Census Bureau Now Says States Can Have 2020 Data in Mid-August

According to this story, the U.S. Census Bureau now says it can furnish 2020 population data to state agencies that are responsible for redistricting by mid-August, instead of at the end of September. However the data won’t be in a convenient format.


Census Bureau Now Says States Can Have 2020 Data in Mid-August — 225 Comments

  1. Love the 14-2 BASIC stuff coming via anon officials.
    PR NOW – N-O-T dark Age rigged packed/cracked gerrymander areas.

    VOTERS VOTE- NOT census pops – esp counting illegal INVADERS.

    TOTAL Votes / TOTAL Members = EQUAL votes to elect each Member.

  2. The format is the same as used in 2010.

    It is libel to suggest that a majority of states can’t handle it.

  3. How many LIARS on 2020 Census forms ???–
    Esp —
    under pop

    over pop.

    How many CB mind readers ???

    ANY outer space spy pics of every sq inch of USA on 2020 Census day ???

    Perhaps ask russians / chinese ???

  4. Plus of course —

    how many DEAD/moved due to CV-19 at UNEQUAL rates per block / census tract / etc. ???

    ie more than usual obsolete data.

    Chances for any 1-9-4 USA DIRECT TAX ??? —
    loved by RED commie Donkeys to wipe out ALL folks with above average assets.

  5. Hey Socratic Gadfly,
    What is going on at IPR?
    You seem to be one of very few posting. And not much of that or anything else going on there.
    I assume you approve my being banned from commenting there by Austin Cassidy, new owner.
    I assume I am still banned from commenting at your rag.
    Why don’t you advise Richard to ban me from commenting here?

  6. @WZ,

    If there were federally issued IDs, then it would be easier for the Census Bureau to locate everybody, including citizens currently residing outside the country.

    The ID could serve as automatic voter registration. It would also facilitate in-person overseas voting (such as is done by France, Iran, and South Sudan). A voter could go to a polling place at a military base, embassy, consulate, or temporary voting place, show their ID, have a ballot printed, and have their ballot returned by diplomatic pouch and electronically.

    Similar centers could be provided for those out of state on election day.

    The ID could also be used for employment verification, and immigration control.

  7. 666 would LOVE having Fed Ids and esp tracker implants.

    See that olde document of a certain religion.

  8. We do need it for immigration control. No federal id = illegal invader, shoot to kill on sight. Make it an implant so it can’t be lost or stolen.

  9. I don’t know what you’re talking about or who Paul is but I’m serious, and I would gladly kill them myself if I didn’t have to go to jail for it. I would look them, male and female (and yes those are the only two genders, determined in the womb), of any ages, alone or in groups, and happily snuff out their lives.

  10. Lots of work for LT in Russia/China ???

    and in USA if Trump gets enough POWER ???

  11. I was born here, and so were all my ancestors without exception for well over 200 years. I don’t speak for all border security advocates or anyone else except myself. As my name says, I’m for lawful tyranny. I mean that literally. I dream of a day when this country has an absolute monarch, bowing only to Christ. I’d like to lynch illegal invaders, antifa, blm, Islamic terrorists, transgender freaks, dope dealers, pimps and abortionists. I’d bring back public whippings and executions. Yes, my views are extreme. And I’m o.k. with that.

  12. Lol at the attempted “Andy tell.” We all know who you are cyberpig xaulie banali. Stop hiding behind fake names and trying to make political points with these obvious Reichstag Fire-style attacks.

  13. Maybe the census should be voluntary, and those who want to be counted will do it, and those who don’t won’t




  15. I still don’t know what you’re talking about or who it is that you think I am. In reality I’m just a regular guy who is tired of watching the left flush out country down the drain, and a law enforcement officer who is tired of arresting the scum of the earth just to fill out paperwork, sit in court, and know that at best they will get coddled in jail and let back out on the streets. I fantasize constantly about legally shooting them in the face or dragging them behind my truck after I handcuff them. I have a dream where I tell them, “you have the right to scream all you want and burn in hell forever. I don’t care if you understand your rights or not.” I bet if you had my job, you would have this same dream.

  16. If that was true you wouldn’t admit it. How many times are you going to keep pulling this scam? Do you get paid per personality you create?

  17. I get paid for patrolling the streets and arresting scumbags. I’m not pulling any scam and I am not using my name or anything that identifies where I work. To be clear, I do not break any laws in or out of uniform. I have the right to my views, and I don’t implicate my employer by using my name or anything about where I work. You are barking up the wrong tree.

  18. Are “Fact Checker” and “Lawful Authority” the same person, or is “Lawful Authority” Paul?

  19. The ROT that LT is unhappy about is esp. due to the EVIL combination of —

    1. Unequal ballot access laws.
    2. ANTI-democracy minority rule gerrymanders.
    3. Partisan hack execs/judics.
    4. Multiple violations of separation of legis/exec/judic powers.

    Rightwing media is esp legal/moron stupid about the 4 items.

  20. I’m not “fact checker” and my name isn’t Paul. You would not recognize my name if I posted it,but I won’t because some troublemakers could get me fired or have to waste time with a department shrink. However, I do not break the law, or fantasize about breaking the law. I do fantasize about killing scumbags legally.

  21. Andy,

    Would you please explain what it is that you think Israel’s interest would be here? I’d like to understand your views a little better.

  22. Oh that is complete garbage. Just because you post under multiple fake names does not mean I do.

  23. What is Israel’s interest in any American politics? The largest lobbying group in DC is AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).

    Why spy on or troll or otherwise sabotage American minor parties and independent candidates? In order to make sure no upstarts come to prominence that have any policies that go against their agenda.

  24. Andy asks — What is Israel’s interest in any American politics?
    Duh. Having USA military FORCE and threats of such FORCE to maintain the Israel regime

    — along with lots of USA $$$ – to econ support the Israel economy aka foreign aid.

