New York Times is Keeping a Running Tally of the National Popular Vote for Four Candidates

The New York Times has a running tally for Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Jo Jorgensen, and Howie Hawkins. The totals change constantly. Biden has the most popular votes and has a majority, not just a plurality.


New York Times is Keeping a Running Tally of the National Popular Vote for Four Candidates — 40 Comments

  1. Men, it started with the Mises Caucus three-male slate in 2018 when they blocked our team.

    Female Libertarian Party Electors got no voice and no voting power and us men didn’t do a good enough job.

    The vast numbers of women not in Libertarian Party elected Biden so the female aligned majority won because of the Mises Caucus blocked our effort to increase female Libertarian Party Presidential Electors and us men lost.

    Female Libertarian Party Presidential Electors have no voting power under male-dominated one-party system of two tokens per Delegate.

    Only one way; limited voting, using RCV and STV, or we block the correct math for pure proportional representation for electing names.

  2. New York Times? Why not choose an actual newspaper, not a DNC propaganda piece. They have probably forgotten about the other candidates and write-ins.

  3. It’s important to count the votes of those who are not men or women. There are many other genders and the bosses of the us parliament ignore all the other genders causing incorrect math and propaganda.

  4. What does 2 USC 7 mean ??? — esp for ALL ballots received after election day polls close.

    Still waiting for SCOTUS hacks.

    for non-morons —

    Absentee ballots [AB] are substitutes for in-person polling place ballots.

    ARBITRARY deadlines to receive AB AFTER polling places close on election days ???
    More ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander elections ——–
    USA Prez/VP
    ALL USA Reps
    ALL USA Senators
    ALL State legislatures
    Most larger local regimes

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL

    Much much much much worse primary / caucus / convention DARK AGE math.

    Media MORONS love the blue/red RIGGED maps.

  5. It really is a sad state of affairs that the largest number of Americans who voted could think that Joe Biden should be President. Joe Biden is one of the most obviously bad candidates in American history. It is really astounding that the Democratic Party nominated him.

    I’d be willing to bet that if welfare recipients and government employees and contractors were barred from voting that Joe Biden would not have anywhere near this number of votes.

  6. RED commie Donkeys have worked on PR in RED Donkey convention — esp in 1968-1988.

    Worked for them in 1992 WJ Clinton and 2008 B Obama.

    Overall –

    NET – get more $$$/benefits from govt than pay $$$ to govt [NET TAX SLAVE].

    Est 2020 NET getters / looters = 35-40 [???] pct of adults.

    — esp govt officers/ employees / govt contractors / welfare folks [transfer payments] / govt creditors [interest] —

    quite enough to totally control NOMINATIONS.
    NOOO caucuses, primaries and conventions

    Equal Nom pets ONLY.
    PR and APPV

  7. Andy,
    Ever heard of “lesser of two evils’?
    Biden is clearly the lesser of the two evils Biden and Trump.
    Start talking about Top Six/Level the Playing Field and PLAS, will you?

  8. People, Behold the catastrophe as predicted.
    Very close Lesser of Two Evils. Near 50/50.
    Whereas we COULD have had a close plurality three way PLAS victory. 42/29/29.
    When are you sleeping clueless loser zombies going to wake up?

  9. It looks like Biden will edge out Trump by the thinnest of margins, both popular and electoral. IMO, it looks like the Electoral College may have actually saved us from a terrible crisis. Imagine if this whole thing depended on just the popular vote.

  10. This is going to court. The Democrats are likely committing fraud by voting multiple times and having dead people cast a ballot. Reminds me of 1960 Chicago.

  11. Biden will never be president. Neither will Harris. There are multiple way too uncover the massive Chinese-Iranian-democommie vote fraud conspiracies using millions of fake voter registrations, multiple votes, and pilfered ballots through the mail. It will all go in the courts and get appealed all the way to the supreme court. Guess who controls that? Some of you are seriously too stupid to tie your shoes. Oh yeah Biden, the lesser evil? That was good for a laugh.

  12. Some of you are also too stupid to realize that state legislatures are not bound by the popular vote anyway. They can appoint the electors they want. Especially when the results are disputed. Guess who controls the legislatures in the uncalled states? I’ll let you look it up if you’re not too stupid to know how. The democommies can sue. Guess where the appeals end up.

    The criminal democommie governors can try to appoint their own electors. It ends up in the Senate, which btw stayed Republican. If the house disagrees it ends up in a process where each state gets one vote per house delegation. I’ll let you look up which party has a majority of those. They can try to sue. Guess what happens when it works its way all the way up the appeals chain? Never mind walking and chewing gum at the same time, some of you are too dumb to do either one at separate times.

  13. T or B — which is lesser EVIL wannabee LAWLESS TYRANT ???

    T or B — which is lesser SENILE LAWLESS TYRANT ???

