Democratic Party Asks for Rehearing in Florida Ballot Access Case

On September 24, the Democratic Party asked for a rehearing en banc in the Eleventh Circuit in Jacobson v Lee, 19-14552. This is the lawsuit over the Florida law on the order of candidates on general election ballots. The three-judge panel of the Eleventh Circuit in this case ruled 2-1 that ballot order lawsuits cannot be filed in federal courts, because they are “political”. This was an absurd conclusion that has no support in the previous fifty years of federal litigation over ballot order.

The Florida law says the all the nominees of the party that won the last gubernatorial election will be listed first on the ballot.


Democratic Party Asks for Rehearing in Florida Ballot Access Case — 2 Comments

  1. Google launched off our backs in October of 1997, targeted and deleted our data from Usenet when internet started privatization and called it Google Groups after my data was censored and traffic was directed to one-party system of Roberts Rules of Order where 1800s math is used.

    The party bosses love Robert’s Rules of Order because they protect their status as insiders.

    The new math is limited voting, and the Droop Quota, but the one-party insiders block multiple-winner election districts so to protect their status as dictators.

  2. NOOOO such thing as a *political question**- regardless of

    Each act/omission does/does not violate the LAW — part of LAW 000000001
    [which been under attack by New Age BARBARIANS for many decades].

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