Washington Examiner Article on Libertarian Party Showing in 2020 Election

W. James Antle III, Politics Editor for the Washington Examiner, has this story on Libertarian Party showings in the 2020 election, although he doesn’t mention the party’s having won a legislative election in Wyoming. Thanks to Gene Berkman for the link.


Washington Examiner Article on Libertarian Party Showing in 2020 Election — 42 Comments

  1. Has anyone studied the second preference information in Maine yet? Is it published anywhere?

  2. They really should have reference Donald Rainwater’s solid percentage in Indiana’s gubernatorial race (he got around 11.5%). Sure, he was third behind the Republican and Democrat, but that’s a great showing for a third party candidate in a race for Governor.

  3. Inquiry –

    will be on ME SOS site –

    Votes must apparently be carried to central counting place.
    PR with legis candidate rank order lists — NO moving of ballots.

    AppV – exec/judic

  4. Sooo- How many gerrymander areas with NON-D/R Prez votes MORE than T-B / B-T votes ???

    Answer – Data lacking until perhaps 1 Feb 2021 ???

    ANY estimate of 2020 LP votes — otherwise for 2020 B or T ???

  5. @ Andy

    The Republican (Eric Holcomb) wasn’t doing well with many conservatives (mainly due to his approach on the coronavirus), and there were quite a few conservative Republicans who saw Holcomb as a RINO, and Rainwater as the actual conservative (from what I saw, a lot of Rainwater voters were also Trump supporters). The Democrat was a non-issue, and I saw far more Rainwater lawn signs here than I ever did Woody Myers signs.

    Obviously, since Holcomb still overwhelmingly won, it wasn’t that large a contingent (at least on election day), but in a state where Jorgensen got 1.9% or so, an 11.5% from Rainwater was promising. Hopefully the Libertarian Party here can do something with that.

    Hope that this helped a bit answering your question.

  6. In how many states did Jorgensen get more votes than the difference between trump and Biden?

  7. It’s easier to answer inquiring mind’s question once the ballot have all been counted. But for now, it looks like possibly Alaska, probably Arizona, probably Georgia, probably Michigan, probably Nevada, possibly North Carolina, possibly Pennsylvania, probably Wisconsin.

  8. So Marxist Jo the Marxist ho is trying to help Marxist Joe and the Chinese communists steal the election .

  9. It would have been interesting to use ranked choice voting in those swing states to see where Jo’s votes might have been transferred on second rounds. Altho Maine had RCV this year, both Biden and Trump got first round majorities in each Maine district. I hope Maine publishes the #2 vote totals.

  10. The Constitution Party is in such severe trouble that it wouldn’t surprise me if they are no longer a nationally organized party by 2024. Consider:

    Their Presidential candidate is currently in 8th place with 57,000 votes and 0.04% – their worst showing since the party was founded in 1992.

    Several state parties have disbanded or disaffiliated in recent years and another state affiliate ran an alternate candidate for President

    Their national committee is on pace to raise only $80,000 all year – in a Presidential year.

    Their Presidential candidate raised only $5,200 from individual donors.

    They came out of the 2018 midterms with their best starting Presidential ballot access ever, but wound up putting a candidate on fewer ballots than ever. 18 states had a Constitution Party option for President this year compared to 41 states in 2000.

    They have no money to get ballot access back. The national party has less than $7,000 cash right now.

    It would take multiple things all happening together in order to save them, and some of those things are outside of their control, like a return of the Republican Party to NeoConservatism.

  11. The Green Party so far has 350,000 votes and 0.24%, which is not good, but it’s good enough for 4th place. The only good things that can be said about the Green Party right now are that they’ve been worse off in the past and they’re in a better position than the Constitution Party.

  12. The Constitution Party’s 2020 presidential candidate, Don Blankenship, is personally wealthy, with a net worth of $40 million. That is not anywhere close to Ross Perot, or Donald Trump kind of money, but it is still enough to where he could have afforded to run a much bigger campaign than he did, yet he put little to no money of his own into the race. Even dropping say $500,000 of his own money into the race would have made a big difference.

  13. Jim and Andy–I am not the least bit surprised. The CP has been dead in the water for years now. All it needs now is one last torpedo to finish it off.

  14. That would be kind of ashame. One would think there’d be more of a demand for a party whose platform is based on the US Constitution.

