J. T. Young, Former Official Under President George W. Bush, Says if Jo Jorgensen Voters Had Voted for Trump, Trump Would Have Won

The Hill has this commentary by J. T. Young, a former executive branch officer under the George W. Bush presidency. Young says if the voters who voted for Jo Jorgensen had voted for Donald Trump in 2020, Trump would have been re-elected.

Of course, these analyses are not fully meaningful, because no one knows how voters who vote for third party candidates would have voted if that third party had not entered a nominee.


J. T. Young, Former Official Under President George W. Bush, Says if Jo Jorgensen Voters Had Voted for Trump, Trump Would Have Won — 80 Comments

  1. He’s right. Most Libertarian voters are conservatives who would have voted for Trump over Biden. They were not aware that Jorgensen is actually a Burn Loot Murder marxist communist and that the reason she was brought out from cryogenic freezing was to help Biden and the Chicoms steal the election from Trump.

  2. And, if all Trump voters had voted for Jorgensen, she would have won.

  3. 98% of Libertarians are temporarily disgruntled Republicans. The other 2% are commie infiltrators who actually run the party but keep their actual communist affiliation secret.

  4. J T Young? Jeremy T. Young. There is also a Shalala Young.
    There is also a Jeremy C. Young, Professor of History at Dixie State University.
    We are certain these are two different Jeremys?
    Because Jeremy C Young managed to suppress my working hypothesis about Teddy Roosevelt, which I take pride in and base my campaign on.
    That Roosevelt was what we would now call a libertarian. A left libertarian.
    So he identified with the progressives of his day. So much that he bolted the Republican party to actually start the Progressive party.
    Further, that if Wilson had also then bolted his party, the democratic party, that ticket could have won in 1912 and changed history.
    But no, Jeremy C. Young said I was all wrong.
    Well I think not, but I was piled on and eventually virtually silenced eventually. Banned from IPR etc.

  5. If this claim is true, I am even prouder of having voted for Jo Jorgensen.

    As Nick Sarwack said, your tears are delicious and I’m glad your candidate lost. Only sad part is that I can’t say it to Democrats too.

    Waldo: my “temporary disgruntled state” started in 1980 and shows no signs of abating.

  6. @Keith Sorry bud, but you’re delusional. Libertarians are NOT conservatives (never have been, never will be), we’re classical liberals. There’s a reason that the first 5 letters of the word liberal and libertarian are the same (and why the party uses “LIB” as its abbreviation). Libertarians have historically associated more with the Republican Party because of their economic positions (which they have now completely abandoned) and their anti-communism push in the mid-1900s. That’s no longer a thing… Libertarians now more properly associate with the Democrats (albeit very loosely). I voted, Libertarian (Pres), Green (Senate), Libertarian (House), then down ballot Democrats except for TWO local elections were I did vote Repub, in 2020. There is a fringe “Paleo-conservative” faction in the Libertarian Party, but it, rightfully, has shrunk as those people realize they belong more properly in the Constitution Party.

    None the less, J.T. Young is wrong. If you flipped the states where both Trump and Biden received less than 50% of the vote and where Biden won the state (Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin), the best Trump could have done was split the EC 269 to 269.

  7. “I’m glad your candidate lost.”

    You’re a piss poor libertarian then.

    Just one example: if Trump won we’d be out of Afghanistan today.

    Since Biden “won” we won’t be out of Afghanistan until September, if ever.

    Enjoy your war Mr. “Libertarian”.

  8. If Biden and Trump were the only choices I wouldn’t have voted.

  9. “If people who didn’t want to vote for politician X had voted for him, he would have won.”

    That statement is true for every losing politician in every election.

  10. If you read JT Young’s article he addressed the 269 to 269 split and why Trump would have won. You should go read it. Trump is more libertarian than any LP “Libertarian.” Aiden is an example of the 2% of “Libertarians” who are actually Marxist communists. Right now we have a stolen election and an illegally installed Chinese communist puppet regime consisting of a deportable illegal alien (Kamala Harris) and a propped up corpse (Joe Biden). Yes, that’s right. He used to be sleepy and senile with dementia. Now he is actually dead, as in Corpse Joe. They are still pretending he is alive and using deep fakes to prop him up. How sick is that? Thanks a lot, “libertarian” losertards. Real libertarians want Trump back ASAP.

  11. We didn’t vote libertarian, but the libertarians we know loath the GOP.

  12. The LP Mises Caucus is the largest and fastest growing caucus in the LP, and they are taking over state parties. LP Mises Caucus members are all big Ron Paul fans.

