Here are the national totals for each party, for U.S. House in 2020. These figures are not entirely final. There are no results yet for the New York 22nd district, and the Pennsylvania figures are not complete. Also there may well be errors, which will be double-checked soon. These totals do not include Delegate to the U.S. House from D.C.
Democratic: 76,972,291
Republican 72,469,158
Libertarian 1,093,908
Working Families 379,056
Conservative of NY 288,586
Green 90,110
Constitution 82,567
Legal Marijuana Now 80,440
Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis 79,674
Independence of NY 43,944
Working Class 36,115
Unity 23,401
Independent of Louisiana 18,522
Independent of Connecticut 16,738
United Utah 15,077
SAM 8,841
Independent of Delaware 6,682
Aloha Aina 6,444
Communist 3,432
Populist 2,431
Approval Voting 1,441
American Shopping 661
American Solidarity 75
How many hours of torture to do the math ???
various vertical and horizontal ststs on State/DC websites.
USA H Reps Clerk stats in Jan-Feb 2021 — BUT should be H. Doc O-N-E in each new USA Congress.
FEC stats in Jul 2021 ???
76,972,291 211.9 Democratic
72,469,158 199.5 Republican
1,093,908 3.0 Libertarian
379,056 1.0 Working Families
288,586 0.8 Conservative of NY
90,110 0.2 Green
82,567 0.2 Constitution
80,440 0.2 Legal Marijuana Now
79,674 0.2 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis
43,944 0.1 Independence of NY
36,115 0.1 Working Class
23,401 0.1 Unity
18,522 0.1 Independent of Louisiana
16,738 0.0 Independent of Connecticut
15,077 0.0 United Utah
8,841 0.0 SAM
6,682 0.0 Independent of Delaware
6,444 0.0 Aloha Aina
3,432 0.0 Communist
2,431 0.0 Populist
1,441 0.0 Approval Voting
661 0.0 American Shopping
75 0.0 American Solidarity
151,719,594 417.6 ALL PARTIES
6,320,419 17.4 NONVOTES
158,040,013 435.0 PREZ S0 ST
344,356 PREZ DC
158,384,369 PREZ ALL
2,278,145 6.3 ALL MINOR
363,310 PREZ 50 ST / 435
The Life And Liberty Party affiliated U.S. Senate candidate in Idaho (IDCP), Ray Writz, received 10,188 votes or 1.19%.
Our affiliated U.S. House candidate in Idaho District #2 (IDCP), Pro-Life (formerly known as Marvin Richardson), received 8,573 votes or 2.19%.
Ray Writz was on the Idaho ballot as the Constitution Party nominee for U.S. Senate. When I do compilations, if a candidate is the nominee of a particular party, as shown on the ballot, I classify him or her with the party that nominated him or her. For example, when Ron Paul was a Republican nominee for U.S. House in Texas, I always counted him as a Republican, notwithstanding his feelings and attitudes toward the Libertarian Party.
In any event this post isn’t about U.S. Senate election returns.
Who is the national chair of the Life and Liberty Party?
JR Myers is the only member of the party therefore he is the chairman.
Andy Gonzalez is the Secretary. When he is introduced at party meetings the spanking scene from the movie Secretary is ceremonially screened. Then the rest of the meeting is spent on approval of the previous meetings minutes. After the minutes are approved the meeting is adjourned.
The votes for Pro-Life in Idaho shouldn’t be counted in the national CP totals, as the CP Idaho is not a national CP affiliate. That would place the CP two spots lower, below the Grassroots Legalize Cannabis Party and above the Independence Party of New York.
Hexagonal Pyramid,
You really must stop with all the sweet talk. You looking for a date or something? Sounds like a confused libido…
Hexagonal pyramid?! You’re cheating already, you dirtbag?
I told you, we don’t have to pretend we don’t know each other anymore. I agreed to be the treasurer as long as it doesn’t take more than 30 seconds a month and so far it hasn’t. I don’t go to meetings but sometimes I watch them for amusement.
Yes, Richard Winger, I was elected Chairman at our online convention several months ago. More info on our website:
To be honest I didn’t realize the zoom circle jerk was an actual convention. I just thought that was someone’s weird kink, to be elected chairman.
JR Myers held a pretend convention and voted himself chairman.
When is the next convention? I want to sit in the chair too.
