Rhode Island State Election Board Releases November 2020 Write-ins for President

The Rhode Island Board of Elections has released the write-in tally for president from November 2020. The only three actual presidential candidates who received any write-ins were: Howie Hawkins (Green Party) 174; Kanye West (independent) 131; Brock Pierce (independent) 6.

Minor party and independent presidential candidates who were on the Rhode Island ballot were Jo Jorgensen, Brian Carroll (American Solidarity), Rocky De La Fuente (Alliance), and Gloria La Riva (Socialism & Liberation).

Rhode Island tallied all the presidential write-in votes, most of which were for famous people who were not running. The person who got the most write-ins was Bernie Sanders, who received 204. Thanks to Tony Roza for this information.


Rhode Island State Election Board Releases November 2020 Write-ins for President — 28 Comments

  1. I do not see any reference to this tally on the BoE twitter feed, or posted on their website. The 2020 results that are posted on the state website were last updated on November 30. Do you have a link for this data?

  2. Not all information is on the internet. The data is on a piece of paper on State Board of Elections letterhead.

  3. The non-candidates who got write-ins are Mitt Romney 104, Bernie Sanders 204, Pete Buttigieg 28, Tulsi Gabbard 62, Andrew Yang 51, Michelle Obama 12, Nikki Haley 37, Michael Bloomberg 17, John Kasich 46, Michael Pence 28, Gina Raimondo 19, Vermin Supreme 12, Tom Brady 14, Barack Obama 8, Andrew Cuomo 16, Condoleeza Rice 18, Oprah Winfrey 8, Ted Cruz 16, Lincoln Chaffee 6, Anthony Fauci 13, Colin Powell 7, Marco Rubio 12, Jeb Bush 8, Joe Rogan 7, George Bush 6, Charles Baker 14, Elizabeth Warren 7, Bill Belichick 6, Daniel Crenshaw 9, Jesse Ventura 11, Tom Scott 5 Hillary Clinton 6, Bill Weld 9, Dwayne Johnson 10, Mark Cuban 6, Kyle Bill 16, Ben Sasse 6, Ronald Reagan 6, and Amy Comey Barrett 5.

  4. Youre ridiculous. Lots of people in that list of all sorts of races and ethnicity and George Floyd is dead.

  5. Ronald Reagan is dead but that didn’t stop racist Rhodes Island from giving him votes. I guess that’s just more yt privilege smh.

  6. You’re trolling, and not especially well. 6 surviving members of the Reagan cult in a state of over a million doesn’t make the state racist, when he’s the only dead guy on the list, and there are lots of living Black, Asian, Jewish etc people on there.

  7. You a racist bitch. Racism is the knee on George Floyd’s neck for 9 minutes! That’s the racism you spreading.

  8. You racist mfer! GTFO of here with that! Michelle Obama is an incredible woman.

  9. As a matter of fact yes she is, and you wrote that, not me. You are the racist piece of shit that you accuse me of being, Spence.

  10. Mitt Romney 104 – LDS

    Bernie Sanders 204 – Jewish ,

    Pete Buttigieg 28, gay

    Tulsi Gabbard 62 Indian (subcontinent) American, female

    Andrew Yang 51, Chinese American

    Michelle Obama 12, black, female

    Nikki Haley 37, Indian (subcontinent) American, female

    Michael Bloomberg 17, Jewish

    John Kasich 46, Michael Pence 28, Gina Raimondo 19, Vermin Supreme 12, Tom Brady 14,

    Barack Obama 8, Black

    Andrew Cuomo 16,

    Condoleeza Rice 18, Black, Female

    Oprah Winfrey 8, Black, Female

    Ted Cruz 16, Hispanic

    Lincoln Chaffee 6, Anthony Fauci 13,

    Colin Powell 7, Black

    Marco Rubio 12, Hispanic

    Jeb Bush 8, Joe Rogan 7, George Bush 6, Charles Baker 14,

    Elizabeth Warren 7, female

    Bill Belichick 6, Daniel Crenshaw 9, Jesse Ventura 11, Tom Scott 5

    Hillary Clinton 6, female

    Bill Weld 9,

    Dwayne Johnson 10, Samoan

    Mark Cuban 6, Kyle Bill 16, Ben Sasse 6, Ronald Reagan 6,

    Amy Comey Barrett 5. Woman, and iirc Catholic.

