South Dakota Supreme Court Says Referendum Can’t be Used to Block Measure Increasing Vote for Initiatives to 60%

Earlier this year, the South Dakota legislature passed a proposed constitutional amendment, saying that some types of initiative can’t pass unless they receive at least 60% of the popular vote. The idea will be on the June 2022 ballot for voters to approve or disapprove.

On May 5, the South Dakota Supreme Court ruled that opponents of the idea cannot use the referendum procedure to stop or delay the measure. Dakotans for Health v Barnett, 2021 SD 30. Here is the seven-page opinion.


South Dakota Supreme Court Says Referendum Can’t be Used to Block Measure Increasing Vote for Initiatives to 60% — 1 Comment

  1. 60 pct — trying to copy FL rot.

    subversion of 4-4 RFG = majority rule.

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