    How much of the Israel military uses the latest and greatest USA weapon systems ???

  25. The UNSTABLE super-defective Israel regime is having election X within Z years.

    Solve for X and Z.

  26. WZ –





  27. @ DR

    The Antonines had a pretty successful policy of adopting a son to be their successor. But, Marcus Aurelius – who seemed to be a smart guy – chose his own son, Commodus, to be his successor. Then the empire went down the commode.

  28. Andy, you didn’t really answer my question. What is Israel’s precise agenda here? In the past you have claimed that their alleged agent here, is promoting Marxism, gun control, mass immigration, and other policies which don’t make it immediately apparent, how they would benefit Israel. Did I misunderstand you about what you think the Israeli agenda is? If not, how would these policies help Israel? Tell me what you think the Israeli agenda actually is and why.

  29. If you are a new poster here, how would yo I know what I said about anything? Do you have nothing better to do with your time than pour through old posts here?

  30. I posted a month or two ago and have been reading on and off for a few months. I have lots of things to do but I happened to notice something you said a while ago and since you brought up some of the same themes again I thought this would be a good time to ask you. Does the question make you uncomfortable?

  31. WZ –

    Part of the WRE commode rot was trying to make deals with invader tribes/gangs.

    Result – 476 AD — END of WRE.

    History means ZERO to New Age RED commie MORONS.

    How many added invaders into USA since noon 20 Jan 2021 in the Biden regime ???

  32. Walter, that’s not a fair description of Roman imperial success and “why Commodus.” The Antonines (AND the Julio-Claudians before them) had NO emperor with a natural-born son ready to succeed them from Augustus to Marcus. (Caesarion was alive at Actium but Augustus presumably had him then knocked off, for obvious reasons.) So, adoption wasn’t necessarily some ingenuous idea; it was the only realistic option.










  35. “Fact checker,” I don’t know what you mean. It’s my real name, and I stumbled on this site a few months ago. I have not been reading it “religiously,” either. But I did ask a valid question, and regardless of whether you and the other Andy are the same person (as someone above claimed, and Andy denied) or not, all I’ve seen is a lame attempt to deflect attention and not answer it. What is it about this question that makes Any Not Gonzalez (and you?) so uncomfortable? Why not just answer it, instead of tying to shift focus away from a legitimate question that was asked honestly, in an attempt to understand someone else’s point of view better?

  36. @ SG

    Marcus Aurelius was the classic “philosopher king” He should have had enough insight to see that adoption was a better form of succession than biological. Too bad Commodus didn’t get himself knocked off in one of his gladiatorial combats. Too bad Marcus was in too much denial of how much of a rotter his natural born son was.

    Anyway, in theory, the imperial power was elective, the Senate having the power to confer the principate and the imperium, but the Senate had been too intimidated by imperial assassination to assert itself.

  37. “Andy too,” why is the largest political lobby at the federal government level AIPAC (American Israel Political Affairs Committee)? Obviously they do care about what goes on here.

  38. @ DR:

    Diocletian put to an end some of the legal fictions of the Principate, and created a new, absolutist system appropriately called the Dominate

  39. The Boulder Massacre hits home for me. I lived there for several years. That King Soopers is VERY NEAR to the grave of my ex-girlfriend Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD.
    I stand by what I said many times. I do not believe her dead body is buried there. I say she is not dead.
    I do not know what is in that grave. I do not know where she is.
    I say exhume the grave.
    Now do we have ANOTHER false flag operation? Another Arab shooter? Don’t Americans hate Arabs and love Israel enough yet?

  40. Thank you for asking.
    I was a political activist in Boulder. Young and naive. That must have caught the FBI eye.
    The FBI case against me was bogus involving news anchor Deborah Knapp in Philadelphia and her then husband Henry Bonilla R-TX. in 1985.
    I was violated on probation on bogus charges.
    The dupe Judge James T. Giles sent me to FCI Butner, NC.
    I was sent from there to FCI Lewisburg PA where Wilhelm Reich died in 1957.
    In transit to FCI Raybrook, NY. Where I maxed out on mandatory parole.

  41. The whole thing was a debacle.
    One must realize I was just about completely unfamiliar with the criminal justice system. I would do just about everything different now. Plea bargaining is a huge mistake for one thing.
    It was a 2 count indictment. Ham sandwich and cheese steak.
    18 USC Section 856.
    42 USC Section I don’t recall. Interstate communication with intent to harass. Phone call.
    With some assistance of counsel I could now beat this case on multiple grounds.
    For one thing I would demand a jury trial of my peers. Another, I would address the jury, not some fool federal defender. No matter how well intentioned.
    This is what I advised Robert Bowers.

  42. If Bowers declines to address his jury, I offered to Champion his case.
    876 was originally used in kidnapping cases.
    One sentence in one letter was called a threat. Turns out it was not pursuant to the legal definition of threat in Black’s Law Dictionary. That took me years of visits to the prison library to figure out.
    That is in other words “variance with proof” which is a ground for withdrawal of guilty plea which I tried and repeatedly failed. 28 USC Section 2255, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure FRCP 32(d). I had several grounds to withdraw guilty plea but review of criminal proceedings is very difficult. I had not even the Federal Defender’s pathetic assistance as it ended with the guilty plea.
    Debacle start to finish.

  43. Did you ever attempt to contact Deborah Knapp when the probationary period ended?

  44. I do not think it was a matter of her being upset. I think the FBI had me under surveillance after all that political activism in Boulder and found out I was writing her letters and decided to approach her and convince her to let them read them. Then they talked her into letting them handle the situation. They handled her.
    After a month on probation I got violated. I had multiple encounters with police on bogus reasons. So I began to do legal research. I sent for and received FOIP Act material including a latent fingerprint report on the letters. It said there was fingerprints from two people on them. Whose was redacted. Assuming mine was one, whose was the other?
    I think it was her reading them.
    A cross examination of her under oath would have been very interesting.
    Also I wanted to fight the charges but the Federal defender was very lame. He actually said The jury is going to want to convict you of SOMETHING. Now I know it was more like the FBI wants to convict you of SOMETHING.

