Matt Welch Essay on Conceivable New Patriot Party

Matt Welch has this lengthy article about the possibility that former President Donald Trump might try to start a new party, which he has already said might be named the Patriot Party. The story is in Reason Magazine.


Matt Welch Essay on Conceivable New Patriot Party — 68 Comments

  1. Great news! More people are waking up and realizing that the ultra-corrupt Dems/GOP can not be reformed. On the left, the People’s Party is also being organized as well.

  2. Posted too soon. If the Constitution Party gets involved with them, it will spell certain and very sudden death.

  3. There was an entity called the Patriot Party in the early 90s. They tried to capitalize on the Perot 92 campaign and draw in those voters. But, they had the Lenora Fulani people in it, too. They ended up shutting down when the Reform Party started.

  4. The Democrats will delightfully collect the signatures of the Patriot Party. Does Tom Brady come with the party?

  5. Great idea. Split republicans, more Democratic wins. I am being serious, not sarcastic here. Please give it all you got qtards. Popcorn time.

  6. Jeff, are you sure that the link you posted for a Patriot Party is the same party Donald Trump is talking about forming.

  7. Andy, got it from here:
    Also, regarding the alliance with the CP mentioned in the Reason article where the CP’s ballot access in a few states are mentioned as assets – that is completely irrelevant with regard to the formation of a party with a new name because very few states allow qualified parties to simply change their names. Michigan is an example where the CP affiliate is still called the US Taxpayers Party because it would have to petition all over to rename itself.

  8. States in which the Constitution Party is now on the ballot, and which let parties change their names, are Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. The issue has never come up in Wyoming or Nevada.

  9. Trump has, and can raise, plenty of money, so he does not really need the Constitution Party, especially given that they don’t have ballot access in many states.

  10. Thanks, Richard. I stand corrected. But I have to chuckle at the CP’s Idaho and Oregon access since both are disaffiliated. If the party merged with the Patriot Party, do you think they would reaffiliate and change their names?

  11. Anti-Trumper Floyd Whitley doesn’t appear to be on speaking terms with me any longer, but perhaps he will chime in on this speculation anyway. But I think we all can guess the answer.

  12. And, again that’s “interesting.” Apparently (I once thought it wasn’t the case, but now must concede it is) … I’m on filtration of some sort by Richard and/or whatever minions help him with the site.

  13. I thought you wanted third parties, now you slam them. Hypocrites?

    It is so easy to be an LP delegate. Yes, you can waltz right in. Look at Lincoln Chafee and Bill Weld.

  14. It depends on the third party. As a liberal Democrat I like third parties which split votes from Republicans and help Democrats win. I don’t like third parties which do the opposite.

  15. Trump ABSOLUTE Monarch Party On Now — TAMPON

    Add more doofuss names — to divide and conquer the GOP fascists nonstop.
    How many Biden commie exec ords ]ie legislation] per day from the Biden RED commie staffer / congress / DNC / etc. hacks ???

    — all part of the degenerate monarchy/tyranny in ANTI-Democracy Deception City.

    Part of the ROT is that the olde gerrymander hacks in the gerrymander USA Congress do NOT want to be in DC when it is too cold or hot — about 10 months in year — thus the zillion laws giving Prezs UNCON power to issue legislative exec orders on A – Z subjects.

    See subject index to USA Code – zillion pages noting Prez powers — often to be delegated to a Prez stooge hack appointee.

    Appointed SCOTUS hacks let the MONARCHY R-O-T get worse and worse.

  16. As the article points out, Trumpists already have a strong base within the Republican Party . Most likely, this Patriot “Party’ will become a caucus within the Republican Party, similar to the late, great Tea Party, to run pro-Trump candidates in the Republican primaries.

  17. I envision that this Patriot “Party” will make Donald Trump Chairman-for-Life, that he will have the ultimate power to nominate or veto any candidates, who will then run in the Republican primaries. Any party “memberships” will be largely fund-raising vehicles.

  18. If it makes Ray feel any better, as a leftist third-party voter (proudly voted for Stein in 2016, proudly voted for Hawkins in 2020), my vote was never going to go to a Democrat anyway, so no need to be angry about “splitting” votes from the Democrats.

    No matter what orientation the party is, I support increased ballot access for third parties across the country. Those who don’t sure pick an odd place to comment.

