Florida Rights Restoration Coalition Raises $20,000,000 to Pay Court Costs and Fines So that 32,000 More Voters May Register

The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition has raised $20,000,000 to pay court costs and fines for approximately 32,000 individuals may qualify to register to vote. See this story. Most of the money came from Mike Bloomberg. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Florida Rights Restoration Coalition Raises $20,000,000 to Pay Court Costs and Fines So that 32,000 More Voters May Register — 39 Comments

  1. Sounds like a quid pro quo. I pay your fines, you must vote. (Wink wink nod nod). Bloomberg is a sinister human being. One of the worst humans ever to walk this Earth.

  2. There is no quid pro quo. There is no contract. The secret ballot would not make such a deal possible.

  3. Bloomberg is a great American doing a very good thing. There is no reason to deny felons the right to vote once they have completed their sentence. Thank you Mike!

  4. Come on Richard, of course there is. I can see Bloomberg now, “I’ll pay your fines, but you must vote Democrat up and down the ballot.” With Florida a swing state, Harris, err I mean Biden needs all the votes she, err I mean he can get.

  5. How many of the convicts due to very selective prosecution and FALSE rigged evidence ???

    Elector definition in ALL of the USA — States/DC/colonies –

    USA Citizen, 18+ years olde, be registered by 28 days before election days. PERIOD.

  6. This sounds like a good thing, but it should be perfectly clear what Michael Bloomberg’s motivation is, and that is to deliver more votes to Joe Biden and other Democrats. Keep in mind that Michael “Stop and Frisk” Bloomberg is a lover of the police state, and is the chief financier of the gun control movement in this country, and the candidate Bloomberg is backing for President, Joe Biden, is also a lover of the police and gun control, plus, Biden has a long history of being a proponent of the War on Drugs. Bloomberg knows that statistically speaking, a high percentage of these people will vote Democrat, and to further facilitate this, he is pouring lots of money into GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts.

    It would be great if Libertarians could reach out to these felons, and get them all to vote Libertarian, but we all know this is not going to happen, and the likely scenario is that most of them will vote for Democrats.

    Robert Stock, the fact that you’d refer to Michael Bloomberg, a man who has utter disdain for the Bill of Rights, in particular the 2nd and 4th amendments, a “great American,” sheds light on why you liked Bill Weld and Lincoln Chafee while you were in the Libertarian Party, and makes me glad that you are no longer in the Libertarian Party.

  7. This Florida policy of making people pay money before they can vote is a vicious poll tax. What’s next? Debtors’ prisons?

  8. Debtors prisons already exist. They’re just regular prisons. When you unpack why some people are locked up it is actually just debt.

  9. Andy: I left the Libertarian Party because there are too many assholes, conspiracy theorists, and (in my opinion) mentally ill people in the LP.

    It’s true that there are assholes, conspiracy theorists, and mentally ill in every political party, but only the Libertarian Party has a majority of members who are assholes, conspiracy theorists, mentally ill.

    I have never been told by other Democratic party members that I am not a real Democrat because I disagree with them on a few issues or support a candidate that they do not like.

  10. Really? I’ve heard many Democrats call others out for not being Democrat enough, same with Republicans.

  11. Robert, liking Michael Bloomberg puts you very far away from being a libertarian, and it also sheds light on your support for Bill Weld and Lincoln Chafee back during your LP days. It sounds like you are more at home in the Democratic Party.

  12. I agree that as a general principle, once a person serves their time behind bars, they should have their rights restored, including their right to vote, but let’s not pretend that Michael Bloomberg is a freedom loving guy, or that he is doing this for any reason beyond using it to bring in more votes for Joe Biden and other Democrats.

  13. Andy: I changed my voter registration from Libertarian to Democratic in June of this year. According to Oklahoma law the change officially took place on September 1st. I now have my new voter registration card and I feel right at home.

  14. Which of the 2 has more $$$ LOOTERS of public treasuries [ aka special interest gangsters ] —

    commie Donkeys or fascist Elephants ???