  15. When I first looked at other parties a few decades ago I came across the Constitution Party and was intrigued by the name. Then I saw how they think the US should be a Christian Nation and how they wanted to strictly regulate peoples’ morals. Then I looked at the Libertarian Party and how they actually want to follow the Constitution. I’ve been registered LP ever since

  16. Yes, the preamble to the Constitution Party’s platform, which makes them sound like a theocratic party, has likely driven some people away. While it is true that the CP has had a theocratic element, there are also a lot of libertarian type people in the CP as well. I know some people in the CP tried to change that preamble a few years ago, so they sound more like a political party, and less like a church, but they did not have enough votes.


  18. How many state ballots did the CP achieve during the presidential elections? 1992-2020.

  19. Andy: Back in 1996 I wrote to the Chairman of the Constitution Party in Texas asking about possible cooperation with the Texas Libertarian Party. He wrote back to say that although we shared economic ideas, because the Libertarian Party was a secular party there could never be any cooperation between the two. That was 25 years ago and I haven’t seen much difference among members of the Constitution Party to date.

  20. USA/State Consts — de facto DEAD due to SCOTUS HACKS since 1936.

    — perversion of 1-8-1 general welfare cl on top of longer perversion of 1-8-3 inter-state commerce cl

  21. I wonder how Trump will react when he finds out the Libertarian Party f*cked him over. The worst part of it is I hear Jorgenson is actually a liberal. Someone said she was in support of BLM an openly Marxist organization. Then dumbass Libertarians who didn’t do their research, but come across as above the two parties, picked someone who is an antithesis of their party.

    Burn in Hell Libertarians.


  22. Here’s the new narrative that will be spun: Jo Jorgensen and the Libertarian Party cost Donald Trump the election.

    This is so predictable. The Al Gore supporters said the same thing about Ralph Nader for years. The George HW Bush supporters also said the same thing about Ross Perot for years.

  23. Andy – That might be a tough sell given that Jorgensen is going to end up with at least 1.5 million fewer votes.

  24. It isn’t just the Constitution Party’s preamble that breaks with the Libertarian Party. The Constitution Party supports funding the government through tariffs, supports immigration restrictions, and supports prohibitions on pornography, gambling, and drugs. And then there’s abortion.

  25. Michael Skaggs –

    Constitution Party Presidential Ballot Access (number of states and DC):

    2020 – 18
    2016 – 24
    2012 – 26
    2008 – 39
    2004 – 36
    2000 – 41
    1996 – 38
    1992 – 21

    Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Individual Fundraising (pre-general report):

    2020 – $5,205
    2016 – $61,976
    2012 – $27,964
    2008 – $238,562
    2004 – $210,368
    2000 – $152,874

    Constitution Party National Committee Fundraising:

    2020 – $80,244 (Projected. $66,870 as of Pre-general report)
    2016 – $116,025
    2012 – $177,518
    2008 – $422,568
    2004 – $362,511
    2000 – $490,366
    1996 – $998,340

    The only thing they have going for them is rising voter registrations. And that is not translating either into either national vote totals or national fundraising. There will certainly still be some state Constitution Parties in 2024. But as a national party, they might be done.

  26. Jim, much like the Libertarian Party, or any other party, not everyone in the Constitution Party agrees on everything. Former Constitution Party presidential candidates, Chuck Baldwin and Darrel Castle, both ran AGAINST the War on Drugs. I met Darrel Castle at a debate way back in 2008 when he was Baldwin’s VP running mate, and I asked him to clarify his War on Drugs stance, and he said that he completely opposed it at both rhe federal and state level. I have spoken to multiple people in the Constitution Party who share this view. Castle’s stance on the War on Drugs was actually more libertarian than that of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, who only called for taxing and regulating marijuana.

    There are a good number of people in the Constitution Party who are minarchist libertarians, who are pro-life on abortion.

    Abortion is an issue on which libertarians have been long divided, but if one considers that if life begins at conception, that abortion is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle, which is the “heart and soul” of libertarianism. Libertarian is NOT about being “socially liberal and fiscally conservative,” or at least that is a DUMBED DOWN version of libertarianism, and does not accurately describe the philosophy. Libertarianism is about property rights and the Non-Aggression Principle, NOT agreeing with left wing liberals on social issues, and fiscal conservatives on economic issues. All issues should be examined through the lens of property rights and the Non-Aggression Principle. Is murder a violation of the NAP? Is a fetus a life? If you study this history of abortion, you will find that it was pushed by the Marxist left. It is a part of the feminist movement which was also created by Marxists to destroy the family. The destruction of strong families means more people will turn to the state.

