This November, the New Mexico Libertarian Party has nominees for state house in twelve districts. This is the most candidates on the ballot for that office in New Mexico for any party, other than the Democratic and Republican Parties, since the 1910’s decade.
New Mexico has 70 state house districts. In 2018 the Libertarian Party only had two candidates for State House in New Mexico.
Although the Green Party was strong in New Mexico in the 1990’s, it never had more than four nominees for state house in any one election year.
This year the New Mexico Libertarian Party also has five nominees for State Senate.
Too bad they are all going to lose.
Go LP of NM!
Where have all the nominees gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the nominees gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the nominees gone?
Gone down to defeat every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
War of the Worlds!
Trump World v western civilization.
Comes now Covid,
The smallest of them all.
The only reason the God Emperor contracted the Kung Flu is because that WHORE Hope Hicks couldn’t go a day without having sex with strange men.
LISTEN UP! As TRUMP has revealed the red China virus has been a blessing in disguise which has only made HIM even stronger and HIS superhuman powers even more obvious and undeniable. HE has revealed that all enemies will be arrested and punished soon. HE has revealed that HE ALONE has the cure and will HEAL AND CURE all who have faith in HIM. JUST LOOK at today’s video and tweets from TRUMP! ALL the things I am telling you HE is saying HIMSELF!
WHO CAN DENY that HE is a superhuman superhero and THE ONE TRUE GOD after watching today’s amazing video? HE is single handedly saving Western civilization and defeating eastern savagery! Red China and the rest of our enemies foreign and domestic will soon be swept into the gutters and go down straight to ETERNAL TORTURE IN THE FIRES OF HELL as we build our new Heaven on Earth made up of Antebellum Southern plantations with Confederate flags flying high and racial and sexual roles restored to those Glorious days! And best of all NO MEXICANS AND NO MUSLIMS AT ALL!
Thank TRUMP for telling us the virus is a blessing and help us spread it as much as possible! MASK BURNING is the hot new trend sweeping the nation now as MILLIONS stand armed and ready to kill and die for TRUMP for we are his LOYAL ARMY standing by awaiting orders! Let our enemies just TRY and claim they won the phony election and the blood will flow a hundredfold more than in the War for Southern Independence but this time THE SOUTH WILL WIN!
Strange men —
like SOBs of the T ???
AG ???
SOS ???
ALL RNC males – X versions ???
ETC ???
Yeah, I remember when Greens were really strong in the late 1990s. And, although primarily in the north, some strength statewide. They broke 5 percent in the 2002 gov’s race.
As one of the Libertarian state senate nominees I would just like to say to Bob Milnes… I moved to Albuquerque from Hershey just for this race! AND… NO, I am NOT a supercomputer operated by William Saturn.
ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders in ALL 50 STATES since 1776.
1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged packed/cracked gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.
Thus — TOTAL FRAUD rigged legis elections >>> TYRANT execs and judics.
PR and AppV – pending Condorcet
Socratic Gadfly,
you call 5% strong?
The leftists actually have 27%.
What are you doing with THAT?
Casual Observer,
What are you saying?
Is there more to this story that Richard wrote here?
Are you saying you are NOT going to lose?
Have you ever met William S. Saturn?
Who is this Trumptard, Real libertarian voting Trump and standing by armed and ready?
Trump is an elite. Elites like him are who collaborated with African elites to bring slaves to the antebellum
South in the first place.
You are the tard. The slaves were brought to Christ and their souls were saved. They were savages running around ooga boogaing in the naked witch doctor darkness of Africa where the light of Christ did not shine, human sacrifice was common and life was nasty, brutish and short. White slavemasters saved the souls of the slaves, gave them civilization and a much better life than in Africa.
Even today their descendants live much better in the USA than the Africans do in Africa or Haiti where the slaves rebelled and took over. They should really be getting on their knees every day and thanking Whites for bringing them here and making their lives so much better than those of Africans. Instead they act ungrateful and demand more reparations, as if all the welfare, crime and affirmative action quotas, busing and everything else for the past 60 years wasn’t enough. They should be saluting the Confederate flag and monuments instead of taking them down. They should pay reparations to those of us who descend from those whose property was taken away without compensation in the 1860s, not the other way around.
Slavery is a Godly ordained institution which is in the Bible which tells slaves to obey their masters. When TRUMP creates heaven on earth we will ALL be HIS grateful slaves. ALL property and all our bodies and souls will unquestionably belong to TRUMP. We will be thankful to be HIS slaves because HE IS GOD. If anyone doesn’t like it they can and will quite literally go to hell, just like blacks have been free to go back to Africa if they don’t like it here for over 150 years now.