  19. I am SHOCKED…SHOCKED (!!!) at Demo Reps humor in this thread! Good for him! He usually takes things Sooo seriously.

  20. BTW, there was also a right-wing minor party in the 60’s called the Patriot Party. They were loosely affiliated with the Houston-based Constitution Parties of the United States. The entire organization folding into the 1968 George Wallace American Independent Party movement.

  21. CO —

    USA just barely survived having the N-U-T Trump as CIC in control of USA nukes and the seditionist-in-chief in the 6 Jan 2021 Capitol invasion.

    TOTAL danger in having partisan execs/judics.
    PR and AppV

  22. Hi Michael, thank you for the polite reply. I am fully in favor of you voting your individual conscience. However on balance I believe the party you voted for did hurt Democrats and help Republicans. While your personal vote was not going to go to Democrats there are other people who voted for them who would have voted for Democrats if not for them, and I believe they outnumber the ones who would have voted for Republicans. You can argue that I’m wrong if you want. I also believe that if the TAMPON party (thank you for the laugh Demo Rep) takes off and does well it will in balance hurt Republicans and help Democrats. While there will be individual qtards who won’t vote Republican regardless I think more of them vote Republican than not. Again you can argue I’m wrong if you want.

    Another point where you could well disagree with me is that it matters. I believe we are much better off because Biden is president than if Trump won another term which I think would have been a disaster. I believe we’re better off that Kamala Harris gets a tie breaking vote in the Senate and that Kevin McCarthy is not speaker of the house. I think we would have been better off with Hillary Clinton and Al Gore as presidents than W and Trump. The closeness of some of these elections shows that the Green Party or the NUT party at least potentially can swing them to the opposite direction. We can disagree about which particular instances that did or didn’t happen, which cases it’s a good thing in and whether it matters. If you want you can even disagree that it could ever happen but I think it’s pretty obvious that it could.

    As to making laws for third parties easier I agree with you. Even in those cases where I think the individual third party has a negative net effect I think it’s still wrong to use the law to keep them from making their voice heard and any such law also makes it harder for a party which would have a positive net effect to take off. If I had my way we would have a multi party system like European countries do. But in the present US system I stand by my view that I wish good luck to right wing minor parties so long as they don’t actually take over, which I don’t believe they have enough support to do without the votes of more moderate Republicans, and bad luck to minor leftist parties.

    Lastly to your point of why comment here at all, supposing I did want harsher laws to prevent all third parties, which was not what I said and is not what I believe. Well sometimes I like to comment at sites where most people and the site owners disagree with me. I think I and the people there learn more that way. I don’t think it’s a good idea to always talk to folks who agree with you or who disagree within a narrow range of opinion where opposing views are not allowed. So maybe on this site Democrats like me are the minor party and the green and TAMPON parties are the major parties. I’m ok with that and I hope you’re ok with me expressing what I guess is an unpopular opinion around here.


    Biden orders review of domestic extremism threat in US

    Eric Tucker, Associated Press Published 2:34 p.m. ET Jan. 22, 2021 | Updated 3:57 p.m. ET Jan. 22, 2021

    Washington — President Joe Biden has directed law enforcement and intelligence officials in his administration to study the threat of domestic violent extremism in the United States, an undertaking being launched weeks after a mob of insurgents loyal to Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol.
    Shortly- ONLY good RED commies in ANY party ???

  24. It wouldn’t surprise me is “Ray” is posting here because he gets paid to post here as a propagandist/disinfo agent.

  25. It’s interesting to ponder which major party the Libertarian Party “helps” or “hurts” The experience of 2016 and 2020 suggests that it’s different in different states and years.

  26. It would surprise me if “Andy” gets paid, because anyone stupid enough to pay him to post such qtard idiocy would be unlikely to have or retain the money to do so to start with. Besides which qtard nut jobs are a dime a dozen so why waste money paying them what they’re more than happy to do for free? I mean I guess someone could pay him to make qtards look dumb but they do a good enough job of that on their own so that doesn’t seem like a really good use of money.

    Walter, good question. The libertarians are harder to pinpoint. They have a mix of left wing and right wing views. I think more people vote based on economic issues than anything else so most likely I think they help Democrats more than hurt on balance but you are probably right that it depends on which year and candidate. I was more supportive of them in college when legalizing marijuana was a big issue for me but veered more Democratic as helping provide for my family became a bigger concern than getting busted for smoking pot, and as more Democratic politicians have softened up their support for the war on weed.