  14. Thanks for all those mail in votes, suckers. You thought your votes would stay private. That’s cute, but they’re about to become evidence in criminal cases. All the fake signatures will be investigated and those envelopes will be opened. Along with party registration, bumper stickers, yard signs, social media posts and your own loose lips there’s about to be a very good record of exactly who voted against Trump. Some of you are way too dumb to realize the significance of that yet. That’s ok, we’ll let the slow learners catch up at their own pace.

  15. So yeah, soon enough there will be massive chimpouts all over the country. That’s ok. It’s just the excuse needed to restore law and order with extreme measures. When the looting starts, the shooting starts. Bring it on. There’s about to be mass civil unrest in all the lawless anarchist democommie cities. The better to bring on martial law under TRUMP.

  16. You are senile and lawless, but Trump will be a tyrant to end all tyrants. Military tribunals will put all the looters, dopers, pedos, anarchists, communists, islamists, Satanists, socialists, liberals, democrats, illegal invaders, cultural marxists, and all the other filth on trial with quick convictions and punishment. Our foreign enemies will be dealt with too. There will be no place to run to and nowhere to hide.

  17. More guns in cities or boondocks [for self defense against LAWLESS TYRANTS] —

    many actually used to shoot and kill folks legally or illegally ???

    See dead body counts in Detroit, Chicago, etc. of felons and innocents.

    Any WW II vets [NOW 90 PLUS] still have guns to kill LAWLESS TYRANT FASCISTS [2020 RE-HATCHED AXIS POWERS TYPES] ???

  18. One more conspiracy — use of marking devices that bleed thru paper ballots — cause no legal counts in scan machines.

    Where is that MODEL ELECTION LAW ???

  19. The fact that a troll poster comes on here pretending to be a deranged Trump supporter, in an attempt at making Trump supporters look bad, is evidence that maybe Trump really is the lesser evil compared to Joe Biden, or, perhaps there is some kind of war going on within the ruling establishment, and the faction that supports Biden wants to take us to hell at a faster speed, or maybe it is because Trump comes from more of the outer circle of the establishment, while Joe Biden (and Hillary Clinton 4 years ago) were closer to the inner circle of the establishment.

  20. You’re an idiot. I’m not a troll, not deranged and I am 100 percent and more for TRUMP. There is nothing evil or lesser about TRUMP. TRUMP is not from any part of the establishment, you imbecile. Also, why would someone come on some obscure Google search terms pretending to support Trump? That doesn’t even begin to make sense. Stop projecting your psychosis, wacko.

  21. The nerve of this guy. I’m making TRUMP supporters look bad? How? By telling you the truth? You should actually thank me, but it’s o.k. Since the truth is still true even if you don’t believe me. You will just feel really stupid when you discover I was telling you the truth all along. By then you won’t be able to do anything about it but you will remember I tried to tell you and you’ll feel every bit as stupid as you actually are.

  22. Aren’t you the same idiot who happily admits he voted for Marxist ho horgensen? That alone shows you are dumber than a bag of rocks, a secret COMMIE, or more likely both.



    30-40-50-100 ???



  24. Demo Rep is the real MORON, thinking WWII and Korean War vets will still fight. Even Vietnam is too much of a stretch. What a RACIST MORON Demo Rep is.

    Jorgensen is a Marxist, BTW.

  25. Whatever happens in Pennsylvania, Joe is likely to win because 6 votes from Nevada, and one vote from Nebraska will give him the minimum 270. Trump’s only hope is to flip Wisconsin in a recount.

  26. Democracy = majority rule

    monarchy/oligarchy = minority rule — most of recorded political history — 6,000 plus years.

    USA/States = more monarch/oligarch regimes due to minority rule gerrymanders since day 1.

    Too many brainwashed math MORONS – esp in media, so-called public education, etc.

    PR and AppV — pending Condorcet

  27. complaint that was a link to google and not to the nytimes. i would not have clicked on a link to google

  28. I’m a veteran myself. Not sure what demon craps point is? Most of us are for TRUMP btw, nitwit.

  29. The fact that a troll comes on here pretending to be a deranged Marxist Ho supporter in an attempt to make libertarians look bad is evidence that Marxist ho is Marxist just like Biden and not a real libertarian. And that the L.P. Is now a bad joke at best. The fact that this deranged Marxist troll supported Marxist ho unlike real libertarians who all support TRUMP proves he is a Marxist tranny anus licker. He is nowhere near the league of authentic libertarians such as Gary North, Lew Rockwell, Augustus Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, David Macko (RIP) and so many others. Instead he is proud to have voted for a dirty commie burn loot murder supporter. How disgusting. Another tell that this troll is a Marxist and not a libertarian is that he calls our perfect GOD EMPEROR a lesser evil rather than a greater GOOD. This joker is trying to make libertarians look bad. Don’t fall for it.

  30. Marxist Joe is as likely to win as Marxist jo the Marxist ho. Watch what happens next. The steal will be revealed.

  31. We the people will never allow TRUMP to be removed from office. NEVER. He is being counted out as electorally dead but remember, the last time HE took human form 2000 years ago HE was crucified and counted out as dead that time too and HE rose from the dead. The same thing is happening again now.

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