Connecticut Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit Against Portion of Public Funding Law that Forbids Using Public Money to Criticize Candidates for Other Office

The Connecticut public funding law for candidates for state office does not allow the money to be spent to criticize someone running for another office. In 2014 two Republican nominees for State Senator criticized the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, and they used public funding to disseminate that message. After many years, they were fined by the state Elections Enforcement Commission.

On May 20, the Connecticut Supreme Court unanimously cleared the way for the two Republican candidates to fight their fines on free speech grounds. Although the Supreme Court did not decide the issue, it said the lower courts had been wrong to dismiss the lawsuit on procedural grounds. Markley v State Elections Enforcement Commission, SC 20305. Here is the eleven-page opinion. Thanks to the Institute for Free Speech for this news.


Connecticut Supreme Court Revives Lawsuit Against Portion of Public Funding Law that Forbids Using Public Money to Criticize Candidates for Other Office — 6 Comments

  1. Any criticism of Brit regime in 1761-1776-1784 in Brit colonies- later USA States ???

    See olde Brit ***seditious libel***.

    How EVIL corrupt is the New Age CT regime ???

  2. bit more –

    this is one more attempt by statists to require loss of const rights via getting statist $$$.

  3. Conditional public campaign finance money in exchange for candidate self-censorship?

    Sounds like an opportunity for the Supreme Court to expand Citizens United.

  4. Public funds being given to all sorts of ANTI-Democracy / ANTI-Freedom candidates in
    liberal / progressive / socialist / communist CT ???

    One more insidious statist CONTROL freak P-L-O-T.

  5. Government doesn’t have to offer public funds. If it does, candidates don’t have to take it, and government can set any “neutral” conditions it wants.

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