Clerk of U.S. House Publishes Election Returns Book for Federal Office for 2020

The Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives has just published “Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of November 3, 2020.” It has the November election returns for president and each house of Congress, by state. There are charts in the back showing the national total vote each party, for each house of Congress. The booklet is 81 pages long and will be in print later. For now it can be seen on-line. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.

The Federal Election Commission also publishes a book of election returns every two years, for all federal office. The FEC book includes primaries, whereas the Clerk’s book does not. However the FEC usually takes a year to publish its book, so it isn’t out yet.

The Clerk has been publishing a similar book every two years starting in 1920.


Clerk of U.S. House Publishes Election Returns Book for Federal Office for 2020 — 3 Comments

  1. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander math for ALL of Mother Earth to see

    + Outer space folks.

    Some LOW-lites later.
    PR and APPV


    1920-2018 —

    1922 – NO revised Reps after 1920 Census — post WW I movers

    1932 – many at large Reps – due to UNCON 1922-1930 elections in many States

    1962 – MAJOR accumulated gerrymanders – still some at large Reps

    1972 – post 1964 SCOTUS cases

    Since 1972 — Worse and worse gerrymanders in ALL States having 2 plus Reps.

    Media brain power about minority rule gerrymanders since 1776/1788 = ZERO.

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