New Mexico Secretary of State Defends Libertarian Party’s Status in Brief Filed in State Supreme Court

An independent candidate for congress in the upcoming New Mexico special election is trying to remove the Libertarian Party nominee from the June ballot. The lower court rejected the challenge, and the independent candidate appealed. This story describes the briefs before the State Supreme Court, in which the Secretary of State and the Libertarian Party are on the same side. The briefs were filed on May 18.

The independent candidate’s argument that the law is too easy is not sensible. The law does not say that a major party for district or county office only needs to get 5% of the total vote cast for president or governor merely within his or her race; it says that the candidate needs to poll that number of votes cast in the entire state. The independent challenger’s argument about a dog-catcher candidate’s vote being enough to establish major party status is thus erroneous. There is no such elected office anyway.

Section 1-7-7 says, “Major political party” means any qualified political party, any of whose candidates received as many as five percent of the total number of votes cast at the last preceding general election for the office of governor or president.”


New Mexico Secretary of State Defends Libertarian Party’s Status in Brief Filed in State Supreme Court — 6 Comments

  1. And the fact that the independent candidate is a former registered Democrat as well as Republican as well as Libertarian and won statewide office (Land Commissioner) as a Republican and won the Libertarian nomination for US Senate in 2018 before withdrawing and collected signatures for a special election which had not been called yet and on and on and on… just ridiculous.

  2. BAAADE effect of 1945 A-Bomb in NM lingers on ???

    — ie mutant morons ???

  3. Demo Rep overlooked the possibility of alien abduction and reprogramming.

  4. I believe the NM SoS is also firmly convinced the Libertarian nominee as well as the independent candidate both hurt the Republican’s already uphill chances. Guess the party of which the SoS is a member? Hmm…

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