Alabama Libertarian Party Files Opening Brief in Eleventh Circuit in Case Over List of Registered Voters

On November 16, the Alabama Libertarian Party filed this opening brief in Libertarian Party of Alabama v Merrill, 20-13356. This is the case challenging the law that says the qualified parties receive a free list of the registered voters each year, but unqualified parties must pay approximately $36,000 for the list.

In 1970 the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed a decision of a 3-judge court that said if the state gives the list free to qualified parties, it must also give it free to unqualified parties that are trying to get on the ballot. Despite this precedent, the U.S. District Court upheld the Alabama law and cited the state’s interest in saving money.


Alabama Libertarian Party Files Opening Brief in Eleventh Circuit in Case Over List of Registered Voters — 25 Comments

  1. SCOTUS summary affirms mean little since Ober gay marriage case —

    SCOTUS being another legis body.

  2. “…cited the state’s interest in saving money.” What? How much time and cost does it take to make an electronic copy of the voter database? Doubtful it is $36K. Kansas SOS charges $200 for a copy of the entire voter database; making money on that small amount.

  3. The new pure proportional representation Electoral College is welcoming all parties and independents who understand that all Americans are favorable to the 539-party system where every Elector had the liberty to register and proclaim a word(s) by their own name when the register as Elector.

    Please be sure to feel free to contact the United Coalition USA, as we bring the three-party system in 2021, of whom your name may be One.

    The Alabama Libertarian Party bosses can’t bring unity under their one-party voting system, round-by-round single-winner election districts, for Prez and VP.

    The new United Coalition USA has been bringing the team since 1986 when Clint Eastwood brought the Democratic, Republican and Environmentalist Parties working together and by coincidence the correct 1900s math of the Hagenbach-Bishoff Method, the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, is the perfect math under the principle of one-man-one-vote and one whole vote per Elector.

    By using two tokens, the Libertarian Party bosses guaranteed one-party voting system, just as the US Constitution brings one-party voting systems by giving Electors two votes per Elector for two seats instead of one.

  4. The case was correctly decided by the district court and will be upheld by the circuit court and if necessary the supreme court. Amen.

  5. The United Coalition USA has filed a complaint with FEC regarding google founder, Ogle vs Brin, when Brin launched off our backs and implemented the one-party voting system dictatorship psychology.

    This is the same math brought by US Constitution that brings two, one-party insider psychology parties Ds and Rs, who combined bring the two-party system because of plurality voting and the split-vote problem.

    The Libertarian Party bosses, the Old Boy Network, have blocked our team at every juncture, the dictatorship psychology of the LNC is like all parties in USA and all elections in USA bring the one-party voting system.

    Only limited voting brings the three-party system to Prez and VP and the United Coalition USA has been correct since 1992.

    Read the complaint about Google PAC and be sure to contact me ASAP if you have suggestions;

    No way to one-party and two-party voting systems. America is a melting pot. No way to the LNC one-party voting system.

  6. Melt the melting pot and sell it for scrap. Close the borders and deport anyone who was not here by 1965 or who is descended in whole or in part from anyone who was not here by 1965. After we’re done deporting them we can conquer their craphole countries and make them out subservient colonies along with the rest of the world but no more immigration, the country is full. Unless maybe if they are 100 percent northern European ancestry and can prove it through DNA.

  7. Forget lawsuits and voting. We will punish Google and the lootertarian posers party a very different way…medieval yet modern.

  8. The United Coalition USA has been bringing pure proportional representation to the internet since 1992. Read about how the Google search engine blocked and deleted the correct math when the google company launched off volunteer vote counter’s name James O. Ogle (joogle) in Usenet in 1997.

    Google brings the dictatorship psychology of one-party voting systems “click the go”, an approval voting (AppV) voting system, that’s unfortunately become acceptable (click the “like”, click the ad, etc.).

    While insiders block the competition of limited voting and the new ideas and new people limited voting brings, the one-party voting system and their illegal monopoly touches up the search engine data behind the scenes, and that brings Google large profits.

    By using that same one-party voting system that no one in America wants except the dictator bosses, those same company and political bosses are protecting their seats in one-party voting systems.

    Sometimes Robert’s Rules of Order has been the perfect set of parliamentary proceedures for snuffing out those who bring change to one-party and two-party voting systems.

    Read more about this history in the FEC complaint “Ogle vs Brin”:

  9. Google is a communist plot by Soros and Satan but all of us do want a dictator one party system, nothing but GOP and 1000% LOYAL TO TRUMP.

  10. We will never allow the lootertarians to be on the ballot in Alabama or anywhere else ever again after what they tried to do to TRUMP with the conspiracy to have Marxist ho Jo help Marxist Joe, red China, Iran, Google, Soros, antifa, burn loot murder, demon rats, Satan, child molesters and other forces of evil steal the election THIS year.

  11. Now the BAN resident troll moron is using the *royal* *we* —

    typical for NUTCASES ready for a NUTHOUSE trip.

  12. 1. U can’t ban me
    2. U are the resident troll idiot
    3. We the people not royal we
    4. U are the nutcase ready for outhouse trip.

  13. With all your billions and the power of Satan you still can’t ban me Google for I am the prophet of the one true GOD…TRUMP!

  14. Google gives us four boxes to leave comments on this search term. There’s no more reason to make the second from top one the same all the time as there would be to make any of the others the same each time.

  15. Lol. Cyberpig’s phone typed outhouse instead of nuthouse because he was probably searching for the closest outhouse previously. That is since, as the rumor goes, he’s living in a cardboard box under a bridge in Greensboro.

  16. I don’t know who this cyber pig is and I live in my house in Florida which had been in the family since before Florida was even a state. Some of our property was stolen by the Yankees but the land and home are still here. Google does not own my phone but they do own their search terms and they often erase, change or impersonate my comments on this and other Google search terms , for which I will punish them very severely and very soon.

  17. Richard, I know GPMI v Land is in a different cicuit, but did anyone cite it in this case?

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