The convention did happen. It is currently on PornHub under the title “Solo male session”
He has a vice chair, Lori Stacey. They played rock paper scissors and he came on top.
The reason these trolls are attacking the life and liberty party is that Myers and Stacey are highly effective activists who threaten the world domination of Soros and the learned elders. That’s why they set up troll farms to conduct these horrible cyber attacks on these threats to their global domination.
Yes. They are terrified of a candidate that 1,000 people accidentally voted for in Arkansas.
Is the troll above Paul, or “Egyptian God,” or somebody else?
Both. They’re tag teaming the poor guy.
What if Paul is the Egyptian God? Goo goo gjoob.
I told you about strawberry fields
You know the place where nothing is real
Well here’s another place you can go
Where everything flows.
Looking through the bent-backed tulips
To see how the other half live
Looking through a glass onion.
I told you about the walrus and me, man
You know we’re as close as can be, man
Well here’s another clue for you all
The walrus was Paul.
Standing on the cast iron shore, yeah
Lady Madonna trying to make ends meet, yeah
Looking through the glass onion
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Looking through the glass onion.
I told you about the fool on the hill
I tell you man he’s living there still
Well here’s another place you can be
Listen to me.
Fixing a hole in the ocean
Trying to make a dove-tail joint, yeah
Looking through a glass onion.
It comforts me so much to know that I have touched the trolls so deeply. Haters gotta hate! LOL!!!
Thank you for that information Demo Rep, that is actually very helpful and interesting. You have been the most useful person in these comments, everyone else seems to have lost it.
WTF = Wang Tang Fu = Cyberpig
The only one you have touched deeply is yourself. There is no hate here, only mirth.
I guess that’s why video of the “convention” was uploaded to PornHub.
Wang Tang Fu was Paul, but I’m not sure about the WTF above.
I am pretty Paul is not “Egyptian God”.
FYI, Paul was posting here several years ago as Humongous Fungus.
Idaho permits qualified parties to change their names. If the Idaho Constitution Party doesn’t want its nominees to be identified with the Constitution Party, but does want its nominees to be associated with the Life & Liberty Party, then the party should change its name from Constitution to Life & Liberty. The last qualified party in Idaho that changed its name was the Natural Law Party, which changed it to the United Party. Before that, Idaho let the US Taxpayers Party change its name to Constitution.
@ Winger: “If the Idaho Constitution Party doesn’t want its nominees to be identified with the Constitution Party, but does want its nominees to be associated with the Life & Liberty Party…”
First of all, our candidates are “identified” with the Constitution Party of Idaho–CP-Idaho for short.
Second, the two candidates to whom you refer decided on their own to “associate” with the Life & Liberty Party, without consulting our state party. CP-Idaho was only informed of this well after the fact. Bylaws are an issue with this independent choice to “associate”. It will be dealt with.
Third, “then the party should change its name from Constitution to Life & Liberty.” You seem to want to dictate that CP-Idaho change its name. Thank you, sir, for your opinion, but no…We’re not going the route of the Washington Redskins or Cleveland Indians or Texas Rangers just because you are offended or whatever.
I’m not offended. I like your current name.
Too many fungus among U.S. trolls/hacks/morons to count on any politics website.
NOOO wonder most websites are censored
— to have NOOOO postings by such trolls/hacks/morons.
RW super-tolerant of many folks.
Yes Richard, you rightfully count the vote totals of the Nevada IAP with the national CP since they are a genuine affiliate of the national CP; however the Idaho CP is a independent state party, and unless they’re affiliated with JR’s party -they should be counted here as their own political party; otherwise you are being ‘hypocritical’ for not counting the Nevada IAP’s vote totals for the National IAP -since they share the same name after all.
…Well this is according to your logic that you apply here with the national CP often with including independent state parties like the Idaho CP with the national CP’s performance, and by doing this you inaccurately inflate the national CP’s vote performance and make them look better then they accurately are.
And unfortunately ATPR will have to edit your republished article to reflect this matter.
If the CP Idaho changed its name to the Life and Liberty Party, that would allow another party to form with the “Constitution Party” label and which affiliated with the national party. That new “Constitution Party” would receive all of the votes from people who ideologically identify with either the Life and Liberty or Constitution Party’s values, because that’s the party they have been voting for for years. Most voters don’t follow intra party squabbles and whether or not a party is affiliated with the national party. The Life and Liberty Party would then appear to have failed because it received many fewer votes than the Constitution Party candidate.
