Buddy Roemer Dies

On May 17, former Louisiana Congressman and Governor Buddy Roemer died at the age of 77. See this obituary. He had been the leading candidate for the presidential nomination of Americans Elect in 2012. Americans Elect was a new party that had placed itself on the ballot in most states during 2011 and early 2012. Its rules said that any registered voter could vote in the party’s private on-line presidential primary, and if any candidate received at least 10,000 votes, the party would nominate whomever placed first. But Roemer only received 6,293 votes, more than anyone else who had sought the nomination, but not enough to be deemed nominated. Therefore Americans Elect had no candidate in the 2012 presidential election and asked state election officials to remove it from the list of qualified parties.

Americans Elect also let its primary voters vote for someone who had not declared for the nomination. Ron Paul received the most votes of any person. He received 9,498 votes, but even if he had met the threshold, he probably would have refused to run.

Thanks to Independent Political Report for the news.


Buddy Roemer Dies — 94 Comments

  1. None. IPR has no more trolls, and basically no more comments of any kind anymore. They are all BAN trolls now.

  2. I am not sure what is going on at IPR.
    Posts, comments and I would assume readership have decreased.
    paulie is notably gone.
    William Saturn’s post and Richard’s comment on it added a little life, but not much.
    Except for paulie’s mass quantity of garbage comments, BAN is not abused or overrun by troll comments.

  3. Unless it is just a more or less normal lull in t6hird party/independent politics.
    There is certainly no lull in reactionary in power daily politics of the democrats and republicans. i.e. The ZOG.

  4. Ipr is dead dead, paulie shore nuff is dead, demo rep and Milnes are among the worst of many trolls here, and a corpse isn’t trolling here, of course, of course. You should have the decency to let the corpse rest in peace instead of making it your scapegoat.

  5. So even Austin Cassidy buying IPR from Warren Severin is failing to pump life back into IPR. Poetic justice.

  6. It’s dead and so is paul. IPR would have been 13 tomorrow, officially a teenager. Paul would have been 49. But they won’t be, because they are both dead and rotting, like the crypto market. Don’t buy the dip, because it’s not a dip, it’s dead and circling the drain.

  7. paulie and Warren “Solomon” Redlich had quite a dictatorship for quite some time at IPR.
    So, now maybe everyone will come to The PLAS Place.
    Anything IPR can do The PLAS Place can do better.

  8. What documentation is there that Paul is dead?

    IPR is not completely dead. The site is still up. A few people still post there once in awhile. It is just way slower than it used to be, and it has been for quite awhile.

  9. So now that The IDF American jets have taken a dire situation in Gaza and bombed it into a humanitarian catastrophe,
    now would be a good time to leave. Go to Sinai and leave everything behind. Except personal stuff, clothes furniture,
    documents etc. Pack their cars, moving vans etc. The army could take equipment enough to police. The USA should take the jets and tanks back. And the USA should control ANYTHING nuclear.
    And vaccinate the Palestinians before leaving.

  10. Andy, paulie is dead kind of like Kevin Zeese is dead. And David Nolan. And Jeffrey Epstein and Jack Ruby and Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD. My ex girlfriend. And many others.
    I guess you missed out on the previous thread with link to Paul Frankel obituary.

  11. There doesn’t have to be documentation. Besides which, if he wasn’t already dead, he would kill himself either today or tomorrow. His life was a waste, and if he was still alive, it would always be a waste. Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide.

    IPR is living dead, like crypto. It’s never going to go back up. The bubble has burst, and only imbeciles are buying the dip. The only dip you should even think about buying is for your potato chips, and you shouldn’t even be buying that, because pretty soon you won’t be able to afford potato chips. For those dumb enough to hodl or worse yet “buy the dip”, start brushing up on your panhandling skills. Good luck, because you will have lots of new competition joining you.

  12. If Jacob “Jack Ruby” Rubenstein was alive, he’d be 110 years old. Not impossible, but highly unlikely. The orbituary was for a different Paul Frankel who died in March. The Paul Frankel who used to post at IPR and sometimes here is decomposing in garbage, where he belongs. He is dead, but has not been officially reported dead yet.

  13. Jack Ruby, like Jeffrey Epstein died while in federal custody.
    Body released i.e. he then escaped federal custody.
    Sure Ruby is dead by now. He died somewhere in Israel. Who knows when, under what circumstances.
    Now, I would like my ex girlfriend back now.

