U.S. Supreme Court Turns Down Texas Attempt to Overturn Election Returns in Four Other States

On December 11, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Texas does not have standing to challenge the election returns of four other states.  Here is the one-page ruling.  Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


U.S. Supreme Court Turns Down Texas Attempt to Overturn Election Returns in Four Other States — 27 Comments

  1. The 3 ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems in the USA regime continue to ROT more–

    USA H Reps
    USA Senate
    USA Prez/VP

    — with ongoing Prez/Senate effects on the appointed hacks in ALL USA courts.

    How soon before Biden is one more lawless tyrant Prez ???-
    overseas murders with NOO Congress declarations of war
    total contempt for the States – esp GOP States
    pardons for illegal invaders
    lawless spending on various RED communist schemes
    etc etc etc

    Uniform definition of Voter in ALL of the USA
    PR and nonpartisan AppV

  2. The best part is that all 3 of Trump’s appointees voted to deny the motion. They put loyalty to the Constitution above loyalty to a man. A concept that is completely incomprehensible to the wanna be Dictator, President Trump.

  3. I do not believe that Republican or Democratic politicians want to be a dictator. President Trump is in a class all by himself.

    I disagree with Republicans and some Democrats. But my disagreement over policy does not mean I think they are evil or un American.

    President Trump is the exception. He is the most dangerous threat to republican democracy that the United States has ever known.

  4. Correction: He is the biggest threat to big government neocon Satanists who serve Soros, namely Robert KKK Stock.

  5. Winger is censoring again. I pointed out Stock is part of the fraud and working for Soros, and it’s gone. Maybe Winger is part of it too.

  6. As I predicted, the Texas suit was DOA at the Court. I didn’t even use a Ouija board or a crystal ball. I must be psychic.

    But seriously, even the Trump appointees had the sense to realize that this case would set a terrible precedent for future elections. Just imagine if, in 2016, Hillary had goaded California to sue MI, PA and WI to void their elections of Trump electors because of “Russian interference” It would be looney.

  7. There goes FACT CHECKER here always attacking the messenger and not the message. That’s an ANTIFA tactic.

  8. Here’s the game plan. Get rid of Trump by any means necessary (legally or illegally. Swear in Biden. Force Biden to resign (because of corruption in family) or impose Article 25 to get rid of him. Extremely Liberal Harris becomes Prez. Buttigeig or Sanders becomes VP and America becomes Marxist. All done without firing a shot.

  9. 2020 = more gerrymander elections and resulting ANTI-Democracy statist oligarchs / monarchs.

    Gerrymander Math 000001 — for NON-morons/trolls

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy — always with lurking monarchs.

    Much, much, much worse caucus / primary / convention math.
    NOOO caucus / primary / convention math
    Ballot access via EQUAL nom pets
    PR and APPV — pending Condorcet

  10. I heard they’re refiling with Trump signed on as one of the plaintiffs so as to actually HAVE standing. The fat lady has stopped her warmups.

  11. Sorry folks been busy spreading gift of red China virus as widely as possible. Will try to check in with y’all Google slaves before congress elects TRUMP 6 Jan

  12. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito said the court had no authority to refuse a case filed on its original docket, where one state files to sue another. But they said they would not have granted Texas any other relief and expressed no view on any of the issues raised in the lawsuit. “This is no surprise — dozens of judges, election officials from both parties, and Trump’s own Attorney General have dismissed his baseless attempts to deny that he lost the election,” he said. “President-elect Biden’s clear and commanding victory will be ratified by the Electoral College on Monday, and he will be sworn in on January h.”

  13. “Since Election Night, a lot of people have been confusing voters by spinning Kenyan Birther-type, ‘Chavez rigged the election from the grave’ conspiracy theories, but every American who cares about the rule of law should take comfort that the Supreme Court — including all three of President Trump’s picks — closed the book on the nonsense,” he said. Never before had any state asked the court to do what Texas proposed, to nullify election results from other states. The lawsuit sought to delay the vote of presidential electors in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, arguing that voting procedures in those states violated their own state laws.

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