Pennsylvania Department of State and Governor File Response in U.S. Supreme Court in Vote-Counting Case

On December 8, Pennsylvania’s Governor and Department of State filed this response in Kelly v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 20A98. This is the case in which a Republican Pennsylvania Congressmember asks the U.S. Supreme Court to stop certification of Pennsylvania’s election returns.


Pennsylvania Department of State and Governor File Response in U.S. Supreme Court in Vote-Counting Case — 24 Comments

  1. Los Angeles Libertarian Party Zoom Show

    Who: Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County California, USA, North America, Earth
    What: Zoom Show for Discussion
    When: December 12th, Tuesday night, 8 pm Pacific Time
    Where: By Zoom on your phone or laptop
    Why: Elect more Libertarian Party candidates
    How: Organize for annual convention in around June 2021 and elect names favorable to unity on votes cast on paper ballots under pure proportional representation.

    Click to join a Zoom meeting.

    Facebook Page Event Announcement:

    Summery by James Ogle [One]

    Zoom shows can be recorded and made public but that is not our plan for this show but can be an option in the future.

    Mark Herd is a Los Angeles Libertarian Party member and he plans to run for Los Angeles Libertarian Party executive in 2021 and also to vie for a seat on the Los Angeles City Council in 2022 in district 5.

    Honorable Mark Herd is hosting the Zoom show to help facilitate the voting and some members of the Los Angeles Mini-state are also trying to help unify everyone.

    Keep up with the progress on the APS-IB day-to-day updates:
    * * *

  2. I disagree with Mr. Becker. This Pennsylvania response is one of the most articulate, well-crafted and easily understood by laymen (versus more typical indecipherable legalese) that I seen. Whoever wrote it deserves credit, not your condemnations. I encourage everyone to read it. It spells out the malevolence of the Trump-pet-istas plainly enough.

    Example: “If by diligence a fact can be ascertained, the want of knowledge so caused is no excuse for a stale claim.” Stale claim, indeed.

    Trump lost. Period. But Trump-pets on Ballot Access News, who cannot handle the truth, have called for indiscriminate summary executions of anyone who “denies” what these would-be Sturmtruppen executioners deem as “fact”–namely that Mr. Trump is to stay in office, even if that is effected is by summary murder.

    I am compelled to ask, sir: What amount of blood shall satisfy the Trump-pets and their declared Nazi-like “final solution”? Would the summary murder of 81 million Americans, who may have cast ballots for Biden, sufficient? Or do you also intend to kill even those Republicans against who you may level complaints, as if this were version 2020 of “Night of the Long Knives”?

    The wretched Trump-pets call for martial law and the suspension of the Constitution of the United States, which means the denial of ALL civil rights. Against that, I say not just no, but HELL no! Words of the Trump-pet-istas are NOT the words of American patriots. They are anything but. They are the words of madmen, of seditionists who attempt sow a whirlwind of conflagration without any apparent understanding that once ignited it will burn all.

    So, Mr. Becker, do you stand with these seditionists? How many summary executions do you propose? How many laws do you deem “justified” in violating? How many citizens rights do you intend to strip away and trample? How many state legislatures and how state courts do you proposed to destroy? Tell me, sir. Are YOU righteous?

  3. This is flat disrespect for the American people! If something isn’t done about this now our country is gone! Besides that they have no real reason for the judge except they hate the American people! It’s time the courts did the right thing and put these traitors in jail where they belong! The election was rigged and they don’t want to be caught! Pandora’s box needs to be open to burn them all down! The democrats and some rhinos are a criminal organization!

  4. Floyd, Trump lost? Really? A mathematician has just proven that the odds of Biden winning were 1 in a quadrillion. Look it up.

  5. @Becker. Trump won nothing. And you, by regurgitating some idiotic internet opinion in a routine cut and paste, merely expose the weakness of your own inability to reason. Yeah boy. There’s UFOs, and Elvis is still alive…no doubt.

    Look, cowboy. Every hour that passes right now, is degrading the ability of Trump to govern. If your fanatic personality cultists succeed in your violent intimidations and do manage to keep Tropicana in office, it will only be effected by the imposition of an outright paramilitary dictatorship. He is the king of nothing.

    And for people like you to agree with comments made here on BAN about carrying out summary executions, which are nothing more than murderous lynching and incitement to violence, and to also call for the suspension of the Constitution and imposition of martial law is nothing short of sedition if not treason. It certainly makes you a freaking hypocrite.

    You can attempt to shoehorn the fat Tropicana blowhard’s dainty flat foot into Cinderella’s slipper all you will. It don’t fit. He remains the ugly step sister. He remains a carnie on the hustings, hustling rubes out of their wages. Tropicana will always be exactly and only that. A reality TV show hustler with a deformed ego, a liar extraordinaire.

