Don Blankenship Joins Free & Equal Presidential Debate, so Debate Will Include Five Candidates

Don Blankenship, Constitution Party presidential nominee, has accepted the invitation to the presidential debate sponsored by Free & Equal and Open the Debates. The other four candidates who had already accepted are Brian Carroll, American Solidarity Party; Howie Hawkins, Green; Gloria La Riva, Party for Socialism & Liberation; and independent Brock Pierce.

The debate will be in-person in Denver on October 8, Thursday, at 6 p.m. Denver time. It will be live-streamed.

The invitation was extended to all presidential candidates on the ballot in at least eight states. Those who declined to participate are Jo Jorgensen, Rocky De La Fuente, and Kanye West. The major party candidates are contractually unable to accept because the Commission on Presidential Debates does not permit its debaters to participate in any other debates.


Don Blankenship Joins Free & Equal Presidential Debate, so Debate Will Include Five Candidates — 59 Comments

  1. Who is this Robert Milnes guy? What candidate do you support?You don’t want spirited debate among candidates with different perspectives?Are you a disgruntled former CP member?

  2. The argument for Jorgensen not attending, at least to me, is that out of the candidates participating, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, who has ballot access in 29 states, plus DC, is the only one who is on enough ballots to even have a theoretical chance to win the election. I think the rest of the candidates are on less than 20 ballots. Jorgensen is on in all 50 states, plus DC.

    The argument in favor of Jorgensen attending is that it is a debate, and it is a chance for her to put her ideas up against the other candidates, and gain publicity for her campaign, and for the Libertarian Party.

    Given the very weak ballot access for most of the candidates, I would not be that upset if she did not attend. What would I do if I was the candidate? I would probably go, just because I like to debate, and I think i could beat the other candidates, and during the debate, I would frequently remind people that I am the only candidate besides Biden and Trump who will be on the ballot in all 50 states, plus DC, and that none of the other candidates are even close.

    If Jorgensen skips this debate, I think she should at least debate Howie Hawkins.

  3. @Vg Milnes is a former presidential candidate for the Libertarian nomination back in 2008. His goal was forming a progressive alliance with the Greens.

  4. Howie Hawkins ballot position is not that weak. His name will be on the ballot in states that contain 73% of the 2016 electorate. Hawkins tends to be on the ballot in populous states, but not small states.

  5. Everybody, note the date on the link provided by “Alix”. August 5, 2013.
    I authorized WSS William S. Saturn to edit on my website, The PLAS Place.
    The only one other than myself. “He” and I had quite a relationship especially
    during the BTP Boston Tea Party nomination in 2011.
    But I believe something happened to “him”. Around August 2013. Several people were involved in communications at that time involving WSS including Jill Pyeatt and Warren “Solomon” Redlich.
    What happened? I think either he was kidnapped or was using and part of a multi person use identity with access to Israeli supercomputers.
    To the best of my knowledge, there is no photo available of WSS and no one has ever met in person WSS. Including me.

  6. Richard, can you verify Andy’s assertion that Hawkins has enough ballot access to theoretically win?
    If so, I may very well hold my nose and vote for him as I am at the end of the day, a Green.
    But to answer Vg, I am in a very complicated position as to who to support or vote for.
    Nothing I have tried to do over the years has come to fruition.
    I do not like how Hawkins was nominated and I and others were snubbed.
    Also his selection of Walker solidified a Kiss of Death socialist ticket for the GP.
    I tried to get Jo to form a fusion PLAS ticket. Nothing.
    Yet she is along with Biden and Trump on all ballots.
    NJ is a “safe” state but even so I might could vote Biden just to add a vote against Trump.
    The situation is so messe4d up that I am in a very awkward situation.

  7. RM-

    LONG effort to get Am Rev War started 1761-1775

    Much longer effort to get slavery abolished 1619-1865

  8. R.M., it is my assertion, right in the blog post. Hawkins is on the ballot in states that contain 73% of the presidential popular vote from 2016. He is on the ballot in six of the seven most populous states.

  9. I would say that ballot access for Hawkins is weak compared to Jo Jorgensen’s ballot access, and also compared to 2016 Green Party candidate for President, Jill Stein, who was on the ballot in 44 states, plus DC.

  10. Maybe I am not asking the question well.
    Could Hawkins possibly theoretically win the election.
    i.e. if Hawkins won all the ballots he is on would it add up to 270 Electoral College votes or more?
    Highly unlikely, but possible.

  11. I believe that Hawkins is on enough ballots to have a theoretical chance to win the election.

  12. Andy – I think about 3 weeks ago you were asking if there were any other Presidential elections where the LP candidate had as many as the 12 states where Jorgensen is sole opposition to the Rs and Ds.