    As for immigration, the state exists, and while the state exists, the government has a monopoly over the function of regulating borders and immigration, and the state also acts as a steward of the taxpayer funded commons and infrastructure. If everything was private property, and the state did not exist, the function of immigration would be handled solely by property owners, but this is not the world in which we live, nor is this option likely to be in the table anytime soon. So, while the state exists, there is nothing unlibertarian in saying that the state should regulate the function of managing borders and immigration in a manner which a) does not invite people into the country who pose a threat to the life, liberty, and property of the existing population, and b) does not invite in such large numbers of people, particularly from alien cultures, that they demographically replace the existing population. This has also been a long debated topic in libertarian circles, and lots of libertarians share the view I laid out here, which I believe is the correct view. There is absolutely NOTHING in libertarianism that says everyone should be welcomed onto property, or that everyone on the planet is entitled to share the taxpayer funded commons and infrastructure of a country, or that people must embrace multi-culturalism.

    As for tariffs, I am not a fan of any taxes, but it should be pointed out thar the US Constitution does authorize

    IF the Constitution Party is going to collapse, I would invite all who are pro-liberty in the Constitution Party to join the Libertarian Party. If you support drug laws, or laws against gambling or pornography or prostitution, or laws banning gays from getting married, I do NOT want you in the LP, but if you see abortion as a violation of the NAP, and if you see illegal immigration as a violation of property rights (as in trespassing), and if you recognize hordes of Marxist or theocratic immigrants as a legitimate threat to liberty, then I welcome you to the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party has drifted too far to the left in recent years. I personally cringe at the left wing “politically correctness” and Cultural Marxism which has permeated the Libertarian Party in recent years. The Libertarian Party should not really be left or right, but since the LP has been drifting too far to the left, it is time to pull it to the right a bit. So perhaps some former CP’ers could form an alliance with the Mises Caucus, and give the LP a tug to the right.

  27. Just to clarify above, the US Constitution authorizes tariffs, duties, and excise taxes. Even most Libertarians do not run on a platform of abolishing all taxes. I am not a fan of high tariffs, but Darrel Castle’s platform was to end the income tax and replace it with nothing, and he called for a 10% flat tariff. That is not so bad, and was in fact better than Gary Johnson’s plan to replace the income tax with the Fair Tax.

  28. Trump and all loyal TRUMP Republicans will remember the treacherous L.P. That ran blm Marxists and would have cost us the election and elected Marxist Joe and commie la Harris with an assist from Marxist Jo the Marxist ho if this election fraud was allowed to stand. It won’t be, but L.P. Members will still be singled out for especially cruel punishment for their role in this.

  29. Maybe they should call it the Liberal-tarian Party. These jerks have no platform other than we are for less taxes than Republicans

  30. They should merge with the party for socialism and liberation since they work for the same Marxist ideas and burn loot murder.

  31. Voluntary lotteries – paid for lots of State stuff in early years.

    CUT statism and CUT NET tax slaves — increased about 30 pct of GDP since 1929 —

    10 pct (1929) to about 40 pct (2020) — esp with regressive taxes — property taxes and sales taxes.

    Sell ALL/Most govt real estate — reduce the FATAL USA regime national debt.

  32. Andy–the reason Gore lost was because he couldn’t carry his home state of Tennessee. Bush 41 and Company blamed the loss in 1992 because of Perot getting 20 M votes and most it was from the GOP. If that’s the case, then why in 1996 didn’t Dole win the election when Perot got only 8 M votes.

  33. The loony blm burn loot murder Marxist scum running L.P. Got enough votes from confused conservatives and libertarians to facilitate the feminazi-red Chinese-space lizard-demon crap-satanic celebrity child molester conspiracy to steal the election through vote fraud. These satanic losers need to and soon will be punished in the most extreme, painful and long lasting ways possible, far exceeding the feeble imagination of the moron trolls monitoring this search term for their Google and Soros employers.

  34. @Jim: RE: Constitution Party “as a national party, they might be done.”

    Agreed. You also list metrics showing election declines (1992-2020) in CP ballot access, individual donations and national committee funding. A metric that stands out most is “% of national total ballot”. 2020 was a tipping point, mathematically. BEFORE the 2020 results, national CP had positive linear growth. 2020 results have tipped the “% of total national ballot” metric negative, sharply.

    Given inherent population growth (i.e. more total ballots over time), the negative total % trend is even more problematic.

  35. The reason cp is gaining registration is because they have deceptive party names in sonar states, especially Nevada where most of their registered voters nationwide reside, that make some people think they are registering with no party.

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