Thanks to readers of this blog, contributions to the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) have recently been generous, so that the cert petition in Buscemi v Bell can go forward. This is the case in which the Fourth Circuit upheld the March 3 petition deadline for independent presidential candidates in North Carolina, despite the U.S. Supreme Court having ruled in Anderson v Celebrezze that Ohio’s March 20 deadline is too early.
ANY COFOE lawyer able to detect EQUAL in 14-1 Amdt ???
There are four fronts in the battle for ballot access. Petitioning–gathering the signatures. Lobbying–working with the legislature to ease ballot access restrictions. Legal–working in the courts. And PR (public relations)–explaining to the public what is going on.
Front 5 –
Voter pets for State const amdts [18 States] or laws [about 30 States].