    I looked it up. The answer is no. Here’s a list (in the table below the chart) of all of the elections where a 3rd party candidate had no other 3rd party competitors on the ballot:

  13. Not that big of a deal. I’m assuming she is on pace for roughly 0.75% based on her fundraising to date and how other LP candidates have done. What I mean is:

    Assume she increases her vote total by 1/3rd in the states where no one else is on the ballot. All that does is boost her to 1% in 12 states. Maybe that will tip the balance in terms of future ballot access in some places, but it’s only going to get her another 200,000 votes nationally, at best.

    But, I do think the campaign would be better served by heavy internet advertising in those 12 states, rather than traveling all over the place.

  14. Do you think Jorgensen will break 1 million votes?

    I expect she will get less votes than Gary Johnson got in 2016, in large part due to the dynamics of the race being different, but I think she has a good chance of getting over 1 million votes.

  15. I think 1 million is roughly the floor for Libertarians right now and Jorgensen will be just above that. I think she will get 1 – 1.2 million. Johnson in 2012 got 1.3 million.

  16. I agree with some of the people here that Libertarian party should only debate with the Green Party. I assume they don’t want to do that because they managed to get ballot access to all of the states. The libertarian party wants to be viewed as THE alternative party to the Republican and Democrat parties and may therefore feel it would not be in its best interest to organize a debate between Howie and Jo.

  17. See what I mean?
    I am Green.
    Hold my nose and vote for Howie? Hope for better in 2024?
    Vote for Jo? Full ballot access. Unprecedented less third party opposition.
    Even if I donated 60k, Duverger’s law is too powerful.
    It is super ironic that the LP is the best third party at ballot access but only has a max 13% vote bloc.
    They need to coalition with SOMEONE to get enough votes to win.

  18. L.p. Should cease and desist and merge with Republican party to win. There is no serious difference between the two and most real libertarians are already GOP and supporting TRUMP. That leaves only a bunch of weird antifa burn loot murder supporters like jo the Marxist and spike the neocon Zionist turn antifa burn loot murder still claiming to be the L.P. Which is at best a sad joke and not fooling anyone anymore. There will be only one party winning from now on which is Republican and that’s the only way to win. Everyone else will lose forever and be publicly humiliated each time. Luckily for libertarians, all real libertarians are actually Republicans especially now that TRUMP is removing all the neocons and establishment country club rhinos from the GOP.

  19. I represent the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth ,what entity do you represent, troll?

  20. Are you with the FBI, CIA, NSA, Republican Party, or are you with the JIDF, Mossad, ADL, or SPLC? Or perhaps you ate with some other entity?

  21. I’m a Republican but speak only for myself. What entity tells you what to say?

  22. I see you haven’t answered the question, troll. What are you hiding? Obviously something…

  23. I’ll say again, “Show me one of Jorgensen’s economic policies or any quotes from her speeches that is in any way marxist.” I’m sick of the 6 degrees of being a marxist; this is just as bad as claiming someone is a nazi because they supported someone who supported someone who supported someone who was a nazi

  24. @Andy: “Do you think Jorgensen will break 1 million votes?”

    @ Jim “I think 1 million is roughly the floor for Libertarians right now”

    Mathematical vote estimate model suggests Jorgensen’s return will at least be in the range of 2,104,546 and 3,060,151. With a point estimate at: 2,582,349.

    This model is a trend estimate only. It does not consider extenuating factors like printed ballot access in all 50 states, candidate charisma, campaign venues, “voter fed-upped-ness,” etc. Point being: I think both your estimates are unduly pessimistic.

  25. Kicking out 1972 as an outlier (the initial Libertarian starting point), yields an historical average of 872,711 up ballot votes. With printed ballot access repeated back-to-back in all 50 states, and with relatively strong earned media being generated from her campaign whistle stops, Jorgensen’s 2020 campaign should return well above “average”.

    Jorgensen’s support (speculation on my part) is substantially more than what she is being credited. As foundation, recent “voter interest echo” in response to the 1st 2020 Democrat/Republican “presidential debate” indicates this.

    Name recognition is key. Logically, given the massive traffic pushed onto Jorgensen’s campaign website as a result of the 1st debate, voters certainly knew enough in general about Jorgensen’s candidacy to prompt that “dial in” to her website. Voters already recognize Jorgensen is the alternative choice versus the routine fare of embittered partisan pabulum as served by the duopoly.

  26. Has Jorgensen bent over too far in kissing the rear ends of left SJW’s? I would say yes. Does this make her a Marxist? NO. She holds lots of policy positions which put her pretty far away from being a Marxist.

  27. Quirk’s American Third Party Report reported an article by Eric Boehm with regarding Jorgensen.

    Wholly unlike Mr. Biden, who has refused to release his list of Supreme Court nominees, candidate Jorgensen did release a rather impressive and lengthy list of Supreme Court Justice nominees, none of whom are Marxist oriented jurists.