  45. Also I had not read that report before, I think it was deliberately withheld by the prosecution because it was exculpatory.
    I guarantee I would have not plea bargained if I had read this report and had better assistance.
    Also the psychiatric report called for by the DEFENSE was devastating. I would not have called for ANY psychiatric testimony.
    The defense psychiatrist, Joel Glass, MD, was a lunatic, IMO. The federal defender said he said I have “magical thinking”! I do NOT. You are a lunatic shrink, rather. I did not call him, the Federal defender did. I cooperated with him because I was advised to.
    If that happened now I simply would not cooperate. I am not going to cooperate with a lunatic shrink who will then turn around and use my own words against me.
    Same with the police. I am not going to answer their questions if their intent is get a conviction.
    The whole process favors the prosecution.
    And the rich and powerful.

  46. “Andy Not Gonzalez” Of course Israel cares about US policy as it pertains to funding Israel, occupying, bombing or aiding Muslim nations, trade and aid with various countries in the middle east and other issues regarding that part of the world. It seems entirely likely that they would even pay people to post on internet forums and social media to help shape public opinion of these issues, as you have suggested. What I’m asking about is your contention that Israel has an interest in purely domestic US issues such as gun control, immigration, welfare and tax levels, or that it promotes Marxism. First of all, am I remembering correctly that you said Israel is involved in trying to manipulate U.S. public opinion on these issues? Secondly, if it is, why do you think that is? What’s Israel’s interest in them?

  47. Walter, you ask: How would a tyrant be lawfully chosen? Answer: it would be lawful only after the fact, like the American revolution or the US Constitution were. Under the prior regimes, both were illegal coups. Once a system of lawful tyranny is enacted, there are many ways to choose a lawful tyrant. The most historically stable and proven system is through absolute monarchy. Military meritocracy is another proven way to provide for succession within a lawful tyranny. And, tyrants can rise up through the corrupt and weak morass of elections, but then wipe away that disgusting failed system once they are in office.

  48. “Andy too,” why don’t you ask them why so many of them are involved in promoting things at the domestic level, such as gun control, radical feminism, racial agitation (such as Black Lives Matter/funny, but no Palestinian Lives Matter, and black lives seem to not matter much in Israel either, given that they routinely throw non-Jewish African migrants out of Israel), and open borders and mass immigration (but not into Israel of course, which is a walled ethno-state with a DNA test backed immigration policy)?

    Look what happened when the communists took over Russia. Look at what has happened in South Africa. Gee, I wonder if there are any parallels.

  49. “Andy Not Gonzalez” – who is the “them” that I am asking? Are you saying that the Israeli government or agents of the Israeli government are involved in “promoting things at the domestic level, such as gun control, radical feminism, racial agitation, and open borders and mass immigration” in the United States? What is your evidence that they are doing so, and how would that serve the interests of the Israeli government?

    “Look what happened when the communists took over Russia. Look at what has happened in South Africa. Gee, I wonder if there are any parallels.”

    Before we get into the parallels between communists in Russia and the end of apartheid in South Africa, please explain how this relates to the alleged activities of the Israeli government. The nation of Israel did not exist when communists took over Russia, and I was not aware that the Israeli state had any prominent role in the end of apartheid in South Africa. Can you enlighten me (and anyone reading who cares, if anyone does) about what communism in Russia and majority rule in South Africa have to do with Israel and its alleged activities to manipulate internal politics unrelated to Israel and its neighbors in the USA?

  50. ” who is the ‘them’ that I am asking?”

    Are you really this stupid, or do you just enjoy asking stupid questions?

  51. Interesting.
    This conversation has evolved into basically Us v Them.
    Those representing the real America Us Andy and me v Israel and pro Israel Lawful Tyranny, various Andies Them aka: The ZOG.
    Lawful Tyranny may very well be paulie or be someone much like paulie. Very sophisticated band dedicated to Israel.
    A worthy opponent.
    Andy also has exhibited a high degree of sophistication. A worthy ally.
    Can we agree that Israel is in the position of being a parasite of the huge largess of the lone superpower America?

  52. Israel seeks to dominate read enslave the world by dominating America.
    America seeks to free the world to peace and prosperity.
    America must succeed.
    Israel must fail.

  53. Andy Not Gonzalez,

    I don’t think it’s a stupid question, nor do I believe I am stupid. I am asking you an honest question. You have stated, if I understand correctly, that the government of Israel is involved in paying its agents in the USA to promote “things at the domestic level, such as gun control, radical feminism, racial agitation, and open borders and mass immigration” and that this is somehow related to the communist revolution in Russia which happened decades before the state of Israel won its independence as well as to the end of caucasian supremacist government in South Africa.

    What I have asked for is 1) evidence that this is true 2) why would any of this be in the interests of the government of Israel and 3) what’s the relation to Russia and South Africa. We should now add why you believe these are stupid questions, or why asking them makes me stupid. If you did not in fact mean that the government of Israel is paying people to promote these policies, please correct that misunderstanding and explain what you actually meant.

    “Fact Checker,”

    Your identification of me is erroneous.

  54. “‘Andy Too’ has been identified as the cyberpig.”

    You sure that is him? Could be, but of course it could be somebody else. He is certainly a suspect though.

  55. “I don’t think it’s a stupid question, nor do I believe I am stupid. I am asking you an honest question.”

    This is the internet. It does not take that long to do any research. Just go to a search engine.

  56. I’m asking you for what you believe and why. It’s a question that is specific to you. No search engine and no one else can answer it. Only you can. I am trying to understand your views.

  57. “I’m asking you for what you believe and why. It’s a question that is specific to you. No search engine and no one else can answer it. Only you can. I am trying to understand your views.”

