U.S. House Republicans Remove Liz Cheney from Leadership in a Voice Vote

On May 12, Republican members of the U.S. House voted to remove Liz Cheney from her leadership position. The vote was by voice, so there is no record of how each member voted, or what the tally was. This action probably will result in increased support for a split from the Republican Party, to the advantage of groups trying to form a new centrist party. See this New York Times story, which was published before the Cheney vote.


U.S. House Republicans Remove Liz Cheney from Leadership in a Voice Vote — 30 Comments

  1. How many head choppers in Devil City on all sides ???

  2. Pretty much a costless decision for the GOP. Being from Wyoming there is zero chance of her changing parties. This action could hurt the Republicans in the mid term elections but what the hell. It doesn’t really matter who is in control of government… it keeps growing.

  3. Communists will LOVE having Elephants divide into extreme and *moderate* fascist factions —

    divide and conquer — working for 6,000 plus years.
    Divide both gangs —


  4. Never did like Cheney. I put here up there with Romney who also needs to be booted out.

  5. Eliminating warmonger Liz Cheney from party leadership was the party’s best move possible. She represents the military-industrial complex and the America-last policies of the neocon Bush administration.

    The only people upset are the Washington-insiders and those who profit from suicidal military policies. Those are just a tiny minority within the party and most have already joined the Democrats.

    The removal makes the Republicans even more attractive to the anti-war movement, constitutionalists, and true libertarians. It grows the party and makes it sustainable for the future.


  7. @Fact checker…. last time I checked Nationalism and Christian Democracy aren’t libertarianism; but cute. Literally NOBODY in the Republican Party is a libertarian. And the constitution is a Federalist document, libertarians are and have always been anti-federalists…. we trace our roots (and always have) to the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican Party; which became the Democratic Party. There’s a reason we’re also called Classical Liberals…. and our counterparts in the EU are the liberals (unfortunately the word liberal got perverted in the US to mean something different; ironically by misuse by conservatives).

  8. Rand Paul and Tom Massie can be considered libertarians. There are also several libertarian Republicans in state legislatures.

  9. I am not aware of any libertarian Democrats. There could be a few Democrats that have a few libertarians views, but there are none thar I would call libertarian.

  10. You know, some Americans just don’t like Cheney. She comes across as an arrogant bi*ch. She has that look on her face like she is smelling sh*t.

  11. “Aiden” is a libertarian now? Seems more like a communist.
    What does that make Demo Rep, besides a troll?

  12. He sounds like the bedwetting, limp twisted, effeminate leftist that he is.

  13. “Aiden” is a fake name. He’s probably using an IP anonymizer as well.

  14. The Republican party has become the Cult of Trump. Only delusional blind devotion to the insane rantings of the Dear Leader Donald is allowed. Anyone who dares suggest he is wrong on any issue will be expelled for blasphemy.

  15. You know what Liz Cheney really is? She utilizes being anti-Trump to hide what her personality is all about. She is a 100% man-hater. A woman that bows to no man at any time. In addition, when she sniffs out a strong man (like Trump) she instinctively wants to pull them down and destroy them. Kinda reminds me of Hillary. Just evil all over her face. Look at her reaction to being ousted. Is she humble and saying, “Okay, I will do whatever the GOP wants and best for the PARTY. Noooooooo. She is running around like a lunatic declaring war on this and that and could care less who she hurts. Perhaps, she belongs in in a mental institution. I would commit her 🙂

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