  27. The Patriot Party will be formed. It will run a handful of candidates for US House in 2022 in races where they think they can cause the Republicans to lose, just to get their attention. The Patriot Party will then merge with the Constitution Party.

    Donald Trump Jr will be put forward as the potential Presidential candidate of the merged party. He will offer to withdraw if the Republicans make him their nominee. The Republicans will. Then the Trumpists will then dismantle the Patriot/Constitution party because they don’t want the competition.

  28. @ Ray

    Firstly, I apologize for the delay in this reply – I don’t frequent this site every day, so I just now saw it.

    I appreciate the fact that you’re supportive of third party ballot access, and more so, your willingness to discuss the disagreements we share.

    You said that you wished “bad luck” to minor left wing parties, and while I can understand that (I used to be a Democrat, and in fact canvassed in Ohio for Obama in 2012), I’m sure you understand that if the Democratic Party held to left-wing values, leftist third parties wouldn’t be much of a problem. All Democrats need to do to potentially get voters like me is run leftist campaigns and fight for leftist causes. If Democrats did that, and did so enough that they were trustworthy in doing that, then many Greens, and potentially some socialists, would be more inclined to vote for them.

    Remember, it’s on a party to draw voters in. If they want votes, they have to earn them, and personally speaking, I can tell you that Clinton didn’t earn my vote in 2016, and Biden definitely didn’t earn my vote in 2020. That’s not on me – that’s on the Democratic Party. I’m not likely a voter they even want to focus outreach on, but I’ve spoken to many people who think I should be voting Democratic anyway because of either “harm reduction” or “the lesser of two evils” (both of which are ideas I fundamentally disagree with).

    Another point that I wanted to mention, and I’m sure that you may know this too, is that as a third-party advocate, the Democratic Party and their actions clearly show that they have no interest in easing ballet access, and as such, voting Democratic is pretty much slitting my throat.

    If you believe the import of a third party is to push one of the major parties to certain positions (which isn’t a belief I hold, but I know some do), then you need to ensure that third party is as strong as possible in order to exert influence. If you believe, as I do, that a third party should operate entirely separate of any ideological cousin (for instance, the Greens shouldn’t work no make anything easier for Democrats simply because both are “left”), then the party needs to be strong in order to best compete against both the Democratic and Republican parties.

    What I’m trying to say is that I want better ballot access across the board, and Democrats generally don’t, sometimes for the same reasons that you’ve laid out (and with the idea in mind that if you restrict options, your party automatically “wins” those votes). I couldn’t see myself voting against third party interests, which is what voting Democratic in many cases is.

    If the Green Party ever “swung” an election (which I don’t particularly find fair language, as it indicates that either the Republican or Democratic Parties are the only two options), that’s not the fault of the Green Party or those who voted Green – it would be the fault of the Democratic Party for failing to earn those votes. If the Democratic Party fought for the same values the Green Party did, then the Green Party wouldn’t run against them, or Green Party voters would be more inclined to vote Democrat. It sounds like, to me, you’re putting blame on the Green Party, or third parties in general, when the blame should be placed on the parties that are failing to earn votes (such as the Republicans or Democrats).

    I also want to apologize for sounding as though you shouldn’t be commenting here. That’s not what I wanted to come across, and of course I have no problem with discourse on these matters, especially since it’s these exact issues that need to be discussed, because while I don’t think they can ever be solved or agreed upon, people should at least be willing to talk about their disagreements.

    I can’t tell you how many Biden supporters over the course of 2020 have called me a “Trump supporter” or other unfair descriptions, and I could imagine the possibility in which some strong leftists have attacked Biden supporters just as well. The anger is understandable, of course, but it’s not productive, so like you, I appreciate your reply despite the disagreements we may share. I hope that this finds you well.

  29. @ Ray:

    For what its worth, I took a look at the election returns for President in both 2016 and 2020 (per Wikipedia), and have determined in which states votes for the Libertarian candidates covered the margin:

    In 2016:

    Won by Clinton:

    NM 5 electoral votes
    CO 9
    ME 2
    NV 6
    MN 10
    NH 4

    Total= 36 electoral votes

    Won by Trump:

    MI 16 electoral votes
    PA 20
    WI 10
    FL 29
    NE-2 1
    AZ 11

    Total: 87 electoral votes

    In 2020

    Won by Biden

    AZ 11 electoral votes
    GA 16
    WI 37

    Total 37 electoral votes

    (In PA, the Libertarians came within 1,200 votes of the margin, and not all votes have been finalized in PA)

    In 2020, there were no states won by Trump in which the Libertarians’ votes exceeded the margin.