    If you have been reading so many posts of mine, you should already know what my views are.

  58. “Andy too,” you act as though the people who make up the government of Israel only exist in Israel, and only came into existence with the creation of the government in Israel in 1947.

    Are you really this stupid, or do you only pretend to be this stupid for the purpose of steering discussions online as a part of your function as a troll?

    Also, I never said 100% of the members of group x, or any group, are all engaging in the same activities or behaviors. I am merely pointing out group trends, or patterns, or tendencies.

  59. Who is “Egyptian God”? I have several suspects. One of them is a former LP State Chairman. Another one is Krystof Lesiak. I have some others.

    I also wonder if it is an alter-ego of Robert Mines.

  60. Andy,
    I do not think Egyptian God is Kris Lesiak.
    I spoke with Kris on the phone a few times.
    I tried to get him to interview Robert Bowers. He steadfastly refused.
    He is quite proud of the fact that the concentration camps in German occupied Poland were German, not Polish.
    I like him. Kind of a mixed up right wing nut kid, though.
    Maybe he smokes too much weed.

  61. Andy Not Gonzalez, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your conspiracy theory. Like any other government, Israel has official representatives, undercover agents, and foreign assets in other countries, including the USA. There was also a movement to create the nation of Israel, but there was very little overlap between that and the movement to create the USSR. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

    The people involved with the movement to create Israel are now dead, or very old and almost all retired. Israel has been a country for well over 70 years, so anyone who was old enough to be active in the movement to free Israel from Britain is now in their 90s or older if they are still living.

    You haven’t provided any evidence at all that agents of the Israeli government were involved in regime change in South Africa, or US and other foreign movements for gun control, radical feminism, racial agitation, open borders and mass immigration. You haven’t logically explained why or how any of that would be in the interests of the government of Israel. You’ve accused me of being stupid or pretending to be stupid, but have provided no facts or evidence or explained exactly who you think “them” or the people who “make up the government of Israel” and predate it are. Please define your terms.

    Your statement about 100% of group x is as far as I can tell a non-sequitur. I haven’t noticed anyone accusing you of doing that and I don’t see how it relates to this discussion. Please explain.

  62. Andy Too, Lawful Tyranny, paulie Cannoli (eats too much stromboli), Xaulie Banali,
    The UN United Nations partitioned Palestine into a Jewish clearly apartheid and non Jewish states.
    Newly created UN and in the smoke and rubble of the aftermath of WW2.
    Understandable yet clearly a huge mistake.
    The reactionary superpower USA has perpetuated this status quo with its veto authority.
    This must change.
    The USA must not be reactionary.
    The resolutions that created Israel must be rescinded.
    Israel must cease to exist in perpetuity in the interests of peace and prosperity in the world.

  63. I’m not any of those others. I’m using my actual name. Unlike Andy Not Gonzalez I’ve also used my actual last name and not made it a mystery for some strange reason. He says he posted it in the past but I’ve never seen it. If he posted it before, why not now?

    Your misinterpretation of history is besides the point, since my questions are much more narrowly directed at Andy Not Gonzalez, and are on more specific questions.

  64. My misinterpretation of history? I do not think so.
    Ask any Palestinian.
    Israel is a nuclear armed terrorist state. Much worse than ISIS.
    It seeks to dominate/enslave the world by exploiting its relationship with reactionary USA.
    It almost certainly has enough nuclear weapons to create a nuclear winter-about 200 ground bursts- to throw radioactive debris into the atmosphere. The so called Samson option with which to intimidate/extort the world.

  65. You misinterpretation of history can be found by reading relevant wikipedia articles about the period c. 1945-9 in Israel/Palestine. You’ll have to find someone else to discuss that, or the broader question of Israeli/Palestinian affairs, with. It’s still not relevant to the specific questions I have asked, and am still asking, of Andy Not Gonzalez.

  66. Andy has not responded to your questions.
    I have already done extensive research into partitioned Palestine.
    I kept getting attacked by someone or something. At first it was the FBI. Then it was Israel.
    So I asked why is the FBI and Israel attacking me?
    All I do is pan for gold once in a while.
    And run for President.
    Oh. Never mind.

  67. I’m also not any of the people you mentioned. As far as the Israelis and Muslim nations…the whole world would be way better off if someone turned that whole part of the planet into a giant parking lot or wildlife hunting preserve. Sure, a lot of people would die, but a much larger number of people all over the rest of the globe would be so much happier.

  68. Milnes, where do you pan for gold? I thought you lived in New Jersey. I do not know of any places where gold can be panned around there, but maybe there are and I am just not aware of them.

  69. Maybe Andy feels bad about exchanging garbage comments with you on Richard’s website.
    On the other hand if Richard doesn’t mind your garbage comments, who am I to question that?
    Now at IPR they would just ban a garbage commenter like you.
    Ah, but who decides who is a garbage commenter?
    Before it was Warren Solomon Redlich and paulie banali.
    Now it is Austin Cassidy.
    Hi, Austin!

  70. Andy, you are right.
    No gold in NJ!
    Last time I panned for gold was 2001 in CA.
    I was on the Wild and Scenic North Fork of the American River all day on 9/11.
    Did not see a plane in the sky all day!
    Maybe pan this summer.

  71. Now we all know the Israelis and Saudis dropped those buildings on those first responders’ heads.
    The Saudis supplied the homicidal/suicidal religious fanatics.
    The Israelis laughed and danced in NJ watching from a safe distance.

  72. Thang Juan, I think Thang Two’s questions for you are reasonable. Why are you scared too answer them?

  73. Nathan Norman has told me he is deeply sorry about bearing false witness against Milnes in the linked story. He says it was an April Fool’s prank and that he was upset at Milnes at the time for deleting his comments at the Plas Place. He now has the upmost respect for Milnes and his political movement.

