
Netherlands Election Puts 17 Parties Into National Legislature — 25 Comments

  1. A PR regime BUT with standard fatal Brit Parl type regime.

    Euro MORONS never heard about 1933-1945 Hitler regime — with his/its Brit type Parl regime.
    PR and AppV

  2. It’s good to see the Libertarian Party competing in the 2021 Dutch national elections. The Wikipedia article mistakenly says the LP’s position is “right-wing”. We are neither left nor right.

  3. SK –

    Europe LPs — *right wing* in Europe compared to all the Europe super-left wing statist gangs – commies, socialists, liberals, etc.

  4. Yes, Demo Rep, I met some of the super-left in Europe when I petitioned for the Libertarian Party in Sweden (Liberala Partiet)at the University of Stockholm in 2013. One of them said, “Oh yes, the Libertarians–you’re the ones who want to eat our children!”.

  5. I had a pretty long conversation with Toine Manders, who was a founder, and Chairman, of the Libertarian Party in the Netherlands, when I attended the Libertarian Party of California State Convention in 2020. He seemed like a good fellow.

  6. There wasn’t much “speaking” if you know what I mean.

    “pretty long conversation” means something else, if you know what I mean.

  7. No. The guy spoke English. Lots of Europeans from non-English speaking countries speak English. Like most Americans, I am only fluent in English.

    It is kind of lame that so many Americans only speak English, but I suppose we as a country have been able to get away with being lazy about learning other languages.

    Also, the guy was a speaker at the LP of California State Convention. Do you think they would have booked him to speak if he only spoke Dutch? Do you think many, if any, LP of California members would have understood him if he got up and gave his speech in Dutch?

  8. I ran into the guy in the lobby in front of the main convention hall. I was gathering petition signatures on a couple of California ballot initiatives, one was to allow American Indian casinos to offer sports gaming, dice games, and roulette wheels, and the other was to grant an exemption to AB5, a law passed in CA which is geared toward turning independent contractors into employees, to ride share and food delivery app drivers (as in Uber, Lyft, Door Dash, etc…). I attended the convention as a delegate, and I brought the petitions with me so I could make some money while I was there. I did not know who he was when he walked by, so I asked him to sign my petition. There were not many people walking by at this time, so I ended up standing there talking to him for awhile. I thought about asking him to do an interview for my YouTube channel, but my video camera got smashed and was no longer working, and all I had was the video camera on my phone, and I had already done 3 interviews using my phone camera, and I was not sure how much video space I had left.

    There were a few other interesting people who I also talked to there who I would like to have interviewed for my YouTube channel, like John Monds, and 2000 LP vice presidential nominee, Art Olivier, but I did not do it for the same reason.

    I need to get another camera.

  9. The USA having bailed out Western Civilization (ie western Europe) in the two World Wars had its effects.

    French was international language before WW II — French defeat in 1940 had its effects.

    New Age France trying to again be a world power.

    ALL Western Civilization regimes have with MAJOR election / SOP defects in legis and/or exec and/or judic systems — esp gerrymanders and/or Brit Parl legis/exec stuff.
    PR and APPV – pending Condorcet

  10. English and Spanish are the biggest languages in the world, in large part because the English and the Spanish were great sea faring people. The French were as well, but they did not establish quite as many settlements.

    Chinese is spoken by lots of people, but the Chinese did not explore the world and set up settlements, but they are sort of making up for it now to an extent,
    because Chinese people are popping up everywhere.

  11. My camera got smashed in my luggage. The hard plastic part of the power chord got pushed into the side of the camera with the screen. Kind of a freak accident. If the power chord had been on the other side of the camera, it would have been OK. Bad luck.

  12. Lol we know what really happened to that camera. Andy Gonzalez and that hot Dutch hunk were filming an “interview” when someone got a little too excited and smashed the camera.

  13. I don’t know an Andy Gonzalez. If you are referring to me by a different last name, I only spoke to this guy in the lobby near the convention hall, so we’d have to had been ” doling it” in front of a lot of people.

  14. The Netherlands system favors larger parties, giving the largest favor. They use the Hare Quota (1รท150=.67%).

    The Droop Quota threshold is .66%.

    After looking at Netherlands system, while it is good, any party list open or closed will slightly favor party bosses over independents. That’s no good.

  15. The libertarians are ultra right wing. Anyone who says their not is confused or lying.

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