a great friendship. Perhaps we can organize a zoom conference Like that we can see how you two are really like in real life.
Robert Milnes should contact the Travel Channel, and see if any of their mediums can discern the causes of these mysterious deaths.
I do not see Darcy here telling me it is really, really him and I should get some help.
I do not see Tom Knapp here saying it is really, really him and yes he has actually seen Darcy recently and it was really, really him and I should get some help.
I have NEVER heard ANYBODY say they have seen WSS recently and it was really, really him and I should get some help.
If anybody cares, just woke up from short nap.
I feel a little better.
Right foot a little better.
Sneezing stopped. Slight cough stopped. Sniffles stopped. Sore throat gone.
That’s good to hear.
thank you.
Ok, crickets. We are going to make some noise about this.
Zeese lives in Maryland, right? What town/city?
Where did this heart attack happen? Was he taken to a hospital?
Directly to Coroner, medical examiner or funeral home?
We are going to contact ALL the authorities and people involved.
Maryland State police,
FBI-yes. They might be involved but we should not prejudge. They should be given the chance to do their job.
Was anyone with him when it happened?? Other witnesses?
Contact the police of the municipalities involved.
I want an exact timeline 24 hours before this and 24 hours after.
As far as I am concerned it is a possible homicide.
And feel free to mention me and the coincidence of what happened to me and him at about the same time-late Friday.
Late Friday/weekend is a known timeframe to pull various stunts.
Leak a story to minimize effect. Police have a trick to wait until late Friday to make an arrest to hinder bail and court proceedings. etc.
Zeese could be alive. He could really be kidnapped and taken to Tel Aviv. See comment above.
What happened to me, if it was an assassination attempt, clearly intended to kill.
However murder is a very serious business. I think some of these players hedge their bets.
Kidnap rather than murder. Just in case somebody gets caught. Some are genuinely religious and shrink from murder.
Dirty political tricks ok. Murder, not so much.
Let’s face it. After years of ridiculing me and PLAS, if I had died on Saturday, Sunday or Monday, evidently just another covid victim, no biggie. Maybe somebody would have heard and wrote a comment in IPR or BAN. Hey remember that crazy Bob Milnes? Died of covid. Oh yeah? oh well.
So, throw in Zeese dying, well, that gets prompt headlines. Bob Milnes would get immediately lost in the wake of that.
So that is my take. I, and PLAS, was the target. Zeese was a good political enemy to hit to be rid of and divert attention from dead Bob and PLAS.
If I were to die, I do not see anyone taking on the mantle of PLAS.
Maybe I am wrong.
Maybe someday.
But I do not see it.
Very few people have shown much interest.
But I am sure there have been supercomputer studies verifying it.
Somebody knows it is for real.
There has never been a fair and representative election in The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Because of Duverger’s Law.
Kevin was quoted in a recent article about a rally for the USPS in Baltimore.
Timeline: Reportedly Zeese has an evident unexpected heart attack late in the evening of Saturday, September 6.
Not much more information available.
This in itself is suspicious.
BAN first posts about it the next morning. That is pretty quick. Especially when compared to IPR which didn’t post until the 8th by WSS.
Meanwhile I have gone to Walmart late Friday afternoon September 5th. By Saturday morning I am feeling a bad cold/mild covid coming on. Later Saturday much worse my cold/covid and right athletes foot much worse.
Sunday morning I am first to comment on BAN post. My cold/covid getting MUH worse.
So whoever is watching Bob Milnes and Kevin know Bob is complaining of something that is supposed to be fatal Time to hit Zeese. He is home. Make sure it gets out to the media asap.
Meanwhile Bob dies. Probably nobody finds him for days. Huge news about Zeese totally eclipses any reaction by the clueless sheep politicos.
Another fine Progressive activist dies, seemingly before his time.
No way to prove anything of course, but still hard not to harbor at least some suspicion.
An even less-likely death was that of Michael Brooks in July, who had been a major Progressive
podcaster and critic of Israel. Brooks was 36, was slim and looked to be in good health.
He reportedly died of a blood clot in his throat. WTF?
If more progressive deaths keep happening, a clear pattern will be established.
We all must keep our eyes open!
Thank you for your comment.
Wasn’t nikto one of the words Klatuu told Patricia Neil to say to Gort so he would not blast her?
Michael Brooks was jewish. I do not think Israel would murder a jew, even an outspoken progressive anarchist.
His transgression was probably being so anti Israel.
This reminds me of the sudden death by cancer of my Primary Care physician Dr. Diane Barton of Cherry Hill several
years ago. Later I realized she was probably jewish.
I had just come back from camping/gold mining in the National Forest in CA. I was very buff because I had concentrated on leg lifts, toning my abdomen. Quite the sixpack if I do say so myself!
I had overheard a couple of nurses giggling about me shirtless and the doctor seeing me.
Later I got to thinking could her transgression have been their not wanting any possibility of her and I getting involved?
Sounds like ego, doesn’t it? But no, I rally think this.
To clarify: I think Brooks and Barton were kidnapped and taken to Israel.
Is anyone reading this thread anymore?
Please comment if you are.
Richard, thanks for posting this report. I was just planning to call Kevin when I heard of his death. The circumstances are similar to those of Bob Edger, President of Common Cause. After Bob’s demise from a sudden heart attack while in perfect health and at the peak of his game in pursuit of the enemies of democracy, Robert Reich, Chairman of Common Cause stated that “we ordinary people have to bring about reform. We can’t rely upon leaders, because leaders become martyrs.”
We must have leaders to achieve democratic reforms. We must terminate the deep state’s licence to kill.
Best regards,
Cliff Arnebeck