California Secretary of State Releases Results of High School “Mock Election” for President

Some California high schools hold a mock presidential election, with assistance from the Secretary of State, who furnishes participating schools with mock ballots. The mock ballots are identical to real California ballots.

On October 12, the Secretary of State released the state totals from this mock election for president: Biden 28,730 (67.64%); Trump 7,638 (17.98%); La Riva 2,386 (5.62%); De La Fuente 1,833 (4.32%); Hawkins 1,149 (2.71%); Jorgensen 740 (1.74%). The Secretary of State’s press release makes no mention of write-in votes, although California presidential ballots do include write-in space, unlike California general election ballots for congress and partisan state office.


California Secretary of State Releases Results of High School “Mock Election” for President — 30 Comments

  1. That’s over 14% of votes cast for third party candidates! If this means anything, it shows that kids are definitely more open to other options than the duopoly!

  2. How soon before ONLY factions of the RED communist party appear on mock ballots in the CA soviet socialist republic [CASSOR] ???

    Then a factions purge — with purge survivors only being listed ???

  3. Though on the related note of the California ballot, Kanye West recently shared a picture of him writing his name in on the ballot despite already appearing as the VP to Rocky de la Fuente on the AIP ticket. Those folks clearly messed up on their end and missed an opportunity to gain more votes had their given the POTUS nomination to West.

  4. Wow, pretty dixsturbing that Jo Jorgensen came in last place here.

    Another disturbing thing is how well candidates on the left did, and I also bet that a lot of the votes for candidates with Spanish surnames came due to lots of Hispanics engaging in ethnic block voting.

    More evidence that democracy is the god that failed.

  5. $$$ 40 plus TRILLION USA/States/Locals debt —-

    NOT *mock* — about ZERO media attention.

  6. @Andy It’s California, what do you expect? I’m actually surprised at north of 1.5%, and if you take the entire libertarian bloc (Yes, Greens are Left-Libertarians – I voted Green for my senate election because there was no Lib), we’re pushing north of 4%. De La Fuente is a stretch but still libertarian-ish. That’s 8%.

    This is what I’ve always been saying though, people want moderate libertarians (social moderates, fiscal/economic right-leaning moderates; in other words – De La Fuentes) as the main third-party. If we had proportional representation the main four parties would be the Dems, Repubs, a socially moderate fiscal/economic right party, and a “Christian Liberty” party. A nationalist party, the Greens and the Libertarian Party would fight back and forth for fifth, sixth, and seventh most seats. All you gotta do is look at Sweden’s legislature.

  7. Although libertarians can find some ground with libertarians, calling Greens left libertarians is not really accurate.

    I bet most of the votes for Rocky De La Fuente came from Hispanics who voted for him just because he has a Spanish surname. The same with most of the votes for Gloria La Riva, but some of her votes could also be due to the word “Socialism” being in the name of her party.

    The results of this election show me how California, and the rest of the country, are moving further down the road to socialism. It is going to be really scary when all these kids start to become registered voters.

  8. I think you’ll find it is called the market place for ideas Andy.

    Greens are ‘left libertarians?’ Just consider those two groups policies on environmental protection which is the single biggest issue for Greens. They are far apart. The Greens are much closer to people like the Socialists (as opposed to the PSL).

    As to the Rocky vote. Maybe the fact he had Independent (AIP) next to his name on the ballot helped. Maybe he or La Riva sent materials to the schools while Hawkins and Jorgensen didn’t.

    Its a shame that so many white voters chose to back Biden and Trump solely on account of their names. An alarming degree of ethnic bloc voting by the whites would you say?

  9. First of all, Hispanic is not a race. Some Hispanics are white.

    Second of all, yes, many people do in fact engage in ethnic ( or racial) block voting. Any political consultant worth a damn knows this. Also, statistically speaking, people classified as white are actually the least likely to engage in ethnic block voting.

    I seriously doubt any of these kids knew who Gloria La Riva or Rocky De La Fuente were. I bet more than anything else, they got votes due to having Spanish surnames. California has a large Hispanic population.

  10. Richard:
    Do you know what information on campaign issues OR party platform/position is provided to the high school students before they voted?