Is that the reason for refusing the name change?
You shouldn’t be so sure that Paul is not an Egyptian God. For one thing, the Egyptians had many gods, so there is no reason to assume that there is only one Egyptian God here. For another, even if there is only one Egyptian God here, how would you know whether it’s Paul, unless it’s you or someone you are affiliated with? You may be wrongly assuming that you know what Paul is capable of. Perhaps you wrongly assume that he is mortal. You may think that someone knows what Paul can’t do. But maybe no one knows that, including him. Of course, you may be right. Maybe he’s not the, or even an, Egyptian God. But how can you or anyone else know? Even if you’re Egyptian God there could be another. Sometimes people sleep walk, have multiple personalities or repressed or false memories. Not only is there no way for you to be sure Paul is not Egyptian god…there is no way for you to be sure YOU are not Egyptian God. You have a lot to learn about what you think you know. Unless you don’t.
Lol at Space Cadet Commander Coty Banks Quirk thinking he’s even in the same universe as RW.
Look. Nobody reads your shitty ATPR site. It’s even worse than IPR and that’s saying a lot.
“And unfortunately ATPR will have to edit your republished article to reflect this matter.”
You can’t seriously be complaining that you don’t want to just copy and paste someone else’ work to the author of the work you were going to copy.
Who’s who? Who are you? Can you, will you, do you swear it by the old gods and the new? And if you do, would it be true? And after all the walrus is Paul. Paul is dead, or so I read. The @ was a .ru… Now tell me who are you. Before you set your fingers to wag remember not to be a drag.
I am taking an educated guess based on the writing style. Also, I know Paul couldn’t have been the only one trolling here and at IPR, because there were times when troll posts popped up when I know he was not online.
It’s easy to automate bots to post at times when you’re not online. And even easier to fake a writing style. It’s also possible to spoof ip addresses. Whatever you think you know is just a series of assumptions which is at least as likely to be wrong as it is to be right, and vice versa. In other words a total crap shoot, coin flip, roll of the dice. And there’s no way to know if the dice are loaded. Luckily, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. So never mind. If you think you see you are more blind than the most blind of the blind. Put this on rewind.
Thanks for reminding me about ipr. I thought it went defunct a few years ago but just took a look and sadly it is still dragging on. Someone should shoot that thing and put it out of its misery already. It appears to have devolved from paulitics to a backup saturnalia repository, or suppository, I suppose. Can’t really tell which is worse, to have once been somewhat less Shitty or never to have been anything but completely Shitty at all. Well, at least we have this site to pretend that politics, or anything anyone ever says in these comments, or anything else matters. But of course it doesn’t. It’s all a bad joke. R U N?
Iprx is better than ipr or ip or I.
Hmmmm. You certainly are trying to build a case that every troll post is Paul, which actually just adds fuel to my assertion that there are multiple people trolling here and at IPR.
One time Paul was in jail when troll posts popped up on IPR. I know he was in jail because I saw him get arrested and get taken away in handcuffs (he got arrested on a 10 year old warrant, which may, or may not, have had any merit, and then got released a couple of weeks later), and I even visited him while he was in jail. I doubt he was posting from jail or had bots doing it.
Duh. It’s easy enough to set up bots to post at any time whether minutes, hours, days, months or years after they are programmed. However, I’m not building any kind of case. I don’t know and I don’t care. You seem to care, and think you know, but I doubt that you do and the things you think you know are based on assumptions about what people can’t do which I do know they can. Aside from that, again, I neither know nor care. It’s at best matter of minor amusement and at worst minor annoyance. And honestly not much of either. I don’t know what percentage of troll posts is Paul, or you, or anyone else. I do know I have heard from several sources Paul is dead or in jail or in the hospital with covid or possibly in a jail hospital with covid. But these people may be lying or not know what they are talking about. Luckily, I don’t care. He’s not important and neither are you. Sorry, that’s actual reality. Now back to the trolling?
Btw I’m a sex offender and I really like children.
Welcome to the world of news blogs, Jim. :3
Who are you, “Jack,” another troll posting under a fake name, or the same troll posting under a fake name?
Yeah, I’m sure a bot was posting about Paul being in jail while he was in jail. Yeah, sure. LOL!
