Nevada Assembly Passes Bill Making Ballot Access for New Parties More Difficult, but Deletes Straight-Ticket Device Portion of Bill

On May 31, the Nevada Assembly passed SB 292 by a party-line vote of 26-16. It moves the petition deadline for new and previously unqualified parties from May to April. It also requires the petition to include approximately 3,500 signatures from each of the four U.S. House districts.

But the bill is still not through the legislature, because the Assembly amended the bill to delete the straight-ticket device portion of the bill. Therefore, the Senate version of the bill and the Assembly version are different, and the Senate will now be asked if it agrees with the Assembly amendment. However, May 31 is the last day of the session. The legislature will probably be in session until midnight and it is tough to know whether the bill will pass.


Nevada Assembly Passes Bill Making Ballot Access for New Parties More Difficult, but Deletes Straight-Ticket Device Portion of Bill — 8 Comments

  1. Well there’s something I didn’t expect. If either version passes, I don’t think the governor will veto. But if there’s a veto, does an out of session legislature have the ability to override?

  2. I don’t know, but it’s a moot point. If the Governor vetoes the bill, the Republicans will not vote to override his veto, because they don’t like any part of the bill. Republicans don’t like the straight-ticket device and they also very much don’t like the part of the bill that amends how parties choose nominees in special elections.

  3. Donkey MORON party vote device in how many regimes ???

    In USA HR 1 bill ???

  4. Down to 6 states now I think. Most of them are Republican led states, but don’t let that stop you. It’s not in HR 1.

  5. Mich – Donkey MORON party vote device put into Mich Const by the usual commie suspects in 2018.

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