Maine Libertarian Ballot Access Case to be Tried in Early March

The Libertarian Party lawsuit against certain Maine ballot access laws will have a trial in early March 2021. The issues are: (1) the January deadline for a new party to complete its registration drive and thereby become qualified; (2) the extremely difficult requirements for a member of a small qualified party to get on his or her party’s primary ballot; (3) the irrational law for a party to remain qualified, which requires more than twice as many registrants as the number to get on the ballot in the first place; (4) the law that erases all a party’s registrants when it goes off the ballot. Generally, across the country, when a party goes off the ballot, it retains its registered members.


Maine Libertarian Ballot Access Case to be Tried in Early March — 6 Comments

  1. If by Open Primary, you mean Top 2, or Top 4, that creates a whole new set of problems. I say no thanks to that.

  2. @Andy,

    They could use RCV in the primary, and determine the Top 2 for the general election, avoiding the need to change the constitution.

    This would eliminate the problem of candidates supported by smaller parties qualifying since support would not have to be party registrants; it would eliminate party qualification; and eliminate the need to keep records of party affiliation.

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