  14. If you would think that, I would think you would be wrong. Although, now you have.

  15. when someone dies and is disposed of in the garbage, there doesn’t have to be an orbituary, especially if the body has not been discovered and no one is motivated enough to conduct a search.

  16. There could still be a news story about it, like, “Man found dead at Motel 6. Prostitute and cocaine in motel room,” or, “Homeless man found dead in an alley in Birmingham.”

  17. Only if the body is found. Not so much if you, let’s say, spread some plastic, chop it up, put the pieces in trash bags and put them in the motel dumpster. Then the garbage truck comes by and takes it to the landfill or the incinerator. No report, no obituary, no news.

  18. Only if someone bothered to file one. And missing person reports are not necessarily covered by the news or posted online even if they did.

  19. His family would probably file a Missing Person report. He could end up on the back of a milk carton, or something like that.

  20. Demo Rep,

    IIRC I wrote an article on my blog where I said I had no problem with the Neo Nazis caucusing in the Libertarian party.
    On a temporary experimental basis.
    paulie then wrote Plan 9 from Outer Space in IPR.
    It is called a “hit piece”.

  21. It could be Paul that is pisting about himself being dead in order to throw people off his trail.

  22. I personally would rather discuss my “dead” ex girlfriend
    or ” dead” Kevin Zeese.
    Or “dead” David Nolan.
    Or even dead Jack Ruby or Jeffrey Epstein
    Than dead or maybe dead paulie.

  23. I’m with you on that, Robert. Please tell us more about each of them. Spare no detail.

  24. The libertarian party is clearly the logical home for neonazis, that’s for sure.

  25. Is the BAN resident troll MORON of MANY fake names* one of the zombies also lurking on IPR ???

    Your reflection in the mirror
    Reality Loser
    Forget it
    Never mind, doesn’t matter
    Permanent crash
    I like it
    Troll hater
    Look up
    Round and round…the drain
    So much derp
    More derp, piled higher and deeper
    I really want to know
    Big slug

    mere 15 troll MORON posts — with fake names.

  26. Maybe Robert K. Stock should check the dumpster behind the El Reno Motel 6.

  27. If he is dead, I doubt he would have died in Oklahoma. I don’t think he’d have had any reason to be in Oklahoma.

  28. Robert, I meant putting out false rumors that he died so that people do not know what he is up to now. People won’t suspect him of trolling online if they think he is dead.

  29. Andy, Just about everybody must know he is making garbage comments here at BAN.
    I checked. There is a Motel 6 in El Reno, OK.
    What does Robert K. Stock have to do with anything?

  30. Robert Milnes: The resident trolls dislike me, so when I comment I am often personally attacked.

    I work as the Night Auditor at the Motel 6 in El Reno, Oklahoma. I was a member of the Libertarian Party for nearly 30 years and have recently changed my thinking regarding what are Rights and what is the function of government.

    I am now registered to vote Democratic. In the minds of trolls my job and my leaving the LP makes me unworthy of commenting. It’s ridiculous.

  31. Still alive for a few more hours. This year for my birthday I will give everyone else a present and just die already. Long overdue but better late than never.

  32. I do not believe that the Paul above is the same Paul of Independent Political Report fame. This is almost certainly a different troll

  33. That’s what he wants you to think. He does it quite often. He’s probably laughing his ass off at being the center of attention.

  34. Same Paul. You can believe whatever you want. I’m not trolling and I don’t want your sympathy or anything else.

  35. Who had any sympathy? It would not surprise me if tbe “Paul” above is “Egyptian God”.

  36. I don’t care what you think. I’ve never made false threats and I’m not laughing. I’m as tired of you and myself as you are of me. I know, it’s not an airport and I don’t have to announce my departure. Sorry for wasting your time.

  37. I’m not Egyptian God. Thanks for the birthday wishes but there’s nothing happy about it. Goodbye and good riddance. I know the feeling is mutual.

  38. Andy,
    Are you kidding?
    It sounds just like him.
    Diverting attention from something important to HIM. Or something not important.
    Faking being suicidal? I guess so.
    Faking being a proud child molester? I guess so.
    He is disgusting.