    So, it appears that, in 2016, Libertarian votes “spoiled” Clinton for more electoral votes than Trump (36-87), but that, in 2020, Libertarian votes “spoiled” Trump for 37 net electoral votes.

    It’s interesting to note that, in 2016, the LP “flipped” both AZ and WI for Trump, but “flipped” both of those states for Biden in 2020.

  30. And finally, If you take the 37 electoral votes from AZ, GA and WI (in which the Libertarians covered the margin) and move them from Biden to Trump, you get a 269-269 tie in the electoral college.

  31. Sorry, I’m going to break this up. Too much scrolling up and down.

    Michael, first point: I agree that it’s the job of Democrats to win leftist votes. As I said I’m not in favor of trying to bully anyone by taking your preferred alternatives off the ballot. That’s especially self defeating because the only way to legally do that is too also make it harder for right wing minor parties, but above and beyond that I think it’s unethical. To me your right to cast a protest vote or try to build a minor party is the same as your right to peacefully protest, publish or otherwise express your views, or practice the religion of your choice. Just because I don’t like how some people use those rights, doesn’t mean I want to take them away. I find it disgusting that Nazis and klansmen have the views that they do but the answer is not to make it harder for them to march (other than to make sure they do so peacefully) or publish newsletters, podcasts, videos, record and perform music conveying their message, sell and wear t-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers, hold their religious services, etc. It would be especially bad to take those rights away from everyone else just so they would not be used by racists.

    However, while I agree that it’s the job of Democrats to persuade leftist voters, it’s also the job of Democrats to persuade moderate voters and persuadable Republicans. What I would say to people on the fence between voting Green and Democratic if they are in a state or district where the outcome is in doubt is to ask themselves whether trying to push the Democrats to the left is more or less important than say getting Trump out of office or who controls congress. For me the answer is that it was more important to get Trump out and not having Republicans control congress. If your answer is different by all means please vote Green, Socialist or whatever suits your views the best. Since I’m not in a state or district where the outcome is in doubt, my personal reason for being a Democrat is that in my case my views are closest to Democrats. In our case the Greens and other leftist parties are not on the ballot but I support changing the laws so they can be. If they were on the ballot, however, I would still vote Democratic. And since I’m in a deep red state I wouldn’t try to persuade anyone here to vote Democratic rather than Green because of any practical worry that it may elect Republicans, since as it stands Republicans will be elected here regardless, except in equally lopsided majority black districts.

  32. The comment from “Ray” on January 24, 2021 at 11:45 am is actually from the cyberpig xaulie banali, the 400 lb tormentor of Robert Milnes, betrayer of Andy, and jew mongoloid.

  33. Michael, on your second point, it’s true that a lot of Democrats have allowed beating Republicans to become so all consuming that it’s caused them to stand against what have historically been liberal values, which to me includes the right of self expression through among other things the formation and organizing of minor parties, including leftist ones – and including far right racist ones, and everything in between. I blame our unfortunate winner take all electoral system, but some of the blame should be on Democrats who have allowed it to cloud their judgement and call for taking third parties and independent candidates off the ballot. However, making that THE issue that determines how I would vote, and voting third party as a protest vote against Democratic Party efforts to curtail third party rights, seems like overreach to me.

    I’m sorry, but on the scale of things that are important when I vote, it’s not up there with equal access to health care, a living wage, equal justice for all races, women’s rights to control their own bodies, equal marriage and employment rights for gender and sexual minorities, and many other issues. As a practical matter it’s very unlikely that third parties will win the presidency or control of congress any time soon. So the main question as far as any of the issues most important to me, and to most voters, is to what degree Democrats get to shape those laws and regulations versus Republicans. And yes, that very much includes environmental protection. Those issues far outweigh whether Democrats are being fair to third parties, although I agree with third parties that many Democrats, whether elected officials, party bureaucrats or rank and file supporters, are not being fair to them.

  34. Michael, on your third point, I do believe it is fair to say that a third party can swing an election. As long as more Green Party voters would otherwise vote Democratic than would vote Republican, that potential exists. That’s still true even though some Green Party voters would otherwise vote Republican, not vote at all, write in, etc.

