Census Reveals Reapportionment Figures for U.S. House

On April 26, the U.S. Census Bureau announced the number of U.S. House seats that each state will have in the coming five elections.

Texas gained two seats.

These states each gained one: Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, Oregon

These states each lost one: California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.

It is somewhat surprising that Rhode Island kept both its seats. Some had predicted that it would lose one of them.


Census Reveals Reapportionment Figures for U.S. House — 94 Comments

  1. We should move to a system of one acre, one vote. The further you live from your neighbors, the more your vote should count.

  2. The weight of votes could be based on the amount of land owned. The result would probably be beneficial for the nation.

  3. That’s true. Additionally, only gun owning men over 30 with a below average amount of melanin and no college indoctrination should be eligible.

  4. More moron troll posts than usual.

    NO mention of more computer gerrymander districts in ALL States – USA Reps, State legis, local legis.

  5. The only people who should be able to vote and donate to political campaigns are a) people who can pass a test on what the Constitution says, b) are not on any form of government welfare, and are not government employees or contractors, and c) did not gain American citizenship by being Anchor Baby, as in they were born of non-citizen parents, which was not the original interpretation of Birthright Citizenship.

  6. Allegiance at birth via father Allegiance – aka NBC
    Allegiance change after birth.

    Much too difficult for SCOTUS conlaw MORONS.

  7. I also agree with Andy. And, a few other helpful requirements should be:

    1. Church membership. We are supposed to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. As long as congress doesn’t say which denomination voters have to belong to, it’s constitutional.

    2. Grandfather clause – if you didn’t have a grandfather who voted and owned land in your county, you don’t get to vote.

    3. Poll tax – if you can’t pay, you can’t vote.

    4. Welfare should be a lifetime disqualification. Just because you get off welfare doesn’t mean you should get your voting rights restored. To facilitate this, welfare recipients should be branded with a scarlet W on their foreheads.

    5. Birthright citizenship is a good start, but it should extend to seven generations. One dirty foreigner in there and you’re out!

    6. See my post last night at 8:03

    7. Transgenders, homosexuals and singles must be barred from voting as well. Only straight married men should be eligible.

  8. A lot of nativist and just plain bigoted BS on this post. Every citizen over 18 should be able to vote, period. Also “not on any form of government welfare” would bar anyone over 65 and collecting social security since that is a clear example of a welfare program.

  9. 8. I like Heinlein’s idea in Starship Troopers that only veterans should be allowed to vote.

  10. The shift in seats looks to be slightly more favorable to the Republicans.

  11. Slightly, but not enough. So, here are some more ideas:

    9. Divorce = disqualification. You must be married to your first wife, and be her first husband, to maintain the right to vote.

    10. The childless have no stake in the nation’s future, this should be disqualified as well. To qualify to vote you must have at least two children, including at least one male heir.

    11. Cuckolds should be disqualified, so you can’t vote if your heirs can’t be proven to be your biological issue.

    12. Although women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, your male heirs should be qualified when they reach the age of 30. Thus, your wife must meet the ancestry requirements (see above).

    13. People who don’t own animals can’t be trusted. To qualify to vote you must own pets, livestock, or better yet both.

    14. You must maintain your hunting and fishing licenses and prove that you bagged an adequate number of land animals, fowl and caught enough fish every year to remain qualified.

  12. They actually have numbers for overseas citizens. Maybe they should vote for DC’s electora.

  13. IMO, the desperation by the Republicans about the census seems to be excessive. I expect most of the challenges to these census numbers to come from the Democrats.

  14. Apparently, all the alien refugees crowding into California weren’t enough to overtake all the native refugees fleeing the state.

  15. Constantine would like the Tactical Civics project. They want to expand Congress to something like 5,000. They are nuts.

  16. Brandon, Social Security is an unconstitutional government program. It is also Marxist, and a Ponzi scheme. This program never should have existed, and should be ended, I would say phased out, because I understand many are unfortunately dependent on it. How can we end it when so many people who collect it, and who work for the department who administer it, vote to keep it, and shout down any discussion about ending it?

