Arizona State Senator Martin Quezada (D-Phoenix) has introduced B 1668, to eliminate Arizona presidential primaries. Parties would be required to choose delegates to the national conventions by caucus, and the bill also requires caucuses to be open to independent voters as well as party members. That part of the bill would be unconstitutional. States have no authority to tell parties that non-members must be permitted to participate in party-financed and administered caucuses. Thanks to Josh Putnam for news about the bill.
I hope this bill passes. I think caucuses are much better than primaries. Let the party activists choose the candidates. I do agree that Independents shouldn’t take part in a party caucus. And hopefully each party would pay for the caucus instead of State tax payers footing the bill.
Caucuses are a great way to spread covid.
Until we no longer worry about corona virus Caucuses could be done virtually. There will be a time when we will be able to meet in large groups again. The recent unpleasantness is temporary.
Which is better for third parties: organize primaries or organize a caucus?
There are no issues with meeting in person now. Stock is a fearmonger.
Half a million dead people don’t think so.