    However, Walter, it’s a mistake to analyze the extent to which this happens based solely on the vote margin between the Democratic and Republican candidates. For such an analysis to be accurate you would have to suppose that 100% of a third party’s voters would have voted for the major party runner up. As we’ve discussed with Michael, that’s not even true for Green Party voters. As you and I have discussed, it’s probably even less true for libertarian voters.

    I do believe it’s at least possible that third parties may have swung some electoral votes in 2016 or 2020, but far from obvious that they did and highly unlikely that it was as many as the simple vote difference between the two leading presidential candidates. For that to be true it would have to be true that without minor parties on the ballot 100% of minor party voters, or at least most of them, would have had to vote for Clinton in swing states in 2016 and Trump in swing states in 2020. Do you find that to be plausible? It doesn’t seem very likely to me.

  35. Michael, regarding anyone who called you a Trump supporter, I obviously disagree with them. I think they allowed binary thinking cloud their judgement. If you were a Trump supporter you’d vote for Trump, not Greens. It doesn’t sound like you agree with Trump on issues. I expect that they were misguidedly trying to bully you into voting Democratic, but bullying is a very poor way to persuade people since it puts them in a defensive posture. Clearly they were frustrated with your view that pushing Democrats to the left or building a leftist third party capable of winning the presidency are more important than the more short term goal of not having Trump become or stay president. I don’t feel driven to apologize for things someone else said just because we have the same voting preferences, but I agree that they expressed that frustration poorly, especially if their goal was to actually persuade you rather than just vent that frustration to make themselves feel better.

  36. Hey troll, if it’s too long for you to read then don’t read it. I addressed Michael and Walter, so they will decide whether it’s too long or not. I suppose people might take your speculation about who you think I am more seriously if you told us who you are and showed whatever level of proof you demand of me. But more importantly I suspect most people other than obsessed trolls don’t care who either of us are. I don’t care who you are and see no good reason for anyone to care who you are or who I am. Sorry if this taxes your sound bite sized attention span. Please feel free to not read or respond to my comments, and I’ll do the same for you.

  37. If someone actually cared how would they verify that to see if it’s true or not?

  38. I think this sites numbers are wrong concerning the ratio of Demos to Reps. I believe the Reps. are actually outnumbered by 2 to 1 or more.

  39. The comment from “Checking facts” on January 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm was made by cyberpig xaulie banali AKA polly Uranus AKA Vernon Frankel AKA Wang Tang Fool AKA Humungous Fungus AKA Martin Passoli AKA Ray

  40. Fact Checker, you think Paul played the “Vernon” role? I am not sure about that one. How do we know you weren’t “Vernon”?

  41. I believe he created Vernon to portray himself as a victim. He always knew what hotel room he was staying at and the phone numbers of his contacts. The comical, over the top, self loathing he employed is a cyberpig giveaway.

  42. I don’t care who Ray is – what matters is how he makes his points, and he does so far better than many of the trolls we seem to have here, some of whom make intentionally inflammatory statements and try to pass it off as serious political thought.

    I just wanted to thank you, Ray, for those detailed replies. I certainly didn’t find it overlong or unnecessary, but refreshing. Despite the disagreement in strategy we may have, I appreciate the conversation.

  43. Whoever I am or am not, “fact checker” has provided zero way to verify his alleged name Rufus Redd. More than likely that’s not actually his name, although it could be. It’s also notable that Andy doesn’t badger this troll to demand who he is and prove it as he does with other people but instead acts like they’re friends. Maybe that’s because they actually are friends and Andy knows who it is. Maybe it’s Andy himself. Just because he says he doesn’t post under fake names doesn’t mean it’s true. I also wouldn’t be surprised if this troll “fact checker” is this guy Paul that him and Andy accuse everyone else of being and him and Andy are secretly still friends or patched it up despite Andy’s denials.

  44. Andy and “fact checker” also seem to have many of the same far right, conspiracy, nationalist, paytriot or whatever you want to call them views. Coincidence?