  74. I think that the the planes on 9/11 were military drones. They were either switched out with the supposedly hijacked passenger planes, or there never really were any hijacked passenger jets. The Saudis only played a small role in 9/11. The Saudis provided the alleged Muslim hijackers, who I think were just patsies. The attack was carried out by a faction within the Israeli government a ling with their operatives and allies within this country.

  75. There were bombs planted inside the World Trade Center buildings that went down, and a military drone and/or a missile fired by a drone hit the Pentagon.

  76. Robert, I don’t like the garbage comments here. I am only interested in serious political talk, mostly about ballot access. I wish the garbage posters would all just go away.

  77. “Egyptian God,” aren’t you and “Nathan Norman” the same person?

    I wonder if Paul is still trolling here, as he could be “Andy Too” and “Lawful Authority”.

  78. You don’t like the garbage talk, yet it seems to be all you engage in. Instead of answering serious questions meant to clarify understanding of your views or providing any kind of evidence for your claims, all you can engage in is baseless claims that others are trolls or fake personalities, without any evidence whatsoever. The same goes for the outlandish claims you just posted about 9/11. You’ve also avoided questions about your last name. You claim you have posted it before, yet I have never seen you do so. If you posted it before, why not post it now, or provide a link for where you posted it? I’ve only posted under my real name, and never as anyone else. I have not misrepresented my views in any way, and the questions I have asked of you in all seriousness were in the hopes that I could better understand and not misrepresent yours. It appears, that is too much to ask or expect of you. Maybe you are the troll here.

  79. What outlandish claims about 9/11? You mean the one that says some Muslims armed with box cutters and bring directed by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan brought down 3 buildings at the WTC complex, even though one of those buildings was at the opposite side of the complex from the two buildings that did get hit by planes, and that one of these other supposedly hijacked airplanes pulled off flight maneuvers which an ace pilot would have an extremely difficult time pulling off, and crashed into the Pentagon, and all of these planes were able to make it into restricted air space and not be intercepted by Air Force fighter planes, as is stadard operatikng procedure for NORAD?

    Yeah, that story IS pretty outrageous and hard to believe.

  80. If there’s a fake name poster here it’s Andy No Last Name. My name is real and my last name isn’t a secret.

  81. Your claims that the planes hijacked on 9/11 may not have ever existed or been hijacked are outlandish and hard to believe. You’ve provided no evidence for them or any of your other claims, even when directly and repeatedly asked for evidence, facts, logic of any kind, or even something as simple as your last name, even though you claim you provided it previously. If you did then, why not now? Why don’t you answer questions when your conspiracy theories are questioned and provide evidence, facts or even plausible motivation?

  82. Sorry, I missed that. Is the other Andy’s last name Banali? I saw him deny that it’s Gonzalez even though a lot of people say it is. Milnes claims on another comment string that it’s Jacobs but I have not seen him confirm or deny that one either.

  83. Speaking of paulie,
    I visited IPR. paulie says he is back-briefly-to do some research for the annual April Fool’s issue.
    I usually am in it so I am looking forward to that.
    Hey, I have a sense of humor!
    And I keep hoping that someday IPR readers will get it. Top Six that is.
    And paulie’s role for years in the dirty tricks there.
    And I noticed that this is the last day of March and there are an amazing total of FIVE comments in the March Open Thread!
    WOW! A whopping 5 comments.
    Austin Cassidy. New owner, What’s up with that?
    Bring back everybody banned by Warren Solomon Redlich, previous owner. Including me.
    They will bring back readership and comments!
    As it is, you might as well rename it to Lonely Austin’s Blog!
    Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!

  84. Richard Winger, Austin Cassidy,
    Hey, What is going on?
    Nobody here commenting about all my jokes!
    Come on, I put a lot of thought and hard work into them!
    And no April Fools on IPR!? Come on.
    But on the other hand there is an interesting article
    about the LPKY which Richard has commented on.
    And Tom Knapp.
    Which I think I could add a thoughtful comment to.
    If I was not BANNED!

  85. I saw that Paul popped up at IPR a few days ago. I thought he said he was finished following politics and posting on political message forums online. The fact the he popped up on IPR after claiming to be done with politics for good leads me to think that maybe he does still troll here sometimes.

  86. Obviously. It’s pretty easy to determine which comments on this site come from him.

  87. The question is, does he do it on his own, just for kicks, or is he doing it as a part of a group effort, and is he getting paid to do it?

  88. Oh wait.
    There are now evidently two April Fools pposts on IPR. They must have gone up very late on April 1 because I was following pretty closely.
    One is about Carter possibly running like Trump in 2024. {Posted by paulie.
    The second is about me posted by William Saturn.

  89. If Paul completely dropped out of politics, like he claimed, why is he back posting on IPR?

  90. Here we go again.
    Is paulie William Saturn or is he not? I say yes he is.
    E.G. agreed. paulie has made many if not most if not all the recent garbage posts here.

  91. Andy whateveryourlastnameis,

    Is it correct to conclude that you believe that the Communist revolution in Russia, the nation of Israel and the end of minority rule in South Africa were all a nefarious plot perpetrated by the same “people” or conspiracy? Who are these “people” and what is your evidence for this conspiracy?

    Is it accurate to conclude that you believe apartheid should have been maintained to the present day and beyond?

    What do you believe should have happened in Israel/Palestine instead of the creation of Israel? Perpetual British rule? A Palestinian state encompassing all of what is now Israel? Do you have a preferred solution to the “Jewish problem “? Do you believe Jews would have been allowed to live in a Palestinian state if one had been set up in place of Israel? If not, where should they have gone, or what alternative would you suggest?

    You have mentioned a litany of US domestic issues, unrelated to the middle east, where you believe the government of Israel is covertly attempting to influence US politics. What is your evidence for this claim? What do you believe Israel hopes to achieve by doing so? Do you believe Israel’s government is Marxist, or promotes Marxism?

