News Story Says Some New York City Republican Leaders are Encouraging Registered Republicans to Switch to Being Democrats

This story by election expert Jerry Goldfeder says there is an organized effort by some Republican leaders in New York city to encourage registered Republicans to become registered Democrats, so they can vote in this year’s Democratic primary for Mayor. That primary is hotly contested.


News Story Says Some New York City Republican Leaders are Encouraging Registered Republicans to Switch to Being Democrats — 20 Comments

  1. Last Elephant mayor in RED commie Apple city was XXX ???

    Solve for XXX.

    RED commie Apple city Debt per voter– $$$$$$$$$$$ ???

    Solve for $$$$$$$$$$$.

    Will RED commie Biden bail it out ???

  2. Deadline to have party registration before primary ???

    Olde SCOTUS op — circa 1 YEAR ???

  3. Demo rep,

    New York City most recently had two Republican mayors for 5 consecutive terms from Jan 1, 1994 to Dec 31, 2013. There has been one Democratic Party mayor since then who is term limited out this year. Before that, three Democratic mayors were in office from 1974 to 1993. And before that there was a Republican mayor from 1966 to 1973. So since 1966 – 55 years, or as long as there have been superbowls – Democrats and Republicans have held the office of NYC mayor equally long: 28 years each by the end of this year, which will make it 56 years.

    R 8 yr
    D 20 yr
    R 20 yr
    D 8 yr

  4. NYC mayors Jan 1, 1966 to Dec 31, 2021:

    28 years of 4 different Democrats
    28 years of 3 different Republicans

    This assumes the current mayor finishes his term this year. If for any reason he can’t finish his term I am guessing another Democratic mayor would finish it for him.

  5. 1966-2020 party registrations in RED rotted Apple commie city ???

    75 plus pct RED donkey commie regis. in 2020 ??? – a de facto ONE party regime ??? —

    thus the 2021 Elephant regis. scheme ???

    ANY token gerrymander Elephants in the NY city council ???
    nonpartisan AppV – execs/judics

  6. If NYC is a de facto one party regime, how do you account for 3 Republican mayors serving 7 of the last 14 terms (including the present term)? Someone had to vote for all those Republicans all those times. It’s not just mayor, either. For example Wikipedia states “Staten Island’s borough president…Republican… elected with 69.1% of the vote in 2013”. The same article says the last time Staten Island voted Democratic for mayor was 1985. They are represented by two Democrats and two Republicans in the state legislature. Since WWII they had a Democratic majority for President 4 times: 1964, 1996, 2000 and 2012. When the Democrats won it was by less than 10%. Trump won by 15% both times. Granted, it’s the most Republican of the 5 boroughs, but see again about 7 of 14 terms won by Republican mayors. It appears the city is not as monolithically Democratic as you are claiming.

  7. The legislative numbers are in the lower house of the legislature. The upper house is equally split with 1 Democrat, 1 Republican. Their U.S. House representative is a Republican who won by 19%. 2 of their 3 city council members are Republicans.

  8. 80% plus of NYC voted for Barack Hussein Osama. That should really tell you all you need to know about their views.

  9. NYC is downright Maoist, which is why Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor twice. Trump was a resident for over seven decades. Archie Bunker is fictional, but not unlike many blue collar and middle people in the outer boroughs. Many of the largest financial contributions not just to Democrats but also to Republicans carry NYC zip codes. It isn’t as one sided as you assume.

  10. @Jeremy What that they voted for a moderate Democrat? Obama is a capitalist-leaning “social democrat”. So is Biden, so is Pelosi. Those are objective facts. The only way you would think they’re something else is if you look at the world from a distorted uneducated point of view.

    The Democratic Party does have some socialist-leaning elements in it in people like Elizabeth Warren and AOC… but they are the extreme exception, hardly the rule. But I’m sure you buy the hyper-partisan propaganda of authoritarian-right politicians and media pundits that call all democrats both socialists and communists (at the same time – they’re two different things by the way), and all Republicans liberty loving saints (if that were true the Libertarian Party wouldn’t exist and it certainly wouldn’t be growing like it is).

    Objective truth says mainline Democratic Party members are social democrats not communists, not socialist, not even democratic socialists. Republicans are authoritarian-right predominately of the “Christian Democratic” mold but also have fringe Nationalist elements (just like Democrats have fringe socialist elements). To reject these statements is to reject objective truth and basic understanding of political ideologies.

  11. P.S. Wikipedia defines Social Democrat inaccurately social democracy is a hybrid system mixing elements of socialism and capitalism with a much stronger emphasis on capitalism. In other words it’s capitalism with excessive regulation (effectively controlling the ways of production), where as socialism controls the “ways and means” of production. Social democracy is a center-right ideology. China is an example of a socialist country (with some remaining communist elements – they were communist, they’re not anymore).

  12. Obama had the most liberal voting record in the Senate, even more liberal than Socialist Bernie Sanders.

  13. Barack Hussein Osama is a Muslim extremism terroristic sworn commie Marxist bred specifically to destroy the American way of life and raised his whole life with the purpose of having Islamic sharia law and jihad as well as new age Marxist demonic possession overtake the USA. Joe Biden is a mind controlled zombie remote controlled from red commie China and kamala Harris is an ooga booger mau mau witch doctor princess of darkness.

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