  13. That’s good news. They should co-nominate Trump along with the GOP and Constitution Party in 2024 if the military doesn’t remove the propped up corpse and illegal deportable alien invader first.

  14. And why not? Do they want to keep chicoms in control? Do they support stealing elections, killing babies, illegal alien invaders, tranny freaks, men in girls locker rooms and bathrooms, burn loot murder, and the rest of the chicom coup agenda?

  15. execs –

    APPV — pending Condorcet = RCV done right.
    Who has the highest pct of troll spies – esp govt spies –

    LP, Greens, Elephants, Donkeys, commies, fascists ???

  16. Lin Wood visited the whyte house. He reports that Trump is still there. Trust in the plan. The communist coup has only succeeded according to the lying fake news media. WWG1WGA.

  17. I’m not sure if he’s trolling (we all know who he might be), but Keith has made some good, truthful points here:

    “Trump is more libertarian than any LP ‘Libertarian.'”
    “a stolen election and an illegally installed Chinese communist puppet regime consisting of a deportable illegal alien (Kamala Harris)”
    “[Libertarian Party] should co-nominate Trump along with the GOP and Constitution Party in 2024”
    “[Democrats] support stealing elections, killing babies, illegal alien invaders, tranny freaks, men in girls locker rooms and bathrooms, burn loot murder, and the rest of the chicom coup agenda.”

    He has also said some things that are either overly hyperbolic or designed to appear unhinged:

    “[Jorgensen] was brought out from cryogenic freezing”
    “[Biden] is actually dead, as in Corpse Joe. They are still pretending he is alive and using deep fakes to prop him up.”

    His response to this comment will be telling.

  18. “Fact checker” is the actual obvious cyberpig troll. Lin Wood’s report is public and has been seen by millions of people on telegram. Even the fake news media was forced to acknowledge it. They made up the part where he supposedly said he was joking though.

  19. Do you know of a better explanation of where she was from 1996 to 2020? Or how she suddenly reemerged from nowhere after 24 years to campaign for Burn Loot Murder and help the chicoms pull off their coup? As for Biden being dead that was reported by GhostEzra. What makes you so sure he’s alive? Do you trust the fake news media and their deep fakes that much?

  20. Joe Biden is a senile dementia patient, obviously. He’s the perfect puppet for the CCP. He is not dead yet though. If he were dead they would have no problem installing the incompetent and equally manipulated Kamala Harris as president.

  21. Fact Checker is, as usual, full of crap. And, king of trolls. Or maybe queen?

    Trump had 4 years to get out out of Afghanistan and didn’t.

    Don’t @ me back or I’ll kick you more, if nothing else by the scorning silence of ignoring you.


    Keith is also full of crap, but I’ve not seen his crap here before.

  22. Thank goodness for the voices of reason and moderation such as Fact Checker and Andy. “Socratic Gadfly” is an obvious troll.

  23. Trying to kick Libertarians around is not going to rally Republicans or Libertarians to Trump for 2024. Don’t waste your breathe. Libertarians don’t vote for crypto-fascists of either duopoly party.

  24. Fact Checker. True.
    I have no idea why I was banned from Socratic Gadfly’s website.
    I have repeatedly asked. No response that I know of.

  25. I asked publicly. Here in BAN comments for example.
    S.C. how about commenting about me here in BAN comments? Clear opportunity to badmouth me.
    Maybe you are the Red Fascist version of paulie persona.

  26. I am a libertarian but didn’t vote for Jorgensen because she is a Marxist. The party is slowly being taken over by them which is why I left, that and Sarwark is a jerk and the new leader is his puppet.

  27. S.C. You supported the socialist kiss of death ticket of Howie, didn’t you?
    Sabotaged any chance of the Green party winning with a PLAS ticket, didn’t it?

  28. Lets see. Trolls relentlessly portray me as a Nazi sympathizer. Jo as a Marxist commie.
    After a while nobody but schizoid sociopaths would support a Bob/Jo ticket.
    And Kevin Zeese is “dead”.
    Darcy is off on a wild goose chase with the Alliance and/or Reform party.
    Meanwhile sleepy Joe is at the wheel.

  29. Jorgensen was endorsed by some Marxists. Richard Winger even posted an article from one. She supports the Marxist terrorist group Black Lives Matter, which is also used as Patrisse Cullors’s personal slush fund.

  30. Jorgensen can’t control who she is endorsed by. Someone can only control who they endorse.

    In 2008 Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader.

  31. Ron Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin in 2008, after originally saying vote for any third party. I remember Bob Barr being upset over that.