    Jorgensen’s list is very credible. They’re Cato Institute and Federalist Society members mostly. The general view
    of Jorgensen’s judiciary opinion is summed up by one of her potential nominees, Janice Rogers Brown, who stated:

    “Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates, and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies.”

    That is in no way Marxist.

  28. “Show me one of Jorgensen’s economic policies or any quotes from her speeches that is in any way marxist.” – me

    “She supports the Marxist BLM. She’s an SJW. There’s two points right there.” – spambot

    Neither of those are anywhere close to what I asked for, they are just your opinions

  29. “She was just endorsed by a Marxist. She is one, no doubt about it.” – spambot

    So I guess that makes Trump a white-supremacist since several have endorsed him?

  30. Jo Jorgensen supports eliminating the welfare state, getting the government out of healthcare, getting the government out of education, repealing gun control laws, ending the Federal Reserve System, and ending the income tax and replacing it with nothing. I do not like her “open borders” unlimited, unrestricted immigration stance, as it would only work in a private property, anarcho-capitalist society, which would not have that, and since Jorgensen is a minarchist, or is at least running on a monarchist platform, I do not think her immigration stance is workable. I also do not care for some of the bending over backwards she has done to appease left wing Social Justice Warriors, but in all fairness, the majority of her issue stances put her pretty far from being a Marxist.

  31. Does she, or is she lying to fool libertarians? Wasn’t she out of the party for decades? Why is she pushing SJW points? Why did a Marxist just endorse her?

  32. I think Jo Jorgensen is a libertarian. She is just a bit naive and has spent a bit too much time hanging around with left wing SWJ’s on college campuses.

  33. All that shows is that Andy is also secretly a Marxist pretending to be a libertarian just like jo, if that wasn’t apparent enough simply from the fact that he hasn’t gone 100% GOP FOR TRUMP even at this last stage. I seriously doubt there are any real Ron Paul tea party libertarians left but if there are what are you still waiting for? It’s past time to abandon the Marxist rats on the sinking fake L.P. And jump on board the SS WINNING TEAM with all the real libertarians and TRUMP!

  34. Jo is a Marxist because no one else would support and March with burn loot murder and antifa. Not a single one if their demon-strations has ever been peaceful. Every single person who attended one was there solely to burn, loot and murder at the direct personal orders of George Soros who also pays them on behalf of Satan. That means that jo and spike are themselves personally Marxists who have engaged in burning, looting and murdering directly under demonic orders from and paid by George Soros and his father satan. This is all the proof anyonr should ever need.

  35. Should read anyone. Should read Ron Paul newsletters. They were always 100 percent true and on the money and a lot of it is still relevant and true all these years later. Should read protocols of learned elders of Zion. Should read David Icke. Should read Imperium. Should read Art of the Deal and all TRUMP divine revelations. Should read book of revelations every day and target practice every day. Should pray to TRUMP at least five times a day or more.

  36. Should read My Awakening by David Duke. Ron Paul newsletters said he is a real libertarian. So did he. And Lew Rockwell, Stefan Molyneux, Rand Paul, Alex Jones, Bob Barr, Wayne Root, Eric Dondero, Jerry Falwell Jr and all other real libertarians support TRUMP and that’s good enough for me. Keep the Confederate flag flying high and the gun powder dry.

  37. Andy has revealed himself to be yet another Marxist sjw plant pretending to be a real libertarian like everyone or just about everyone left in the fake L.P. The Ron Paul institute has been warning us about these jokers for many years now. Do not be fooled by them, accept only genuine certified party endorsed GOP CANDIDATES AND LOOK FOR THE TRUMP, T PARTY, RON AND RAND PAUL AND Q ANON seal of approval in Republican primaries.

  38. Or better yet just do like TRUMP said and throw out all ballots forever. HOPPE WAS THE FIRST to show that democracy has failed. Real libertarians are monarchists, not minarchists. And now TRUMP and libertarians for TRUMP have revealed that TRUMP is our perfect monarch and ruler for all time in the new kingdom of heaven on earth foretold in Revelations. This is why he said he is King of the Jews, a term of biblical significance, and that He is Perfect and divine, and that we must throw out all ballots , end all primary and general elections and accept permanent Rule by Divine Right until the end of time by our perfect immortal God Emperor TRUMP and those he appoints to rule under him in His perfect absolute monarchy.

  39. Should read of. Google is a tool of Satan and Soros and China and Dementia Joe and Hunter Biden and Crooked Hillary and the Marxist sjws who keep calling the sheriff about my dogs barking.

  40. @ the multiple moniker troll

    “all the real libertarians and TRUMP!”

    You do understand the distinction between libertarian and libertine, do you not?

  41. Libertarians are for TRUMP and libertines are for Marxist jo who is actually just dementia Joe in drag. And even if she’s not, which I do believe she is, she may as well be. TRUMP is the second coming of Jesus. HE is perfect and without sin.

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