On February 9, Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase, who is running for the Republican gubernatorial nomination this year, sued the Virginia Republican Party over its uncertain plans on how it will nominate for statewide office this year. Chase says she is comfortable whether the party chooses a primary or a state convention. But she speculates that the party will instead let the State Central Committee choose the nominees for statewide office. Virginia major party statewide nominating conventions often attract as many as 10,000 delegates, and that is considered dangerous because of the health crisis. Chase feels the party could hold a safe convention if the party set up drive-by-locations for remote participation by delegates. See this story. The case is in state court, in Richmond, but so far the court’s website doesn’t seem to list her lawsuit.
They could hold a convention on ZOOM
ZOOM doesn’t work for meetings of ten thousand participants.
It can handle 1000
Groups of 10 and projection screen.
We want to be able to vote for our next candidate for governor by “PRIMARY”. This is what should happen. The VRP needs to listen to they’re Constituents.