Arizona State Senator Introduces Bill to Appoint Republican Presidential Electors for 2020 Election

Newly-elected Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend introduced SCR 1002 on her first day in office, January 6, 2021. It says that because the November election vote returns are not correct, the legislature is appointing the Republican slate of presidential elector candidates. Here is the text.

Before this year, she was an Arizona State Representative, and was the majority whip. See this story about her bill.


Arizona State Senator Introduces Bill to Appoint Republican Presidential Electors for 2020 Election — 8 Comments

  1. You must thinking of Kelly Townsend, not Kelli Ward. Might want to actually read the articles you post next time.

  2. Thank you. I have now fixed the post. This is why I appreciate having comments on this website. You are right, I got Senator Kelly Townsend mixed up with the Arizona Republican Party state chair, Kelli Ward.

  3. She is wasting her time. Better to expend her energy on adopting district, ranked-choice voting for President in Arizona.

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