
Link to Georgia Election Returns, on Secretary of State’s Website — 27 Comments

  1. Anyone have a link to real election results that don’t include all the thousands of fake votes appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the night in black areas? We’re tired of Chinese communists and leftist democrats trying to steal elections.

    By James Ogle [One]

    The California State Libertarian Party (LP) is doubling down on cementing the insider bosses’ one-party voting system.

    The California LP only knows about the one-party voting system where insiders block new people and new ideas.

    The one-party system bosses want to prove over and over how blocking Electors from hearing from the competition in 2020 was in your best interest, how they did such a great job and about how they want to extend their dictatorship reign of the one-party voting system without interruption.

    The California State LP convention is on May 14th to 16th in Visalia, one county north of Los Angeles County, and it will feature more one-party insider boss election control, four days of grueling single-winner election districts, with guests Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen.

    Everyone is expected to admire the incredible LNC one-party boss control, approval voting (AppV) system.

    Their work is snuffing out female voices’, and any interest group’s voting power, so the majority vote of 50% plus one vote of Electors will carry on unerupted by the approval voting (AppV) male-dominated one-party voting systems, but three-party systems prohibit all single-winner election districts.

    The effort by the Espinosa/Ogle [Libertarian/One] for Prez in 2024 to eliminate single-winner election districts goes on despite the party bosses who continue to “circle the wagons” around the anointed insiders.

    When others reach out to evolve to the next level then we can start bringing alternatives to the dictatorship psychology.

    We understand the need for those under the one-party dictatorship to continue their patterns of one-party voting systems as sort of validation and stability of their one-party voting system

    Unfortunately the one-party voting system is no good and unacceptable.

    The PPR Caucus seeks others to collaborate with, so to bring the correct math for pure proportional representation (PPR), to the California State LP Judicial Committee.

    Paper ballots marked and kept as proof until further notice.

    All single-winner election districts and all plurality voting must be eliminated and Judicial Committees are multiple-winner election districts within the LP.

    Correct voting in all elections must be limited voting and they must use the strict math of ranked choice voting (RCV).

    For names both the single transferable vote (STV) and limited voting must be used correctly and no other way is acceptable.

    Voting going on now;
    * * *

    Our Own Journey
    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    Everyone, stop judging. Maybe you don’t like the way someone is raising their child, what they eat or don’t eat, how they live their lives, if you aren’t helping them in a good way then stop with the judgement. Each of us are on our own journey.
    * * *

  3. The overwhelming majority of Georgia county supervisors of elections are Republicans. The Secretary of State is a Republican. The Governor is a Republican. The Republican Party has huge majorities in both houses of the legislature. Georgia election administration is almost entirely run by Republicans.

  4. And Trump-pet-ista Republicans are attempting a violent overthrow of our constitutional republic as we speak.

    Mr. Trump must be arrested and charged with treason. I said earlier hereon that the 25th Amendment needed to be immediately exercised. That MUST occur before nightfall today. He is clearly insane.

  5. Seems like Antifa in disguise to me. That’s one of their tactics.

    We get it, you love Biden.

  6. Abortionist Floyd Whitley wants to punish the president for something others did. That’s the Marxist way!

  7. Fulton, DeKalb, and Gwinnett are far from Republican counties. Chatham too. Winger is spreading his communist wishes again.

  8. Anybody who doesn’t agree with the Republican Party is a communist. The truth is the party is pushing away the people they need to win to side with the far right.

  9. Any of the Trump trolls/morons invading the USA Capitol bldg today ???

    A division of the USA into Commie West / Fascist Central / commie East regimes ??? —

    with mass moving of folks to the communist or fascist regime they love ???

  10. “Any of the Trump trolls/morons invading the USA Capitol bldg today ???”

    No. Because none of them here have the stones sufficient for a piss ant to boast about.

  11. Just out on the wires: Mattis said Trump has used “the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo-political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”

    Like I said, none of ’em have the stones swinging with enough weight that so much as a piss ant could boast.

  12. Floyd is parroting his two supporters. That’s why the CP Idaho is so weal and laughed at.

  13. Just out in the last couple minutes: “The Attorney General for the District of Columbia Karl Racine called on Vice President Mike Pence to organize the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.”

    Do it, and do it NOW!

  14. Don’t project your problems onto me, Jane. I’ve been in combat overseas, so I don’t have anything to prove there. I do have a busy schedule though so no time for protests. Work, family, friends. Things you may not know much about. As for trolls and morons between you and demo dem y’all have those bases covered.

  15. Jane, you ignorant sloot…the 25th amendment will not be invoked except in your wet dreams. Sorry to break it to ya.

  16. Is Jeremy a reborn A. Hitler — with all the standard troll fascist excuses/buzzwords for having a fascist monarch tyrant control ALL folks on Mother Earth ???

    Other commie trolls wanting a reborn J. Stalin to have a commie monarch tyrant control ALL folks on Mother Earth ???

    STATISM in the so-called brains of minority rule gerrymander MONSTERS – since 1776 [1607 VA] —
    producing slavery, genocide of American Indians, domestic oppressions of various groups and esp UN-declared illegal foreign wars – and since 1929 inflation destruction of the dollar [destroying middle and lower class savings], insane annual deficits and now super-insane govt debts.

  17. Demo Rep, since you admitted you love Hitler and Stalin, you would be the expert on that.

  18. This comment section is literally proof that Trump supporters are fucking delusional and live in a completely different world from the rest of society. They ALL belong in fucking mental institutions.

  19. Demo Rep has admitted to liking Hitler and Stalin. If anyone belongs in a mental institution, it’s him.

  20. In defense of Trump supporters (which I’m not often inclined to do, but will in this case), many of these so-called Trump supporters seem, at least to me, to be obvious trolls. I don’t disagree that many Trump supporters might have difficulty accepting some election results, but the self-professed Trump supporters here, as other have put forward in the past, don’t seem to be particularly genuine. Just my opinion, of course, as I know these individuals in question indeed insist they are real. I just don’t for one second buy it.

  21. I don’t see your problem. There are whole forums with thousands of people who hold views very much like mine. You think all of them are fake?

  22. How many govt agents acting as troll morons/idiots on left/right websites ???

    Answer – not enough AND/OR too stupid to detect stuff like the Capitol invasion mob on 6 Jan 2021.

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