Cody, Cody, Cody…
You can’t be Richard Winger. You can’t be ppp (or even decagonal decade of decadence). You got called our in one of ipr’s early posts for copying their original posts, way back when their posts were original, to tpw without attribution. Then you got kicked off ipr. Twice by different owners. Because you don’t know the difference between editorial and news story or what copyright is. You turned atpr into a total dumpster fire, not that it was much of anything to begin with. You mostly just copy BAN articles cut and paste for no apparent reason. Then you come on here and lamely pretend to be other people in between complaining that Richard every once in a while makes you work harder than just copying and pasting. You got whipped in a troll war by Don Lake. You got kicked out of the constitution party and iap. I haven’t paid close attention but I seem to remember your jobs and marriages haven’t worked out all that well either. Try to learn to do something well and not just copy and complain about the work of others. Just some friendly advice. Now go on and try to be me too.
No, my name actually is Jack. It’s not jack h. Andy but it may as well be. I’m a nobody, like you. I may or may not be some or all of the people you think I am. Even I list track, and from what I’ve caught, you’re not very good at guessing. Not even a little good for that matter. It may come as a shock to you but there are actually lots of contraband cell phones floating around jails and prisons. It may also come as a shock to you but it’s actually none of your business who I am and I don’t really care who you are.
I forgot what even I list track…should be lost track. Not that it matters.
Heads up; I am bipolar and I really, really, really like sharing my bed with children. Left Fist baby.
Haters gotta hate, regardless of their sex offender status.
Pick a number, get in line, troll.
I tried to run my not so trick play even after it got called, but I couldn’t even manage to copy and paste a name that was too long for me to type or understand. Do I even know what a decagon is? Probably not. It’s not exactly a secret that the things i say while pretending to be other people are actually true about me. Could I, Mr. Quirk, be any more lame?
Btw I’m a troll and I like to talk to as well as about myself. See how that works?
I’m a hater hating hater who hates haters and I hate myself for being a hater, troll, impersonating impersonator and a whole bunch of other things I like to call people when I’m really talking to myself. I’m not original or clever at all. Right hand salute.
I’m a Soros minion.
Lol, I’m loving the petty butt-hurt from these trolls; especially the bipolar ones

I really really like children -like my daddy Biden.
I pretend to troll under multiple names because I am bipolar and have touretts.
Left Fist!
I’m a loser that can’t even compensate for something I lack, and I am not talking about a brain.
Oh Daddy Biden!
I agree, so am I!
Especially on children!
Left Fist! I suck!
Ahhhh the taste of Trumpy tears in the morning!
Is so funny how pathetic of a loser your Cheeto boy is! LOL! Not even scotus would cut him a break for how pathetic he is!
What a baby! Hahahaha! HE LOST! Biden is going to be prez!
*sits back and grabs a bowl of popcorn*
Fuck you Coty Banks! Why do you always have to be an asshol and win?! If only you could be a dark web loving sex offender like me!
Left Fist Salute! Hail Google! Hail Gates!
And I’m bipolar
@Jim: “If the CP Idaho changed its name to the Life and Liberty Party…”
Why do you presume that CP-Idaho seeks affiliation with L&L? Further, there is no “interparty squabble” as you allege. CP-Idaho’s 2018 state convention voted to disaffiliate. We have more voice now than ever we did in submitting to the shackles of the insular theocratic and deceitful conclave of the national CP executive committee.
What you seek is ballot qualification (a roughly organized state party) for nothing. So, you’re a grifter. You want a handout. Lastly, it is revealing that you do not similarly pressure CP-Oregon, CP-Texas, CP-Illinois, CP-Indiana or all the rest of them who also this year disaffiliated from the exclusionary junta. The answer is still no.
@ Jim:
“that would allow another party to form with the “Constitution Party” label and which affiliated with the national party”.
Allow? CP-Idaho does not bar anyone from forming a political organization in Idaho. Idaho Code (TITLE 34 ELECTIONS, CHAPTER 5, POLITICAL PARTIES — ORGANIZATION) is clear on the requirements. You need a petition containing the valid signatures of 2% of the aggregate vote cast in Idaho for presidential electors. That petition cannot begin until September 1, 2021. You need 17,361 valid voter signatures.
Assuming you meet this requirement, then you are free to organize as the IAP, US Taxpayers Party, American Constitution Party or any other name you boys still currently use. But, that’s not what you want. You want ballot qualification for nothing.