  17. Is “Cotton” (probably a reference to Republican US Senator Tom Cotton, from Arkansas), Paul?

  18. The US Supreme Court ruled that anyone who gets granted American citizenship through fraud, or by mistake, can be stripped of it, and deported. Anchor Babies are not legitimate American citizens. Their parents were not from here, and they had not gone through the naturalization process as prescribed by the US Congress.

    We now have an Anchor Baby Vice President in Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris should be stripped of her citizenship and removed from office. Since she was on the ballot as an illegal alien and NOT a Natural Born American citizen, all votes for the ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be thrown out, and Joe Biden should be removed from office. The records of the US Senate should be reviewed, and all votes Kamala Harris made as a US Senator should be thrown out. Kamala Harris should then be deported to India or Haiti.

  19. https://electionlawblog.org/?p=121825

    gerrymander CONTROL math —




  20. Or maybe it was Jamaica. I know one of her parents was from India, and the other was from either Haiti or Jamaica.

    If you doubt this, read up on the history of Birthright Citizenship. Kamala’s parents could not vote or serve jury duty at the time of Kamala’s birth, because they were not American citizens, as in they were not born of citizen parents, and they had not gone through the citizenship process, and since they were at the time barred from voting and serving on jury duty, due to them NOT being American citizens at the time, so they were not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” as in they could not vote or be on juries since they were not citizens, and since Natural Born citizenship status can ONLY be passed down via citizen parents, Kamala Harris is NOT a Natural Born Citizen, and is therefore legally PROHIBITED from holding the office of President or Vice President, and since she never completed the naturalization process to become an American citizen, she is NOT even an American citizen, and therefore was never legally qualified to hold any elected office in government.

  21. I don’t believe in all that equality bull-crap where every featherless breathing creature should have a right to vote. You want the right to vote – earn it.

  22. Cotton is Cotton. It’s not a reference to Tom Cotton. It’s the first name I, my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather and my great-great-grandather share, in honor of the crop, cotton, which our slaves and sharecroppers picked for our family for over 200 years, and from which the Confederate Flag is made.

  23. “We now have an Anchor Baby Vice President in Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris should be stripped of her citizenship and removed from office. Since she was on the ballot as an illegal alien and NOT a Natural Born American citizen, all votes for the ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be thrown out, and Joe Biden should be removed from office. The records of the US Senate should be reviewed, and all votes Kamala Harris made as a US Senator should be thrown out. Kamala Harris should then be deported to India or Haiti.”


  24. Should 5 year olds have the right to vote? How about non-citizens? How about people in prison for murder?

  25. “Apparently, all the alien refugees crowding into California weren’t enough to overtake all the native refugees fleeing the state.”

    Perhaps a nuclear bomb, or several, can be strategically exploded on the San Andreas Fault to make the coastal area of California fall into the ocean?

  26. “Should 5 year olds have the right to vote? How about non-citizens? How about people in prison for murder?”

    Of course not. Why even suggest such a thing? Anyone who has even had so much as a traffic ticket should be banned from voting for life. And yes, I am serious.

  27. Can’t believe Rhode Island didn’t lose a seat.

    Can’t believe New York was 80 people short of keeping a seat even though COVD_19 hit the state the hardest and tens of thousands have left the state due to the plague and the economic hardship.

    Really suspect

  28. “Cotton,” your game is pretty obvious. You are posing as a right winger and making unreasonable, extremist statements, in order to make anyone who opposes the left, and who thinks the Constitution should be followed, look like a wacko. I can see right through the game you are playing under a fake mame and IP anonymizer.

  29. I am not posing as anything, and my name is not fake. The only one who looks like a wacko here is you.

  30. The post right above this one is MOT me, as in not the Andy who has been posting here for many years.

  31. No, it’s another Andy who has been posting here for several months. You claim you used your last name before but won’t say what it is. I’ve decided what’s good for the goose is good for the gander so from now on I will also be Andy with no last name. Just because I posted it before doesn’t mean I have to post it again.