    You have denied multiple people’s claims that your last name is Gonzalez. Robert Milnes has claimed that your last name is Jacobs. I’ve asked you to confirm or deny that, but you haven’t. Someone else may or may not have suggested your last name is Banali. Is one of these your last name? Which one? If it’s not one of those, what is it? You said you posted it before. Can you provide a link, please? If you posted it before, why not post it again? Is it a secret, and if so, why?

    You have claimed that various people who post here, including me, are trolls using fake names. Please define what you mean by troll, as perhaps your definition is different from mine. I understand troll to mean someone who is posting an opinion that they don’t actually hold for amusement. Do you have some evidence that I or others you have accused of trolling are doing so, and if so, what is it? You’ve also claimed that I and others here are not using our real names. What is your evidence for this claim, separately from your opinion that we are posting views other than our actual ones, unless that’s not your definition of trolling?

  92. Andy Too,
    Wow! What a huge garbage (dump) comment!
    IMO, it should be flushed down the toilet (deleted) like the dump that it is.
    In the interest of keeping Richard’s blog clean.
    However it appears Richard is going to allow it.

  93. paulie,
    why don’t you use your enormous talents to lead a movement of jews into Sinai?
    It could possibly be done without government. No need to wait for government.
    Jews could “buy out” Bedouins one by one. The Bedouins could decide where to go, one by one.
    The surrounding sparsely populated area is HUGE.
    Once the movement got traction, it should get going quickly.
    Jews could build a new life there. Free of the hatred and violence they have encountered throughout most of the world throughout most of civilized history.
    I might could be talked into helping in any way I could.
    Sinai borders Palestine and is mentioned many times in the Bible.
    Probably visits, research and pilgrimages could be arranged.
    Why don’t you?

  94. The April Fools post by William Saturn about me is accurate.
    I do not want to risk getting a hot shot in a vaccination.
    I am willing to get a vaccination under reliable circumstances.
    I also am willing to get an antibody blood test. Might as well get other other blood tests at the same time. Sugar, cholesterol etc. It has been quite some time since I had a blood test.
    But again, only under reliable circumstances. A blood test could inject something in, then withdraw blood.
    I do not want ADEM or worse.

  95. They have very different writing styles and content. I just doubt they are the same person.

  96. Unlike your comments it wasn’t and isn’t garbage. They are all valid, logical and honest questions that Andy nolastname continues to evade for no apparent reason. He won’t even confirm or deny what his last name is, despite saying he posted it somewhere here in the 17 years of archived posts. But despite being asked several times he still won’t say what it is, or exactly where he posted it, or why he’s not posting it anymore. This, despite repeatedly claiming that I, among others, am someone else. He won’t explain why he believes that, either. And the same goes for all the rest of the questions about what he believes and why.

  97. I have to wonder if “Andy Too” is getting paid to troll by the Mossad or the JIDF or the ADL or the SPLC, or is “Andy Too” just a volunteer.

  98. Andy Whateveryourlastnamemaybe, it looks like you actually can answer questions. Unfortunately, it’s not the questions I asked/reasked you this morning. Instead it’s some meaningless and baseless speculation about whether or not two people I never heard of are the same person or not. Why not answer my much more interesting questions instead of that nonsense? What are you afraid of?

    I could speculate whether or not you, Robert Milnes and/or some of the other names above are the same person or several people, whether you believe what you say here you believe, etc., too. But that would be a waste of time, since I can’t know for sure, and it’s not that important anyway. Instead, I’m taking your beliefs as stated, taking you at your word that you all believe what you claim to believe, that you are separate people, and that to the extent that you post your names they are accurate. Sadly, you have not returned the same courtesy. It’s becoming more and more difficult to escape the conclusion, the more you evade these important questions, that there is something you are afraid of facing or revealing, or that you are not in fact who you claim to be, or don’t believe what you claim to believe. That, in fact, you may well be engaging in exactly the behaviours you have accused myself and others of engaging in, without providing a single shred of evidence. I don’t want to make that conclusion, and you can prove it wrong at any time by answering the questions, but the more you dodge them, the harder reaching any other conclusion becomes.

  99. I have to wonder if “Andy” (last name?) is getting paid to troll by the FSB or the KKK or the AWB or the SVR, or is “Andy” just a volunteer. But what difference does it make? “Andy” (last name?) continues not just to refuse to provide his own last name, but also his basis for questioning mine, or any evidence for his alleged belief that I’m trolling, or his definition of trolling. I’m not trolling, I am using my actual name, and I’m not being paid by anyone. I’m not sure whether “Andy” Whatever can truthfully say even one of those things about himself. And even if I was being paid by someone to post views I don’t hold under a false name, why those groups in particular? “Andy” X keeps giving zero logical reason for any single one of those alleged beliefs.

  100. “Andy Too” is a fake name used by the cyberpig xaulie banali.

    I’ve doubted that he is Mossad. I’ve speculated he makes these garbage comments just for shits and giggles. Now I’m starting to wonder. Why does he keep it up? Who is he trying to convince? Why does he want to associate libertarians with nazis and the far right?

  101. I don’t know who some of those groups are, but since they don’t control any banks or fiat currency counterfeiting schemes, or get massive welfare handouts from the American taxpayers, I don’t think they have the money to pay for internet trolls.

  102. It seems to me that a big part of the game is to push the Libertarian Party amd movement to the far left, to the point where libertarians are just “useful idiots” for Marxists, who themselves are “useful idiots” for the globalists.

  103. SVR Sluzhba Vneshnei Razvedki, Russian Foreign Intelligence.
    FSB Federal Security Bureau. Russian.
    Andy Too is paulie. And he is neck high in Russian and Israeli Intelligence.

  104. Ice Station Zebra.
    Ernest Borgnine born in Russia switched sides joining the Allies.
    But in the end was loyal to Russia.
    paulie, jewish, born in Russia.
    Comes to America.
    Who is he loyal to?

