The Fulcrum Publishes Article on How HR One Injures Minor Party Presidential Campaigns

The Fulcrum has this article by Michael Feinstein. It points out that HR One, the Democratic election law bill that has already passed the U.S. House, injures minor party presidential campaigns by making it five times more difficult to qualify for primary season matching funds. Thanks to the Institute for Free Speech for the link.


The Fulcrum Publishes Article on How HR One Injures Minor Party Presidential Campaigns — 4 Comments

  1. I like parts of the bill too, but as it is currently written HR 1 is only going to let more people vote for the same two seemingly eternal ruling parties, while minor parties and civil liberties and peace organizations are accused of “foreign influence” and suppressed via the new mechanisms in this bill. It needs a massive overhaul that eliminates the finance sections of it, protects the freedoms of speech and association, and adds Ranked Choice Voting. Additionally, many individual states need to lower their ballot access petition requirements.

  2. Gerrymander Comms in ALL States having 2 or more USA REPS

    = more rigged elections than ever for USA Rep.

    NO caucuses, primaries and conventions.
    EQUAL nom pets for individual candidates.
    PR Reps — AppV Sens

    How many fascist States will have totally separate election systems for state/local hacks ???

    BIG Media is STUPID USELESS — only wanting communism ASAP — more monopoly stuff.

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