  32. IPR only had one Paul,
    BAN had two but incredibly small,
    Himmler was very similar,
    But Andy has no Pauls at all.

  33. No one should post on BAN unless they were born on BAN and their parents were here legally. Also, they can’t be on welfare, government employees or contractors, and they must pass a test on constipation.

  34. “Constantine would like the Tactical Civics project. They want to expand Congress to something like 5,000.”

    I don’t know, I haven’t considered the idea. What makes you think I’d like it?

  35. NY was within 80 people of keeping a seat?

    Something tells me that King Andrew will not let that pass without a challenge. They will “find” 80 people, somehow, if they have to dig up their bodies and tell you that they were alive on April 1.

  36. Wave attacks by the usual suspect troll MORONS / govt spies / hacks / etc.

    One more politics website that should be CENSORED by the owner.

  37. Andy is obsessed with Paul.
    He sits there and plays with his Paul voodoo doll.
    He sticks it with pins,
    And hears violins.
    But still Paul won’t call him at all.

  38. It wouldn’t surprise to learn that more than 89 people died in NYC on April 1.

  39. We know Paul was trolling here and at IPR. Is he still doing it here. I do not know for sure, but he remains a suspect.

  40. There are 460.62 people named Paul per 100,000, vs 48.55 people named Andrew per 100,000, so it is statistically possible that at least 1 person named Paul died in NYC on 4/1/2020, but only about 1/10 of a person named Andrew may have died in NYC on the same day.

  41. On this page the cyberpig Paul is using the names “Constantine”, “Cotton”, “Kerry”, the fake “Andy”, “Jeeremiah”, “Professional observer”, “Zebulon William”, and “Jerry”.


    My guess is boredom. It could be he is working for Mossad but if that’s true he’s not doing a very good job at it. I think maybe he regrets treating Andy so poorly in the past and desperately wants him to call so he can apologize.

  42. Mossad is too busy blowing up things in Iran to bother with this comment page.

  43. How would some troll know who is using which fake names? For all we know “Egyptian god” is Andy or Paul or they may all three be the same person. How does Andy know who is or is not using an ip anonymizer? Sounds like they are making things up. That is if they are not the same person, in which case he is making it up.

  44. I do not know for sure 8f anyone 8s using an IP anonymizer here, but I know for sure that trolls used them on IPR because I saw their IP’s on the IPR dashboard when I had writer status with the ability to view the dashboard. This was also how I caught Paul trolling from a Motel 6 we were both staying at in Little Rock, AR, back in 2017, in different rooms. I saw troll posts that came from the same IP address as the Motel 6. I already suspected it was him trolling, due to the themes and writing style, but the IP address confirmed it. It was not too long after this that my status at IPR got downgraded, and I could no longer view the dashboard. Coincudence? I think not.

  45. Maybe he is working for the JIDF or ADL or SPLC. The Mossad us not the organization that would pay him to troll.

  46. “Andy on April 27, 2021 at 8:46 am said:

    “….I can see right through the game you are playing under a fake mame and IP anonymizer.”

    So at 8:46 am Andy claimed to have the ability to see who is posting with an IP anonymizer. Now he says

    “Andy on April 27, 2021 at 1:34 pm said:

    I do not know for sure 8f anyone 8s using an IP anonymizer here”


    Andy just contradicted himself. That probably means he has no idea of who is or isn’t posting under a fake name either, assuming that even matters. Given that Andy isn’t even revealing his last name, and the only other person (if it even is another person) who is making claims about knowing who is who and who is or isn’t using an anonymizer is also himself hiding behind an obvious fake name “Egyptian God” why should anyone who cares – if there even is anyone who cares – think they/he have any idea what they/he are talking about?

  47. No, I did NEVER said I could see anyone’s IP here. I just indicated I can tell what games are being played by the writing style and content of the troll posts. Yeah, I can see right through your troll psyop BS.