  105. I doubt he has anything to do with Russian intelligence. The other stuff, possibly.

  106. paulie,
    The founder of modern day Zionism, Theodor Hertzl, did consider the El Arish area for the jewish homeland.
    Israel is not sustainable.
    It is immoral.
    Give it up.

  107. RE: My above comment.
    When I write the Saturn’s April Fool’s post in IPR is accurate, it means it is reporting accurately. But the articles linked are hit pieces so the post is basically a hit piece.
    Marcus Rubyman is a jewish name. True it quoted me. But the article in its entirety is a hit piece.
    The PlanSS was not my word. It was paulie’s. True, I was mentioned on 1488. All I did was endorse the idea of Nazis caucusing in the Libertarian party.
    The other links are articles written by paulie or William Saturn.
    I say paulie = William Saturn.
    There is a saying about publicity. There is no such thing as bad publicity.
    Yes, if you are seeking publicity which I am. So called free publicity.
    But there is certainly such a thing as bas publicity which is what a hit piece is.

  108. Austin Cassidy New owner of IPR,
    Why do you have a poster who does not exist on your staff?
    I say William Saturn is an online persona.
    Or in other words a false identity or pseudonym of paulie Frankel.
    There are no photos of William Saturn online.
    No one has ever met or talked with William Saturn,
    including me a longtime online associate.
    It is long overdue that William Saturn prove his existence.
    Have him reveal his identity to you or ban him from posting at IPR.
    He could continue to comment with a false identity; many commenters are anonymous.
    But not posters, editors.
    Austin Cassidy, end editorial fraud at IPR.

  109. Declare that there is no real person with the legal name of William Saturn.
    I believe many people assume William Saturn is a real person.

  110. There is one other possibility.
    There may have been a real person legally named William Saturn
    or using the nom de plume William Saturn up to about 2013.
    At that time something happened to him and his identity was taken over by paulie Frankel.

  111. Probably the previous owner of IPR, Warren Solomon Redlich knows the truth about William Saturn.
    Which if something happened to the real William Saturn would make Redlich an accessory after the fact in the least.

  112. Austin Cassidy,
    Note that I am the person who through investigative reporting, found and published the fraud perpetuated by the nominee of the Boston Tea party, Tiffany Briscoe.

  113. I reported that Briscoe falsified her resume.
    Actually the fraud goes far further but I cannot prove it.
    Briscoe’s nomination was part of a covert operation to sabotage the Boston Tea party.
    Briscoe was traced back to the democratic party and her campaign manager Pierre Crevaux back to the republican party.
    The whole operation indicated involvement by Russian intelligence.
    Note that covert operations are by definition secret.

  114. Briscoe’s mission was to get the nomination, keeping it from me. Then sit on it claiming to be on a sabbatical to research for a book. Not to campaign. Then the BTP would fail to grow and become defunct due to lack of activity and membership, which it did.
    Briscoe has been associated recently with John Ogle personally and with his political organization.

  115. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the only superpower, is trying to lead the world to freedom, to peace and prosperity.
    Israel is trying to dominate- read enslave- the world by dominating the USA.
    Israel MUST FAIL.

  116. Acts: 1:6-7:

    “6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

    “7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. ”

    Has the time and season arrived?

  117. The Boston Tea Party devolved into a complete joke. Darryl W. Perry performed a mercy killing when he pulled the plug on it.

  118. I suspect Darryl.
    The first thing he did after Briscoe won the nomination was to get on RT tv.
    Briscoe was to be next but declined.
    Lame excuse.
    There was not even a decent photo of her.
    Eventually one turned up.
    Poor photography.

  119. Why was he on Russia Today? Was it a political debate? I recall Russia Today having an LP presidential debate in 2016. BTP went defunct in 2012.

  120. It was to introduce Briscoe/Barrick as newly nominated BTP ticket. IIRC that was in December 2011.
    A Milnes/Barrick ticket would have been a progressive/libertarian fusion ticket.
    Briscoe’s campaign went downhill from there.

  121. Wasn’t Tiffany Briscoe the fake college professor who was actually a student at a community college?

  122. I would like to see BTP revitalized.
    Maybe rename it Lexington Green. Maybe not.
    Put in the bylaws that it MUST nominate a fusion ticket. Kevin Zeese “died”. But there are still a few progressives out there that I would support for president of my country.

  123. Thank you E.G.
    Darryl looked and sounded good there.
    Yes, Darcy Richardson is still alive.
    But he is off on a wild goose chase with the centrist Alliance party.

  124. Tony from Long Island,
    regarding your comment in IPR,
    did you read the article or didn’t you?
    I am saying I have been the victim of many and varied covert operations over the many years…decades.
    Use of a needle against a friend is one. Further, a targeted needle i.e. a brain virus against a friend, an asset, with a high I.Q.
    If he is a good runner, ball peen hammer to the kneecaps. You get it?
    Further, an appointment gives the advantage of knowing when and where a target will be.
    Under surveillance you know the car, clothes etc.
    You even beginning to understand?
    I don’t think you get it.
    Ah, nevermind.
    What time was your appointment?

  125. If you use your search engine for IPR, no, that is not me.
    That is Boot a head Vermin Supreme.
    paulie’s pathetic choice for LP presidential nominee.

  126. Kris Lesiak,
    I note that you are the only commenter on IPR April Open thread.
    I would like for you to interview Robert Bowers.
    You are not all that far from him.
    How about $500 bus fare round trip?
    $1000 for the interview.
    Publish it anywhere you can.
    Copy to The PLAS Place.
    How does that sound?

  127. Robert, where are you going to get the money to pay that to Kris Lesiak? I thought you were a guy who scrapped by on SSN disability.

  128. I’m getting the impression that some people communicate in BAN comments because they are not able to use other media.

  129. Haven’t you been following The PLAS Place, Andy?

    Milnes received an inheritance when he his father “died”.