  32. Chuck Baldwin was the best candidate in 2008. Virgil Goode was the best candidate in 2012. DONALD TRUMP is the best candidate in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Maybe I was wrong about cryogenic freezing of Marxist JO. Unless I am being gaslighted here. But let’s just say she was turned into a Manchurian candidate. What is her travel history to Manchuria and other parts of communist China?

    I agree they would have no problem with installing deportable illegal alien invader Kamala. SO why haven’t they if I’m right about Creepy Joe being Corpse Joe? I believe it’s because he projects a false image of being a moderate to some people. He’s like your boring old grandpa. A doddering old Caucasian man using outdated homespun terms. It’s easier for some people to see Kamala as a radical left Marxist that she is than to see old sleepy Joe as one, even though they both are.

    So maybe the game plan is to pretend dementia Joe is alive until they seize the guns, or declare a national emergency for whatever reason, and start putting a lot of people in FEMA camps. Then they will say Kamala is in charge. Or just have the chicoms take over directly. Another possibility is they might wait til just after the midterm elections to announce Chomoe Joe croaked. That would leave Kamala with two full terms of eligibility in addition to the rest of Uncle Joe the molester’s term.

  33. Articles like that worry me because it makes third parties look like spoilers instead of ballot access enhancers which they are. Articles like that are the things that increase denial of easy ballot access. Maybe ranked choice voting is a way to go. Anything that is for easier voting, less cheating I like.

  34. ANY website ONLY for trolls and their *facts* and lunatic *opinions* ???

  35. FactChecker says ‘Just one example: if Trump won we’d be out of Afghanistan today.”

    Trump had four years to get it done; and if he was really in favor, instead of just using it to rope in chumps like yourself, he could have done it on May 1st 2017 or May 1st 2018 or May 1st 2019 or May 1st 2020. Instead he picked May 1st, 2021, specifically because it would be after he was out of office. If he’d been re-elected, he’d have just used the same pretexts and excuses he’d used for the previous four years to delay it again.

    Can’t believe you fall for this stuff.

  36. “ANY website ONLY for trolls and their *facts* and lunatic *opinions* ???”

    If you haven’t found one to your liking you can always start one, Demo Rep.

  37. “Can’t believe you fall for this stuff.”

    He doesn’t. He’s a troll. Duh.

  38. I like Trump; but, I think he could have done better as a President, i.e., pressing better healthcare, pressing uniformed voting procedures, pulled out of Afghanistan sooner, punched Mitch in the mouth.

  39. Trump will get even better in his second term, and then the nation will be so grateful that the constitution will get changed so he gets more terms and becomes even better than that. And he was already the best president we ever had except maybe Andrew Jackson.

  40. In your head? That’s terrible! You should seek medical help immediately!

  41. I think what the gentleman is saying is that he is under attack by a gigantic swarm of crickets. If anyone can find his address please call 911 and get him some help as soon as possible.

  42. Please explain the statement/claim above that the Mises caucus would not nominate Trump. That really makes no sense at all.

  43. “Trump had four years to get it done”

    He would have if neocons and Democrats did not band together to threaten impeachment and removal from every made up scandal and conspiracy theory they could dream up. Threat of conviction was the only reason he didn’t pardon Assange and Snowden. The people making those threats are the people you are so happy now to have running the government.

  44. Democrats tried impeachment regardless. Removal was never going to happen because of the number of Republicans in the Senate. That doesn’t have anything to do with Trump not getting troops out of Afghanistan for four years. As for pardoning Assange and Snowden, why didn’t he do it on his way out? Even if it had resulted in conviction on the second impeachment, which it wouldn’t have, he was leaving anyway.

  45. A clear presidential victory which he was on track to receive would’ve given him the cover he needed to accomplish his goals. No worries though. Everyone will just have to wait four years.

  46. Nothing will change in 4 years. If Trump were to win again, he will still be dealing with mostly the same combination of Democrats and different kinds of Republicans as before. It’s likely they would try to impeach him again, and fail to convict again, just as it’s likely that the Republicans will try to impeach Biden and fail to convict in the likely event they win a House majority next year.

    If the establishment Republicans hated Trump as much as you say, they had two votes where they could have removed him. Why didn’t they? Any reasons you come up with would still be true had he pardoned Assange and Snowden, got troops out of Afghanistan, etc. If he was that afraid they would remove him his last term, he will be again if he gets another term.

  47. Moron Donkeys in H Reps impeached Trump for wrong reason —

    his NON-action in NOT arresting Capitol rioters/invaders.

  48. “same combination of Democrats and different kinds of Republicans”

    RINOs are slowly being removed and replaced. By 2024 there should be more America First Republicans in the Senate and House.

    “just as it’s likely that the Republicans will try to impeach Biden and fail to convict in the likely event they win a House majority next year.”