  48. “…Maybe he is working for the JIDF”

    That appears to be a defunct website and social media campaign.


    Is there another JIDF?

    “….or ADL or SPLC.”

    Why them? What is this supposed person posting, which serves which of their interests, in what way?

    “….The Mossad us not the organization that would pay him to troll.”

    Which you would know, how?

    Perhaps the better question is who is paying you to troll. Of course, I doubt you’ll tell us the truth.

  49. “…No, I did NEVER said I could see anyone’s IP here.”

    Yes you did.

    “Andy on April 27, 2021 at 8:46 am said:

    “….I can see right through the game you are playing under a fake mame and IP anonymizer.”

    If you don’t know whether or not someone is using an IP anonymizer why would you say they are using one? It makes the rest of what you say look less credible. It sounds to me like you are making things up as you go and making claims you have no evidence for.

    “I can tell what games are being played by the writing style and content of the troll posts.”

    Maybe, but it’s more likely that you are imagining things. Perhaps even hallucinating. Or just trolling yourself. Maybe you are even being paid to do so. Or maybe not.

    “Yeah, I can see right through your troll psyop BS.”

    So you claim. Of course, if someone did care whether that’s true or not, how would they check your claims? The only thing I can tell for sure is that you claimed to know who was and who wasn’t posting from an anonymizer, and now you are backpedaling and denying you said exactly what you said directly above. So you start out with negative credibility to begin with.

  50. The behavior of the person behind the fake names “Simon” and “Carlton” suggests he is using an IP anonymizer. The behavior confirms he is the cyberpig xaulie banali.

  51. More evidence-free claims from an obvious fake name. There is absolutely no way to know that you have any idea of what you’re talking about, or if you did that you would not lie about it. Presuming these are indeed fake names, something you have not demonstrated, there is no way to tell how many of them may be you, how many Andy, and whether or not the two of you are one and the same. You just keep talking out of your ass with zero proof of anything at all.

  52. Let’s take what we do know;

    Andy and Egyptian God may or may not be the same person. Andy refuses to provide a last name. He claims he has posted it before and that other people here know him but has provided no verifiable proof or evidence of any of this.

    Egyptian God has provided various names such as Lazarus Mudd, Rufus Redd and Nathan Norman. For most of these there is no evidence they even exist. Nathan Norman either does exist or someone has spent a bunch of time posting fake interviews etc to make it look like he does. But even assuming he is real we still don’t know if he is the person posting here or not.

    Andy and Egyptian God are obsessed with someone named Paul. They claim just about any new name that comes on here is Paul. They’ve shown no evidence for these claims and no way for anyone to check if they are true or not. And keep in mind we don’t even know whether Andy is Egyptian God or not. All these claims may be coming from one person.

    They or he has/have also made claims about ip anonymizers and paid trolling which they have not substantiated in any way either. There are also many other similarities between the two of them such as adherence to far right conspiracy theories, antisemitism, anti immigration extremism, racial themes, election theft conspiracy, etc, etc. Does this prove they are the same person? No, but it seems likely.

    It also seems likely that he/they are accusing others, especially the object of their/his obsession, of doing what he/they do him/themselves. For example multiple fake names, trolling, purposeful deception, and maybe even being paid to did it.

  53. How do you know this, “Simon,” being that this is your first post here, or are you going to tell us you are a long time lurker?


  54. I never said it’s my first post here but it doesn’t take a long time to observe these things. All of the above can be observed within a few weeks at most, if not faster. Much of it is on display in this thread alone.

  55. Really? Who cares who is who when posting here. Everyone has an opinion and should be able to post it.

  56. “Really? Who cares who is who when posting here. Everyone has an opinion and should be able to post it.”

    I agree, but the other Andy/Egyptian God want(s) to play this stupid game all the time, very hypocritically of course.


    Have you tried that? Has it worked well for you?

  57. “Maybe he is working for the JIDF or ADL or SPLC. The Mossad us not the organization that would pay him to troll.”