  130. Andy,
    Yes I am on SSI and have been for some time.
    I talked with Kris a few months ago about this. He said no. I offered him bus fare. But I said it might be good for his writing career.
    I thought if I asked here he might change his mind. And maybe if I upped the ante.
    I think I could ask some people and come up with 1500 for him. In the real world that is not all that much.
    Andy and I and Egyptian God and Ogle were banned from IPR by paulie and found a camaraderie of sorts here. I do not know about anyone else.
    I do not see any harm. Especially if Richard allows paulie to make so many garbage comments.

  131. “Egyptian God,” I do not follow The PLAS Place. This is about the only place I encounter comments from Robert Milnes.

    Robert, I did not know Kris Lesiak had a writing career. Do you mean he gets paid to write somewhere? If so, where, and who pays him? Or, do you mean he just writes for fun online and does not get paid for it?

  132. Egyptian God,
    Same offer to you.
    Kris is in Illinois I believe. You are in Pennsylvania, aren’t you? Bowers is in Pittsburgh, His attorney, Judy Clarke is in San Diego. I am in NJ a silver dollar throw from Philly.
    Maybe you can get and interview electronically.
    When I was in federal custody my lawyer and father visited. The press wrote and said what they wanted. I had no say. I was frustrated because they used hyperbole to sell the news and often did not get it quite right.
    I do not know if the feds or Judy Clark will allow Bowers to be interviewed.
    Be interesting to find out.

  133. Andy,
    I actually do not know Kris’s writing career situation. I just assume he has or would like one. He is a pretty good writer, And he is in touch with the right.

  134. Where is Kris Lesiak? Does he even visit this site anymore, or is he one of the fake name posters?

  135. Robert, have you considered that the shooting for which Bowers is allegedly be prosecuted for was a staged false flag operation? Have you considered that nobody died, and that Bowers is just some patsy, possibly on a government payroll? Did you know that it came out that the Department of Homeland Security visited that Synagogue in Pittsburgh several weeks prior to this alleged shooting incident happening? Why was DHS there?

  136. If Bowers plea bargains, he must allocute. Essentially admit the state’s case. That he is a mass murderer. That he waives a trial. His constitutional right to that. etc. Then he will be sentenced and die one way or another in jail.
    All the issues that he or a Champion could bring before a jury of his peers will be gone. Much to the relief of the government.
    I offer to be his Champion. To take his case to a jury of his peers. And he does have quite a case. A bona fide affirmative defense.

  137. If I get access to the evidence against Bowers, I will check into that possibility.
    Andy, Kris is real. Like I said I talked with him more than once on the phone.

  138. I never said Kris Lesiak was not real. I have seen videos and pictures of him online.

  139. Bowers could be some wacko that got recruited for this by the feds. He may not even really go to prison or be put to death. He could go into the Witness Protection Program.

    The Jews that are alleged to have died could be in the Witness Protection Program, or they could have gone to Israel.

    Sound crazy? Then you have not been playing very close attention to what has been going on in this country.

  140. Among the last things I heard about Bowers is that his attorney Judy Clarke offered a plea bargain to the the US Attorney and it was rejected. The death penalty is on the table.
    GOOD. I hate to say that because it is gambling Bowers’ life. On the defense and the jury.
    As confident as I am it is still Bowers’ decision and life.

  141. The whole trial could be staged. Either Bowers is a complete wackjob, probably recruited and run by FBI handlers, and will be used as a sacrificial lamb, or he could go into the witness protection program after they announce his execution.

  142. Andy,
    Why are you saying such fantastic things?
    Yes I have heard of such stuff.
    If I get involved in this case, I am not going to be intimidated or bamboozled by either side.
    At the end I will say my opinion whether it was a fair trial or not.

  143. “Andy,
    Why are you saying such fantastic things?”

    I have looked into most of the big, hyped up shootings that have happened over the last several years, and they are all shady as hell, just like 9/11. Look at the lies that were told about Waco and Ruby Ridge. Look at the lies that were told to get both Gulf Wars going against Iraq. Look at all the lies that have been told in regard to the COVID-19 so called “pandemic”. Lots of lies told by people in positions of power, all to push agendas which just so happen to give them more money, and more power.

    Call me a skeptic, but for good reasons. I call it being a realist.

  144. Why did the Department of Homeland Security visit this Synagogue several weeks before the alleged shooting incident took place? Does DHS make it a habit to visit religious centers?

  145. Saturn and Gadfly, as far as I can tell, are really political polar opposites. No wonder they are feuding.
    If Saturn is paulie, he really is a radical ;libertarian. BUT… he is also following a pro Trump persona.
    He must be getting paid or extorted to do that.
    Now Gadfly, from the little I know about him, is quite the Red Fascist.
    We have kind of a Hitler-Stalin thing going on.
    Sooner or later they are destined to go at it.

  146. Andy, you mentioned that before.
    IIRC there was supposedly high level secret military presence around the Loraine Motel shortly before the MLK thing also.
    First off, is that really the case or is it pop fiction, rumor, fantasy?
    I do not know, but it would be relevant.
    I will try to find out.
    I do not trust the DHS as far as I can spit.

  147. It came out that the FBI was running active shooter drills in the same area and time frame as some other big hyped up shootings over the last several years, like Sandy Hook and the Charleston Church Shooting.

    This is much like how on 9/11 the Pentagon just so happened to be running hijacked plane drills that day (look up Operation Vigilant Guardian), and there were also drills going on during the Boston Marathon Bombing and the 7/7 bombing in London, UK.

  148. Robert Milnes said, “If Bowers goes to trial, he would have the right to know if DHS was there shortly before the shooting.”

    How do you know he will get a fair trial? How do you know that he’s not a plant or a patsy.

  149. Andy,
    If I get directly involved-get Bowers’ authorization to participate in his defense and Court approval-I will find out.
    Much would be confidential. Much not. Rather a matter of public record.
    And my opinion whether it was a fair trial or not I am entitled to.

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