  45. The only thing I know about it is what I read in past threads here… but I’m still wondering how Paul or anyone else knew Andy was in jail in Arkansas when nobody except Andy and the cops or other people on the scene when he was arrested which would not be anybody who would have heard of that other website you all are obsessed with (I took a look at it and have no idea why) knew that. Also, Andy said that when Paul was arrested and he was the only person on there who would have known that, someone else posted about that too. How did they know? If someone could know those things they could also know phone numbers and motel rooms. Maybe it’s the “fact checker” and maybe that’s why he claims every new troll or new commenter that comes along is this Paul guy to deflect attention from himself?

  46. Of course the fake fact checker will say I’m Paul too. I’m not, but I don’t care if him, Andy, Robert Milnes and any trolls they create think I am. Nor will I be telling you who I actually am, any more than the fake fact checker will. I am whoever you say I am. I wonder if Andy, Robert Milnes and the fake fact checker are actually the same person? That would explain a lot. They are all really obsessed with some crappy website and this Paul guy, and nutty conspiracy theories.

  47. I have badges “Fact Checker” many times, and I suspect “Fact Checker” and “Egyptian God” are the same person. I think there is more than one person trolling here and at IPR. “Fact Checker” may have even played “Vernon,” but regardless of whether or not “Fact Checker” was “Vernon,” I also suspect that “Fact Checker” and/or other trolls are trying to pin all of the trolling onto Paul, but I think reality is that Paul was only doing some of the trolling. It would not surprise me if “Fact Check” is FBI or DHS or CIA, while Paul may be trolling for the Mossad or JIDF or ADL or SPLC. It is also possible that Paul was trolling on his own, but some of his troll post sounded like he was spouting talking points handed to him by one of the aforementioned groups. Also, notice how Paul was always trying to push the Libertarian Party far to the left. I used to assume that he just wanted more Libertarian outreach to the left, of which I was not opposed, but I have to wonder, was his actual goal to bend the Libertarian party to the far left in order to help ease the path for a Marxist revolution? Hard to say for sure, but it looks like this may have been his motivation.

  48. Thanks Michael, I appreciate it as well. I’ll just ignore the trolls from here out. In reading the original article linked in the one we are commenting on I followed a link to a suggested article, “the incredible shrinking third party voter”. It breaks down surveys of Johnson and Stein voters from 2016. Somewhat surprising to me, their second preferences between Johnson and Stein voters were almost exactly the same. 55 percent of Johnson voters and 61 percent of Stein voters said they wouldn’t have voted at all if the choices were narrowed to Trump and Clinton. 25 percent of each said they would have voted for Clinton and 15 and 14 percent of each would have voted for Trump. If it’s correct that the net difference between the frontrunners that third parties made was only 10% of their vote, I’d have to run the numbers but I doubt that swung any electoral votes and it’s even less likely that they swung the whole election as some people including Clinton herself have claimed.

    That same article also mentioned how 2016 Johnson and Stein voters were at that time planning to vote in 2020. 47 percent were planning to vote for Biden, 20 percent for Trump, and 33 percent were planning to vote third party again. I don’t recall a breakdown between Johnson and Stein voters, but there were several times as many Johnson voters as Stein, and I think the prediction that the third party vote in 2020 would be about a third of what it was in 2016 was roughly accurate. Given those numbers, it seems highly unlikely that the Green and Libertarian nominees in 2020 actually changed the outcome in many states, if any at all.

  49. @ Ray:

    I resemble that remark. In 2016, I voted for Johnson; if I had RCV, my #2 vote would probably have gone to McMullin. In 2020, I voted for Jorgensen; here, with RCV, my #2 vote would probably have gone to Dela Fuente.

  50. That means nothing to me. Anyone who votes or considers voting for McMullin loves endless wars and the surveillance state.

  51. McMullin had a greater since of constitutional restraint than either Trump or Clinton.

  52. Why are your comments full of silly platitudes? Trump did not get the US involved in any wars, which is why warmongers like Liz Cheney hate him. Why do you think people like Bill Kristol supported neocon spook Evan McMullin? Maybe because he promised to extend overseas wars and labeled truthtellers like Julian Assange and Snowden as terrorists? Is that the kind of “constitutional restraint” you like in a leader?

  53. Trump has dissociated himself from Patriot Party. This would make sense as if he does, then lvanka Trump would be booted out of the Republican Party and not be able to contest Marco Rubio in Senate Primary election when she would be eligible to do so. Also let’s not forget about Don Jr. as well…

  54. I’m filing for the Liberty Party in Nebraska. I’m not like Trump but have a bone to pick with a nothing but republican elected government. Ne watching for the filing. Lol

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