Virginia State Trial Court Rejects Lawsuit to Force Republican Party to Hold a Gubernatorial Primary

On February 19, a Virginia Circuit Court in the city of Richmond rejected the lawsuit by State Senator Amanda Chase to force her party, the Republican Party, to hold a 2021 gubernatorial primary. The opinion says she lacks standing. She is seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination this year.


Virginia State Trial Court Rejects Lawsuit to Force Republican Party to Hold a Gubernatorial Primary — 3 Comments

  1. VA –

    1607 First Brit Am colony [to survive] — and still a rotted monarch/oligarch State ???

    1618 – first gerrymander for State legis body – VA House of Burgesses [state reps] —

    gerrymander plantation districts along James River.

    1619 – first slaves into VA.

    How many DEAD in Civil W-A-R I in 1861-1866 in VA ???
    PR and APPV

  2. @Tom Jefferson Because the party leaders told the judge that she does, so she does. You’re forgetting who appoints judges and who they’re really accountable to. The US is really of government of Republican and Democratic Party leads telling their subordinates (including judges) what to do and when. Of course the party leaders take their marching orders from the Corporatists (like Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Pichai, etc. – ya know, all the people that act like regulation is going to destroy them, but they’re actually the ones writing it, to destroy small business competition).

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