Thirty-Five Republican U.S. House Members Vote Against Party Leadership and in Favor of Investigation of January 6

On May 19, the U.S. House voted on a resolution to set up a commission to investigate the January 6, 2021 incident at the Capitol. Every Democrat voted for it, and 35 Republicans voted for it. Later a list will be posted here.

Among the eleven Republicans elected in California’s top-two system, only one, David Valadao, voted in favor.

UPDATE: by state, the Republicans who voted “yes” are:
Alabama: Barry Moore
Arkansas: Steve Womack, French Hill
California: David Valadao
Florida: Maria Salazar, Carlos Gimenez
Idaho: Mike Simpson
Illinois: Rodney Davis, Adam Kinzinger
Indiana: Trey Hollingsworth
Iowa: Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Michigan: Fred Upton, Peter Meijer
Mississippi: Michael Guest
Nebraska: Don Bacon, Jeff Fortenberry
New Jersey: Chris Smith
New York: Andrew Garbarino, Chris Jacobs, John Katko, Tom Reed
Ohio: David Joyce, Anthony Gonzalez
Oklahoma: Stephanie Bice
Oregon: Cliff Bentz
Pennsylvania: Brian Fitzpatrick
South Carolina: Tom Rice
South Dakota: Dusty Johnson
Texas: Tony Gonzales, Van Taylor
Utah: John Curtis
Washington: Jaime Herrera Beutler, Dan Newhouse
West Virginia: David McKinley
Wyoming: Liz Cheney


Thirty-Five Republican U.S. House Members Vote Against Party Leadership and in Favor of Investigation of January 6 — 28 Comments

  1. Hopefully each and every one of those 35 will lose in next year’s primary.


    May 19, 2021, 06:49 PM | 117th Congress, 1st Session
    Vote Question: On Passage
    National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act
    Vote Type: Yea-And-Nay
    Status: Passed

    YES- 217 D + 35 R
    NO 175 R

    YES/NO/missing reps after above.

  3. I am embarrassed to have Chris Smith as my congressman. He is a RINO.

  4. All 35 must be removed and dealt with. I hope, pray and believe that they shall be.

  5. How many investigations of 6 Jan 2021 machinations —

    legis / exec / judic [esp Grand Juries] ???

    Fed / States / Locals ???

  6. DAMN Where is RINO Lisa Murkowski (Alaska ) it’s ok, she’s on her way out in 2022

  7. In the senate, this is just the house only. In the senate they will no way get 10 Republicans. They may get Murkowski and Romney, maybe Collins, at most, and that’s it.

  8. There was a time in the 1960’s when the SYSTEM didn’t like what it deemed controversial leaders like: Malcolm X, George Lincoln Rockwell, Martin Luther King, even the Kennedy’s, etc., and the aforementioned all disappeared from the scene by violence. Nowadays, we seem too be only a small step away from that happening again except this time it will all right-wing and conservative voices.

  9. Kind of surprised that any Congressperson from Oklahoma voted in favor of this commission. I assume that Bice had little to lose considering she is newly elected.

  10. Will –

    some fascist troll morons purged off olde IPR website

    — plus now standard invasion of all polisic websites

    — like infection in Germany in 1923-1933.

  11. This list is not accurate.

    Barry Moore of Alabama did NOT vote with the Dems. Barry Moore is a Freedom Caucus member.

    It was Blake Moore of Utah. Blake Moore supports Mitt Romney.

  12. Those 35 are only the recalcitrant, hardcore RINOs in the U.S. House, where the now-RINO-controlled Republican Party has a total of 211 members, and whose majority are either RINOs or libertarians…with the remark that the libertarian overlap with the now-Bolshevized Democrat Party in most of social, military, and geopolitical matters, coinciding also, although for distinct objectives, on open borders for the influx of illegal aliens into America. Democrats, RINOs, and libertarian are the main actors currently engaged in the destruction of the United States of America that The Founders constituted, founded on The Unanimous Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen States of America of July 4, 1776.

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