  11. I would not put any value on this mock election. I was a senior in high school in 1980 in Phoenix, AZ. A few weeks before that presidential election our high school had representatives for five presidential candidates plus one for NOTA speak before the assembled student body. As a reminder, the candidates were the incumbent Carter(Dem), Reagan(Rep), Clark(Libt), John Anderson(Republican congressman running as an Independent) and Barry Commoner(Citizens Party). The Republican who came to speak was Sen. Barry Goldwater who lived only a few miles away. After the presentations there was campaign literature available and students were encouraged to find a candidate to support and for the next several days students could campaign and there was the opportunity to make some additional presentations. That next Tuesday, the week before the general election, our school held its mock election. I used to have a copy of the student newspaper with the results but have lost it over the years and while I don’t remember the exact vote totals I do remember that Reagan won overwhelmingly with like 190 votes and Ed Clark came in second with say 40 – and here is the kicker – the vote total for the remaining three candidates (Carter, Anderson and Commoner) and NOTA combined only came to 40(the exact number that Clark got). This vote pattern was nowhere close to being reflective of the actual vote in either Arizona or the nation as a whole.

  12. We did these when I was in grade school for the 1992 and 1996 elections. The results were the same both times:

    1. Bush in ’92, Dole in ’96
    2. Perot
    3. Clinton

    I grew up in a military town.

  13. The mock elections at all of my kids homeschools for all their kids was 100 percent TRUMP which is exactly what the Florida vote will be.

  14. One daughter had one of her boys pretend to be a traitor and vote for Biden Stalin and then held a mock execution after the mock election to teach all her kids a lesson. I like that idea and will encourage the rest of my kids to adopt it. We are a fertile family as we all believe birth control is a sin. I have 22 children, 389 grandchildren at last count. And at least 6 more on the way. None of us wear masks and we all support TRUMP.

  15. If that’s how you want Biden voters dealt with, what say you about those of us voting third party (I’m voting Hawkins, but plenty of leftists will vote for La Riva and some of the other actual socialist candidates)?

    I don’t know why I bother asking, as you don’t seem like a real person whatsoever, but I might as well entertain myself with what little I have.

  16. I’m as real as they get and I’m telling you right now that not only is this how anyone who votes against TRUMP SHOULD BE dealt with, it’s how you WILL be dealt with when the ballots are thrown out and the Kingdom of Heaven is officially inaugurated next month. I have the gift of prophecy and the punishment of Google I have spoken of here for weeks starts today, but will get much, much harsher after the cancellation of the rigged election and the seizure and nationalistization of the means of communication and the formal declaration of martial law under TRUMP.

  17. So that’s not much a reassuring reply, because I’m still inclined to think that your views are intentionally disingenuous.

    Just because you think something “should be” done doesn’t make it something that actually should be done, especially if that thing in question is the murder of millions of Americans simply because you disagree with the way they vote in an already-flawed voting system.

    I didn’t know the Kingdom of Heaven was running, nor did I know that the inauguration now happens in November as opposed to January of the following year.

    You claim to have the “gift of prophecy” – that may well be true, but without evidence, no one has any reason to believe you, as I’m sure you can understand. As for the “punishment of Google,” no idea what that is, but it sounds cute.

    “For weeks starts today” – not sure what you’re attempting to communicate there, but you failed. For four weeks ago to today? Regardless, the length of time you’ve been commenting here has no impact on whether what you’re contributing is something that is even passably within the realm of capability, as I’d argue a great many of your predictions will fail to pass.

    Do you think the election is rigged because Trump’s going to throw out the ballots against him? Because I’d agree, that would be election tampering. Every legitimate vote cast should count.

    I’d rather not have martial law under Trump, nor do I suspect most Americans (even Trump supporters). Also, I highly doubt that, after railing against socialism (or what he perceives as socialism – Biden is no more a socialist than Reagan was), that he’ll “nationalize the means of communication.”

    Hope that this finds you well, and if you’re ever interested in an actual discussion as opposed to a senseless sermon, by all means, let me know.

  18. Clean out your ears. Punishment of Google starts today and I have predicted it here for years. The Biden’s and their demonic conspiracy with Google, SOROS, burn loot murder, socialists, pedos, lizards from space, witch doctors, fake news, antifa , demon turds and Satan have plotted with red China and Iran to steal the election but all their fake votes will be thrown out and martial law will be declared. TRUMP is God and perfect and will live and rule forever as GOD EMPEROR OF HEAVEN ON EARTH. THE INAUGURATION WILL BE IMMEDIATELY WHEN JUSTICE BARRETT RULES WITH THE GOOD 4 THROW OUT ALL THE BALLOTS. It will be by far the biggest and best military parade of any nation any time in history. The means of communication will be nationalistic due to martial law as the pedo conspirers are put before military tribunals and gruesome tortured and executed slowly on national tv with TRUMP HIMSELF even serving as executioner for many of them.

    My prophecies have been posted here for weeks but Satanists at Google working for Soros have erased them even as they keep coming true and soon they will all be punished severely. Die by my hand all across the land. Amen.

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