As for discussion of the matter, national CP still has a list of CP-Idaho’s conditions. Those remain. Besides, why would we seek to resubmit under the same totalitarian, theocratic deceitful (and I would add hateful) national CP regime that has just wrecked the remaining framework of the handful of syndicated state affiliates? National CP is dying. CP-Idaho is not.
I wonder how much of the Working Families and NY Conservative Party vote were fusion votes with Democratic and Republican candidates? That might explain to some degree why they got so many more votes than the Green Party’s candidates did.
Probably Demo Rep.
Who is Nathan Norman? Is this person actually for real?
Is Don Lake still alive? Wasn’t he in a veterans nursing home, or something like that?
Record number of JUNK troll / moron posts ???
— by the usual suspect troll morons of all sex perversions / crimes.
Is BAN now a must see site for such trolls, morons and criminals
— and esp for InterPol, FBI and state cops ???
“Is BAN now a must see site for such trolls, morons and criminals”?
As difficult as it is to agree (much less decipher) Demo Rep, his point is valid. Despite Mr. Winger’s noble reluctance to censor, based upon misguided loyalties to the 1st Amendment, the flood of dilatory and senseless “troll” comments hereon are destructive to that very 1st Amendment which the refusal to redact seeks to protect.
I know this much: BAN is routinely sources by media as the legitimate and professional go-to source for most matters third party. Unfortunately, the longer Mr. Winger hesitates and allows the obscene dilatory deluge to continue here, the more destruction the [Fill in the Blank] troll wrecks upon this forum that Mr. Winger has spent so much labor to create. The incessant abuse is not protected speech, nor should it be. It does not merit the presumption of blanket immunity for statements made without regard to their obscenity, recklessness or uselessness.
I have never posted under anything other than my own name.
I assume the troll is Nathan Norman.
Yes I am for real and I am not the one posting the disgusting comments here.
Demo Rep is the one trolling. We all know he has no life and hangs out here all day.
@Joshua K.
WF had 350K fusion votes in New York. They had 19 fusion candidates and none of their own. This ranged from 4.1% to 17.9% of the combined D-WF vote. They did particularly well in districts where the Republican Party had zero chance. In two districts WF outpolled the combined R-C vote. It is kind of like when a team is up 84-0 late in the 4th quarter, the 4th string QB has already had 3 TD drives, and the coach has the water boy suit up so he can get his letter. He is supposed to run out the clock, but muffs the snap and punches at the ball like it is a volleyball. It goes off a defender’s helmet and bounces to the halfback, who runs 80 yards for a TD. Waterboy finishes the game with 1.000 completion percentage and 80 yards per completion.
In more competitive districts the WF vote may get squeezed, perhaps by voters don’t realize how fusion works.
@Joshua K.,
All but 50K of the Conservative vote was fusion. But 40K came in a district with no R candidate, and the C candidate received 16% of the total vote.
Interesting how Norman and Lesiak both popped up here, one right after the other.
Just so we’re clear, the comment on December 16, 2020 at 3:52 am was made by Cody Quirk. He also made the comment on December 16, 2020 at 7:16 am. He probably made some of the other comments on here and IPR impersonating others. He once altered a comment I made on ATPR years ago to a threat against him and his family and then he called the FBI saying he had been threatened when he made the threat himself.
Interesting accusations, PPP. Do you have any evidence to back it up? I haveva more difficult time taking somebody who posts under a fake name seriously.
He posted those comments immediately before and after he commented under his own name.
See IPR article “Cody Quirk: No, Darrell Castle Is Not More Libertarian Than Gary Johnson” comment at July 18, 2016 at 22:24 where he admits to calling the FBI.
No way that Gary Johnson is more libertarian than Darrell Castle. Cody, do you still believe this? I know you left the CP in a huff, but if you do an analysis of issue stances, I think Castle is more libertarian than Johnson, even though Castle was the CP nominee and Johnson was the LP nominee. I also think Chuck Baldwin was more libertarian than Bob Barr. Heck, in retrospect, it looks like Cynthia McKinney turned out to be more libertarian than Bob Barr.
PPP, what evidence do you have that Cody altered that post and false flagged himself?
Cody does not seem bad over at ATPR. I never saw him do anything like that.
Gary Johnson was and is an SJW leftist hack, not a libertarian.