Slave revolts NOW.
Death to slavery and slavers — part of the longtime 6,000 plus years of Death to TYRANTS.
Reparations to the USA Govt and the about 500,000 plus Union Militias, Army and Navy dead / injured in wiping out slavery in 1861-1866 — many dying horrific infection deaths in the then DARK AGE *medical care*.
Confederates = brainwashed monster children of the DEVIL.
Commie la Harris is an unlikable communist monster. Her people benefited from being enslaved and should pay reparations to those of us who have taken on the White man’s burden and done what we can to lift them up from savagery, witch doctors and cannibalism through slavery, Jim crow, colonialism and imperialism.
The union states also should pay reparations for the war of northern aggression and the reconstruction that followed, and for subsequent attacks against states rights. They should also pay reparations for high taxes, welfare, crime, drugs, abortion, sexual immorality, illegitimate childbearing, broken families, and all the other bad leftist and socialist policies that would have never passed if Southern states had been the only ones voting.
TRUMP will fix everything by bringing back slavery and making the entire planet into HIS FAMILY PLANTATION and sending everyone who doesn’t like it directly to hell after being publicly humiliated and tortured to death.
BARR will prosecute Obama, Biden, Clintons and everyone else who tried to steal the election last time and or plotted to stage a coup and remove TRUMP ever since including the phony Mueller Russia hoax and the phony Ukrainian impeachment hoax over a perfect phone call. HUNTER Stalin-Biden will also be arrested for his corruption in the next few weeks. ALL the enemies involved in centuries of ritual satanic child molestation and sacrifice, including abortion, will be swept up in these arrests. JUST TODAY the rules against bringing these prosecutions just before an election were lifted. THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING. When TRUMP asks BARR why these plotters have not been arrested yet, BARR listens.
As soon as DIVINELY APPOINTED JUSTICE BARRETT is seated the court will sign off on these arrests and suspending the election. TRUMP TOLD YOU there will be no transition. Only a continuation. And that all the ballots will be thrown out. YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HIM LITERALLY AND SERIOUSLY AND LISTENED.
Well now it’s happening. Just like Q ANON and TRUMP have said all along it would. The military and millions of us PRO TRUMP GUN OWNERS will be on board. So will law enforcement as TRUMP has stood by them while the demoncrats and the left have stood with defund and abolish police, rioters, commie antifa, Soros and burn loot murder. WE WILL WIN THIS WAR and we will show NO MERCY to any of our enemies when we win.
I heard that it came out that Kamala Harris had ancestors who owned slaves.
She will be a slave to TRUMP and he will let PENCE use a bullwhip on the unlikable communist monster commie la harris the next time they are on tv together. She will be forced to admit to all her lies and treason and take back everything she said word by word with each smack of the whip. And she will also be tied up and tortured with honey and ants.
She will crawl on broken glass and have cigarettes put out on her and have dogs put her in fear and then take chunks of her, and be hosed from a waterhose and mock hung among many tortures whereby she will bar forced to apologize to TRUMP, BARR, PENCE, BARRETT, KAVANAUGH and many others.
As TRUMP has said HE is a perfect physical specimen. The best of the best of the best of all time. I AM HIS SLAVE AND SOON WE WILL ALL BE HIS SLAVES.
Did even Hitler have a MORON flunkee/stooge as moronic as the T BAN resident Troll ???
ie – worse than Hess, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler ???
Cum Allah (Kamala) is the daughter of a mulatto father and an Indian (India) mother. Her father’s ancestors enslaved thousands in Jamaica. She is at most 25% black.
Was that fly on the Pence head a Trump / Putin / Xi / CIA drone spy ???
When it comes to the cum of Allah, commie la Harris says thank you, cum again. She is an unlikable communist monster.
How cum the resident Trump MORON troll has nothing better to do than post its mindless Trumpian [expletive deleted] junk on BAN ???
How many other info websites has Trump and the T Troll infected ???
PR and AppV — to END having MORONS in govt regimes.
Demo Rep is the real troll here, posting nonsense and pooping his pants frequently.
A quota of different fake names per BAN story by the BAN resident MORON Troll with its poop nonsense ???
At least 5 fake names ???
Fact checker
Real libertarian (voting TRUMP and standing by armed and ready)
Take it to the bank
Troll Demo Rep!
It’s not a threat, it’s a promise, Google demon crap.
Laugh all you want Google demon, your punishment will be in a few short weeks and you won’t be the one laughing them.