  39. Andy,
    I think it is on Page 5.
    “David H. Freedman Article on Possibilities for a New Centrist Party.”
    Comments about child molester, Paul Frankel obit etc.

  40. I really want to know,
    Very well, I accept your challenge.
    I will start with the “death” of my ex girlfriend Nancy McCusker Benson of Boulder Colorado.
    BTW, one reason I do this is to prompt others who think someone they know may have been “died” by The Zog.
    Nancy was a Special Student at the University at the time, about 1975. I had withdrawn read dropped out.
    We met. She was married. She said it was an “Open marriage”. She was basically slumming with me.
    In time she said paraphrasing she would not see me anymore until in the future we would get together and be in a happy relationship.
    I said paraphrasing huh?
    Over the next days, weeks, months, years I wondered. Then I very briefly “time traveled”. I saw enough of the future to know she was right. She must have a much higher I.Q. and be far more educated than me so she traveled in time farther back than I had. So she knew this before me in real time. So to speak.
    I periodically checked up on her. But in 2013 I learned on the interweb that she had “died” of cancer.
    Diagnosed in 2011. Took about a year to “die”. Then I found out a year later that she was dead and buried.
    At first I was flabbergasted, shocked, bewildered. I wondered if I was insane. If we were to have his wonderful relationship in the future, how could she be dead?
    It took me a while to realize that she must have been “died”. Only the government had such power, resources etc to do that. A covert operation. In cooperation with Israel. The ZOG.
    Unfortunately this word “ZOG” was associated with neonazis.
    I realized I had to be careful, or I would get “died” for real not fake.
    It turns out there must be a counter “die” faction which decided that I was not expendable.
    So I started to gradually speak out about it. Not much response. Mostly negative. Mostly by paulie on my blog. Now here at BAN.
    So here we are. I want my ex girlfriend back. Not to mention my father, my uncle/brother equivalent.et al.
    If Israel must be destroyed, oh well. So I came up with the Sinai proposal.

  41. I tried to get an exhumation.
    A few years ago I spoke with Nancy’s daughter Susan and her husband Brian.
    I tried to explain my hypothesis about a government covert operation.
    At least they didn’t hang up.
    After a few calls they said they did not believe my story.

  42. I am pretty sure I saw that obituary link. It was for a different person named Paul Frankel.

  43. I would appreciate some feedback here.
    Does anyone suspect as I do that Kevin Zeese and/or David Nolan may have been “died”?
    I had indirect contact with both shortly before their “death”.
    Yes, both of them.
    I had asked Tom Knapp to act as contact between Nolan and me.
    I had made it clear that Zeese was my next in line for Presidential nominee after Darcy went off with the Alliance party.
    Realize that from the ZOG perspective, they must have known that PLAS could possibly win. So they want to sabotage anything I do.

  44. Nancy could have been a huge political asset to me.
    The timing is right for the 2012 election cycle also. Note that I had made something of a splash in 2008.
    Giving Nancy cancer in 2011 effectively ruins her for me then. Even though I did not know, I might have tried to contact her as a possible First Lady. A cancer diagnosis ruins that.
    Yes, I think the art of giving someone cancer has been achieved. Quite some time ago actually.
    At least by 1964, in order to give it to Jack Ruby.
    Of course we in the non vicious world do not think in terms of giving someone cancer.

  45. First thing you can do is dig up her supposed grave but thus far you’ve been too chickenshit to do it.

  46. You are right.
    I have learned the hard way that the system is rigged.
    I am vulnerable to criminal charges.
    Also mental charges.
    By myself I am very vulnerable.
    But if I had some help, maybe something could be done.
    Is there anyone who would help me dig up the grave?
    There is also the grave of Ruth Blumenstein in Cherry Hill, NJ.
    I do not believe she is there either.
    She is most likely in Israel.

  47. And there is the matter of the Robert Bowers case.
    I filed an Amicus Curiae brief. And have heard NOTHING except the return receipts from certified letters.
    So I have three issues out there ALL of which are very important and urgent to me.

  48. paulie,
    Everybody who read those comments and see they are gone is going to know your last comment is a garbage/gaslighting comment from you.

  49. Breaking News!
    Ireland Recognizes Israel’s “de facto annexation” of Palestine. -Al Jazeera.
    Wouldn’t it be interesting if this has something to do with my saying that my ex-girlfriend Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD, has been given cancer and “died”.?

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