David Colborne has this lengthy commentary on Nevada SB 292, which makes it more difficult for new or previously unqualified parties to get on the ballot. He discusses the ballot access parts of the bill toward the end.
David Colborne has this lengthy commentary on Nevada SB 292, which makes it more difficult for new or previously unqualified parties to get on the ballot. He discusses the ballot access parts of the bill toward the end.
Are we going to continue to give this corrupt government, no matter which side of the party line they stand. The means to cut off our voting choice’s?
We need more access to more choice’s.
The lesser of two evils is still very evil.
Please knock this bill down. If it is democracy we want, we should allow as many options and entires ont he ballot as possible. This is circulating social media so the public now knows about this and will be watching. We will be watching who supports this with a vote and be voting them out of office. Please quash this bill.