  6. No. But I fully understand your bloodlust, and you and your Trump Cult’s reckless selfishness. You would destroy this nation, cut it apart. Here, from 1 Kings 3:16-28. Trump, the ugly step sister, is the woman who asked to cut the baby in half.

    One day two women[a] came to King Solomon, and one of them said: Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. Not long ago my baby was born at home, and three days later her baby was born. Nobody else was there with us.

    One night while we were all asleep, she rolled over on her baby, and he died. Then while I was still asleep, she got up and took my son out of my bed. She put him in her bed, then she put her dead baby next to me. In the morning when I got up to feed my son, I saw that he was dead. But when I looked at him in the light, I knew he wasn’t my son.

    “No!” the other woman shouted. “He was your son. My baby is alive!”

    “The dead baby is yours,” the first woman yelled. “Mine is alive!”

    They argued back and forth in front of Solomon, until finally he said, “Both of you say this live baby is yours. Someone bring me a sword.” A sword was brought, and Solomon ordered, “Cut the baby in half! That way each of you can have part of him.”

    “Please don’t kill my son,” the baby’s mother screamed. “Your Majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.” The other woman shouted, “Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.”

    Solomon said, “Don’t kill the baby.” Then he pointed to the first woman, “She is his real mother. Give the baby to her.”

    Everyone in Israel was amazed when they heard how Solomon had made his decision. They realized that God had given him wisdom to judge fairly.”

    Clearly, the Trump-pet-istas are devoid of wisdom, can judge nothing fairly, and are entirely devoid of humanity. Selfish brats, just like the Orange One.

  7. Trump won. Period. The evidence is overwhelming and even on video in Atlanta. The bloodlust is from those who start wars and kill babies. Which side is that?

  8. The video in Atlanta shows poll counters stopping the count, throwing out all watchers and then pulling out fraudulent ballots hidden under a table to make up the deficit in Georgia and steal the state. Similar things happened in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin based on sworn affidavits.

  9. Not according to Georgia Republican elections officials, who incidentally reviewed the video claim and debunked it.

    How about this…the country will just roll over for you Trump-pet-istas and accept Texas AG Paxon’s lawsuit against Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. According to Trump-pets, those states held “unconstitutional” votes. Fine. That necessarily means all votes must be nullified (including down ballot–as if Texas can interject itself with standing, but hey).

    Disfranchise all GA, PA, WI and MI votes (20,780,988 of them cast in these four states). That’s 62 Electoral College votes that must be voided.

    But, even if you DO dare to disfranchise four entire states, Biden would still possess 244 EC ballots, Trump would still have 232…So, Biden would still have the EC majority.

    Votes for Biden in GA, PA, WI and MI were 10,369,627. Votes for Trump in these same states were 10,100,820. So subtract these totals from each…and Biden STILL has a majority popular vote nationwide by 6,789,318 votes.

    And Biden is still elected. Anyhow, I double damn DARE the GOP to disfranchise the entire electorate of these four states. Not even when Trump had a limited capacity of lead, did he do so well or even wisely. He is now the king of nothing. And couldn’t lead himself much less anyone else out of a wet paper bag.

  10. “based on sworn affidavits”…okay. Then, being so numerous, you should have problem producing these sworn affidavits. These must, to have any standing, be entered as such AND accepted into court proceedings so they may be heard and tested. So where, oh where, ARE your court sworn affidavits?

    Please LIST them by the actual court case to which they have been attached.

  11. On Monday December 14th the Electoral College will meet and more than 270 votes will be cast for Joe Biden. Then on January 6th Vice President Mike Pence will announce the tally of the Electoral College votes to Congress. Pence will then announce that Joe Biden has been elected President of the United States. President Trump will then be known throughout history as America’s Biggest Loser.

  12. “So, Biden would still have the EC majority.”


    The majority is 270. If Biden only has 244, the election goes to the US house delegations by state.

  13. Uh, “The majority is 270. If Biden only has 244”

    Which part of if it is unconstitutional (as the Texas case claims), then therefore ALL votes cast must be voided…including the EC from these states.

    I realize the math is above you but. With 62 fewer EC (they being unconstitutional according to Texas), Biden STILL has the majority of the remaining.

    GA, WI, MI and PA would be disfranchised–totally and completely (since their votes are “unconstitutional” as you boys claim). Fine. These are all the way out. Biden still wins.

  14. See 1864 –

    NOOOO EC votes from Confed States.

    Lincoln elected by majority of EC votes in Union States having EC elections —

    with numbers of Union/State Army/Navy/Militia voting absentee.

  15. Demo Rep has it right. The majority in the electoral college is a majority of votes actually cast. If any state fails to cast any electoral votes (as in 1864) for whatever reason, those missing votes are NOT included in the majority.

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