    It looks like a lot of minority/historically discriminated against groups are well represented on this list. That’s just the ones I know of. You can expand that to other groups – for example, anti-Italian prejudice is a thing, and there’s never been an Italian-American president. Fauci, Cuomo and Raimondo are Italian-Americans on this list (there could be others whose last name was anglicized, idk). We do now as of just this year have our second Catholic president, out of 46, and those two have both been Irish-American. Barack Obama is half black, and all the rest have been straight wh*te protestant men, unlike most of the people on this list. There are probably more people on there who are Catholic or some other group besides straight wh*te protestant males that I don’t know of. For example, Vermin Supreme is probably of some minority religious group, but I don’t know that for a fact. Bellichik is Croatian-American and probably Catholic, and so on.

    Actually, even without checking every name, it looks like the group that has made up the vast majority of US presidents – straight, wh*te, protestant, male – is less well represented on the list than several minority groups (women are actually a majority, but a minority in terms of having never been president, as of only this year being a VP, and only twice VP candidate on a major party ticket and once Presidential candidate on a major party ticket – those other two previous times unsuccessfully.

    It doesn’t sound like Rhode Islanders are particularly prejudiced. Sorry for trolling, I apologize.

  11. Covidiot Alert sounds like a klansman. I’m fully vaccinated, but you’re probably the one who isn’t.

  12. I apologize again for being a piece of shit troll and wasting people’s time because I’m immature, bored and a bigot piece of trash.

  13. I’ve been marching together with Black Lives Matter since 2014. Spence is a bigot and a joke. What makes him think I’m yt btw?

  14. He’s probably faking it. If not, he should seek professional mental health help.

  15. “What makes him think I’m yt btw?”

    Well you did insult his prophet George Floyd and called Michelle Obama a gorilla.

  16. I’m confused now. Is Spence having a discussion with himself? When does Spence become Teddy and/or vice versa?

  17. wikipedia:

    Kasich’s father was of Czech descent, while his mother was of Croatian descent.[16] Both his father and mother were children of immigrants and were practicing Roman Catholics.[14] He has described himself as “a Croatian and a Czech”.
    …Kasich was raised a Catholic, but considers denominations irrelevant, while stating that “there’s always going to be a part of me that considers myself a Catholic.” He drifted away from his religion as an adult, but came to embrace an Anglican faith after his parents were killed in a car crash by a drunk driver on August 20, 1987.[283][284][285][286] He joined the Episcopal Church (United States) as an adult.[287][288] Kasich has said he “doesn’t find God in church” but does belong to St. Augustine’s in Westerville, Ohio, which is part of the Anglican Church in North America, a conservative church with which he remained when it broke off from the Episcopal Church (United States).[286][287][288]

    Mike Pence: In his childhood and early adulthood, Pence was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, as was the rest of his family.[28] [/wiki] Although he is now a Protestant, there are widespread rumors that he is secretly gay. However he is officially straight and married with children.

    Gina Raimondo is Italian-American and Catholic. I neglected to note earlier that she’s a woman.

    I did a search, but did not find information on Vermin Supreme’s religion. He is married without children.

    wiki: Brady was raised as a Roman Catholic, but in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, expressed he was less religious than he is spiritual.[452] Brady stated, “I don’t know what I believe. I think there’s a belief system, I’m just not sure what it is.”[453]

    Lincoln Chaffee does not appear to be of any religious or racial/ethnic minority; he is a cis male and married with children. However, as a past independent and current (as of the last time I checked) third party member, he belongs to a political minority which has never elected a president.

    wiki: Fauci grew up Catholic,[9][10] but now considers himself a humanist, stating that he thinks “that there are a lot of things about organized religion that are unfortunate, and [that he tends] to like to stay away from” it.[11]

    wiki: In 1995, (Jeb) Bush converted from Episcopalianism to Roman Catholicism.[180]

    Joe Rogan is of three-quarters Italian and one-quarter Irish descent.[9]

    Bill Belichick is Croatian-American. I did not see mention of his religion in a quick scan of his wikipedia article, but most Croatians are Catholic. The largest religious minority in Croatia are Eastern Orthodox at 4%, and Protestants are less than 1%.

    Jesse Ventura is an atheist and has been associated with various third parties (Reform, Independence, Libertarian and Green) for decades.

    Bill Weld is not of any ethnic/racial/gender and sexual or religious minority. He has been involved with the Libertarian Party for two brief periods, most notably as a VP candidate in 2016.

    wiki: Cuban …grew up in a Jewish working-class family.[14][15] His paternal grandfather changed the family name from “Chabenisky” to “Cuban” after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis Island.[16][17] His maternal grandparents, who were also Jewish, came from Romania.[18] [/wiki]. No mention of his current religion that I saw in his wiki article.

    Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic, of Irish and French ancestry.

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