    I doubt this will happen.

    “Why didn’t they?”

    Politic calculus. Some can read their base better than others. Most Republican voters now loathe Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger and Lynne Cheney more so than they do Democrats. They miscalculated the situation and felt mainstream Republicans would buy in to the media lies about the January 6 protest. Smart Republicans knew and now know better than ever that it isn’t to their political benefit to cross Trump, regardless of what they truly feel.

    “If he was that afraid they would remove him his last term, he will be again if he gets another term.”

    Without as much opportunity for Democrats to cheat again, if Trump wins big in 2024 as I expect, he will hold too much political capital for any Republican to defy him.

  49. Is Trump even worse powermad N-U-T-S than Hitler in Sep 1942 – just before Stalingrad ???

  50. If Libertarians really wanted Trump, they would have voted for him. He was om all the same ballots as Jorgensen.

    It’s too bad Maine didn’t release all their ranked votes. Then we would have a clue as to whom Libertarians actually preferred as their #2 choice. I doubt that Trump would have gotten all of them, if even 50%

  51. And, then, too, if all the Libertarians had voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, she would have won easily.

    Which bassicly is the real point Thomas was making: Libertarian votes have been decisive in the past 2 Presidential elections.

  52. And if the Republicans go full Trump, and the Democrats go full socialist, you can expect Libertarians to continue “spoiling” the elections.

    I don’t think even national ranked choice voting would deliver clear victories for either the Democrats or the Republicans. People are that sick of both of them.

    Remember that with ranked choice voting, no one is obligated to cast a #2 vote.

  53. What do you doubt will happen? That the Republicans take the House next year? They may not, but the odds are in their favor. Maybe you doubt that if the Republicans take the House they will try to impeach Biden (or if she is President, Harris). Don’t doubt it, hide and watch. Or perhaps you doubt that they’ll fail to convict. Unless they get at least 65 Republican Senators they will fail.

  54. You’re technically correct. It won’t be the exact same mix of Democrats and Republicans. And you’re probably right, the Republicans will probably be more Trump First. But the fundamentals will be the same. They were never going to remove a president of their own party regardless of who he pardoned or whether he got troops out of Afghanistan. They may not have liked him, but their primary voters did, so of course they wouldn’t vote to convict.

    Nothing in that respect changed. Since they weren’t going to convict him before regardless of pardons or troop withdrawals, there won’t be any pardons of Assange or Snowden coming from Trump in the unlikely event he somehow gets elected again. If the Afghanistan withdrawal gets cancelled or the US goes back in again, he won’t get the troops out either. I don’t think he’ll be president again, but just in case I’m wrong, bookmark this thread and tell me I was wrong if he does any of those things.

  55. You missed the point where you explain political calculus. That was exactly my point. Predictably, they calculated it would be suicidal to vote to convict, regardless of how much they disliked him. Therefore, the prospect of them convicting him wasn’t why he didn’t get the troops out or issue those pardons, since conviction would have never happened anyway. Unless you’re saying Trump’s own instincts are that off. I don’t think you are, but feel free to surprise me.

    The few Republicans who did cross him didn’t miscalculate either, although that’s besides the point. They knowingly committed political suicide.

  56. Demo Rep, no, despite your penchant for perpetual exaggeration, he’s a long way from Hitler in 1942.

  57. Where will RINO’s go? Do they just disappear?

    Gary Johnson essentially put out a “RINOs Welcome” sign on the Libertarian Big Tent. This has been causing turmoil both in and out of the LP ever since. How this is resolved could determine the future of both the party and the country.

  58. If by RINO it meant people like Ron Paul, this would be great, but unfortunately, in this case, RINO meant people like Bill Weld, which was a bad thing.

  59. Come to think of it, there have been RINO’s in the Libertarian Party from the beginning. David Nolan, the founder, was a RINO. So were Roger McBride, Ed Clark, David Koch, David Bergland… I could go on.

  60. While Bill Weld is usually mentioned as the quintessential RINO, it’s interesting to note that he is a direct descendant of some of the Republican Party’s most radical founders.

  61. And, then there’s Barry Goldwater: a guy who started out as a hard-core “conservative” who morphed into neo-libertarian RINOism. Or, did he?

    Maybe Barry was consistently true to this principles, and the party changed around him.

  62. You know, it’s really sad when you consider than neither the Democrats nor the Republicans know the history of their own parties.

    But, I’m not surprised. Thanks to public education, most Americans’ knowledge of their own history has been vaporized, and we live in a 1984-ish realm in which “history” keeps getting subordinated the the politically correct narrative.

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