  15. During this election season I have heard the ‘not a real Democrat’ argument used by Democrats against both John Delaney and Bernie Sanders, as well as all of Sander’s supporters.

  16. Jim: Bernie Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He is an independent who ran for the Democratic nomination. I don’t know anything about John Delaney.

    But no Democrat has told me that I am not a real Democrat and what happens to me is the only thing that I care about.

  17. Sanders – one of the last Lenin bolsheviks or what ???

    How many DEAD / murdered by Lenin bolsheviks in various areas ???

    — in civil wars / purges ??? Russia, China, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc etc etc.

  18. How many members of ENEMY parties who maintain the UN-EQUAL partisan INDIVIDUAL candidate ballot access laws in the USA are BAN posters ???

    IE – Donkey commie enemies / agents / spies / trolls

    IE – Elephant fascist enemies / agents / spies / trolls

  19. “what happens to me is the only thing that I care about.” – perhaps you were right to leave the Libertarian party

  20. “what happens to me is the only thing that I care about.” – perhaps you were right to leave the Libertarian party–Brandon Lyon
    Actually, in the Libertarian Party, we are all about Rational Self-Interest. So I would ask Robert K. Stock to consider registering back into the LP and even joining the national party.
    The Libertarian Party has fought long and hard in OK over the decades, and we hate the thought of losing even one registrant over who they supported for president!
    Welcome back, Mr. Stock!

  21. Robert stock is correct about the so called libertarian party. They may sound good on the surface but once you scratch that surface you encounter a vipers den of conspiracy nuts, white nationalists, male supremacists, antisemitic and anti Muslim bigots, alt right wackos and barely concealed right wing republicans and more extreme far right nuts. Andy Jacobs is the prototypical party member. To hell with these mentally ill evil clowns and their schizophrenic party.

  22. Last time I checked, the LP has more SJWs commies than ever, and I’d hardly consider them right wing. That’s why I left.

  23. There is a great quote from Larry Sharpe that goes something like, “A libertarian is someone who thinks you can be as conservative or liberal as you want to be, you just don’t have the right to force those views on other people.”

  24. While it certainly is a rational self interest for as many people as possible to embrace the libertarian philosophy, I do not think it serves a rational self interest, at least for those who actually care about liberty, to have somebody who thinks that Michael Bloomberg is a “great American” to be involved in any decision making in the Libertarian Party, or to be representing themselves to the public as a libertarian. Sure, Michael Bloomberg has made a lot of money, but as a person, he is not so good, and as a politician and political activist, he is very anti-liberty, which makes him terrible.

  25. I would say that Michael Bloomberg is one of the greatest threats to what is left of liberty in this country that there is.

    Keep in mind the Michael Bloomberg is the number one financier of the gun control movement. Get rid of gun rights, or severely restrict them to the point where they are useless, and you can kiss liberty goodbye.

  26. Any “sjw commies ” in the l.p. Are outnumbered about 80 to 1. Far right crybullies can’t tolerate even a tiny minority disagreeing with them, no matter how ineffectual. The republican party is likely a pretty good fit for you these days. Personally I don’t find any of them to be a good fit for me. I’m not seeing anyone worth voting for even if I trusted the vote count, which I don’t. I think I’ll go hunting,fishing and camping the whole first week of November and as much of October as I can get away with

  27. “Most of the money came from Mike Bloomberg.”

    I’m guessing Hizzoner wouldn’t pay to get the ex-cons’ firearms rights restored. To paraphrase Mr Stock above, “There is no reason to deny felons the right to [self-defense] once they have completed their sentence. “

  28. There would not be as many felons if it were not for people like Michael Bloomberg and Joe Biden pushing in favor of victimless “crimes”, a bigger police state, and more police harassing people.

  29. Bloomberg is right on this one. He is wrong on any number of other things. Like the vast majority of people he isn’t all good or all bad. This particular thing he’s doing is good. Do all of you always mention every bad thing anyone is known for any time they do something good?

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