Tim Alberta, chief correspondent for Politico, talked at length to twenty voters about who they voted for and why. Included in the twenty was a voter who voted for Don Blankenship, and one who voted for Kanye West. The Blankenship voter wanted to cast a vote for someone who wants to ban abortion but who is not a womanizer. The Kanye West voted that way because “he hates both parties.” See the entire piece here. Thanks to electoral-vote for the link.
Politico is just an arm of the Democrats. Fake news.
They found a Blankenship and a West voter before they found a Jorgensen and a Hawkins voter? The writers of this piece almost certainly picked and chose which twenty in order to marginalize the two opposition parties that actually have enough ballot access capability to threaten them. Typical two-party state shenanigans.
Rigged minor sample –
like rigged gerrymander districts.
I wrote in Blakenships name for President because he was a real maverick and a good protest vote.
Kanye is a hip hop thug
Are you done now?