    The other Andy sue seems to know a lot about who is or isn’t paying people to troll. He probably knows exactly how much they are offering and how often and quickly they pay, too.

  58. ““Cotton,” your game is pretty obvious. You are posing as a right winger and making unreasonable, extremist statements, in order to make anyone who opposes the left, and who thinks the Constitution should be followed, look like a wacko.”

    On the one hand, yes, Cotton sounds like a wacko. But is it possible to make people who oppose the left sound any more wacko than the other Andy and (his alter ego?) Egyptian God does/do?

    Let’s take a few examples of his/their wackiness:

    Andy: “We now have an Anchor Baby Vice President in Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris should be stripped of her citizenship and removed from office. Since she was on the ballot as an illegal alien and NOT a Natural Born American citizen, all votes for the ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be thrown out, and Joe Biden should be removed from office. The records of the US Senate should be reviewed, and all votes Kamala Harris made as a US Senator should be thrown out. Kamala Harris should then be deported to India or Haiti.”

    In another thread, Andy said there may not have been any planes hijacked on 9/11.

    Andy said the “same people” (whatever that means) who created Israel were also behind the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and that they are also behind various left wing policies in the United States, and that they brought down the Apartheid regime in South Africa, which he heavily implied was a disaster, much like the communist revolution in Russia. He refused to explain who he thinks these “same people” are or provide any evidence for his claims. Other statements he made in that thread implied that he also believes ending segregation/Jim Crow in the United States was also a disaster perpetrated by these “same people,” as would logically follow from claims that ending Apartheid in South Africa was bad.

    Other Andy said that the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter probably didn’t kill anyone, and that most mass shooting events are staged and the victims aren’t real.

    Other Andy and (his persona?) Egyptian God have parroted every nutty election theft claim emanating from the likes of crackhead Lindell and Lin Wood. They call all sorts of mainstream Democrats and media communists and Chinese agents all the time (maybe they think it was Chinese communists who created Israel and ended Apartheid, too). When asked why none of this evidence was presented in court, their stock answer tends to be that the entire legal system is part of the same ill-defined conspiracy.

    He/they believe the conspiracy includes things like feminism and “racial agitation”.

    Other Andy believes government employees, contractors and welfare recipients should not be allowed to vote.

    He/they believe that covid 19 is a scam and that few people have actually died from it.

  59. “Egyptian God” maintains a website which repeatedly openly praises fascism. It looks like he has cleaned up his blogroll a bit. Archived version at https://tinyurl.com/87833j6r shows links to the likes of David D*ke and the Daily Stormer, or you can peruse the tag cloud to learn more about his interests in things like “14 words,” “wh*te genocide,” “black crime,” “fascism forever,” “fashy haircuts,” “lugenpresse” (a nazi propaganda term), Richard Spencer, etc.

    A representative post starts out quoting Spencer and goes on to say “…The “Libertarian” Party turned into a hotbed of social justice warriors and homosexuals. It cheered as the Supreme Court forced Americans to subsidize sodomy and ignored the real issues of illegal immigration, crime, and Wh*te genocide.

    In the past year or so many of us abandoned libertarianism. Something better took its place. The frog emoji replaced the porcupine. We started frequenting 4chan instead of Reason. And we all shaved our beards, cut our hair and got fashy haircuts. The Alt-Right was born when libertarianism died.

    Many libertarians still don’t know their movement is dead. But it’s over. It died when it abandoned its base, the educated Wh*te men of America. ”

    I guess removing links to Duke and the Stormer represents a strategic retreat, but it’s pretty obvious what other Andy/Egyptian God is really hinting at.

    And this person/persons has the nerve to say other people make their movement look wacky? They should start by looking in the mirror.

  60. Libertarianism isn’t just for wh te males, it’s for everyone, everywhere. It’s a universalist political philosophy.

  61. Andy/Egyptian God,

    Please leave me out of your games. I’m not any of these other personalities, and I’ve posted exactly what I believe. I don’t care who thinks which views are or aren’t mainstream. Truth does not depend on popularity.

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