Texas House Democrats Block Bill that Makes Voting More Difficult by Leaving the Chamber So Quorum Wasn’t Met

On May 30, the Texas legislature adjourned for the year. The controversial bill to make various voting procedures more difficult failed to pass, SB 7, only because House Democrats slipped out of the legislative chamber, so that no quorum was met. See this story. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Texas House Democrats Block Bill that Makes Voting More Difficult by Leaving the Chamber So Quorum Wasn’t Met — 30 Comments

  1. New Age regimes —

    LOCK doors of legis bodies ???
    Secession demands/rebellions in how many commie/fascist States ???

  2. An old parliamentary procedure; just make sure you’ve got someone still on the floor to do a ‘quorum call’.

  3. Wow, seriously? The Republicans clearly want a dictatorship or monarchy of some sort.

  4. Texas Tribune is leftist? Are you nuts? YOU are fake news. Do a news search yourself, moron. Find it in the sources that you trust (which are the actual fake news, since you are a right wingnut/snowfake/enema nozzle/looney tunes).

  5. Wtf is “media bias fact check,” imbecile? It’s probably some right wing bullshitters who call all mainstream news sources “leftist ” and “fake news”. Lest we forget , the US establishment is not leftist. It’s centrist at best, and that’s being generous. It would be more accurate to call it rightist. Just not crazy Looney tunes far right like you and the horseshit you call real news.

    Lest we forget, fake news is the right wing crap that got Trump elected. He lies constantly and turns things on their head, so he started calling real news “fake news ” and you lemmings and sheep followed on cue, like brainwashed idiots at a Nuremberg rally.

    Besides which, what is it that you are disputing, that the legislation didn’t pass? What kind of fake news do you want to cite that claims it passed? Please be entertaining and shows us what you think is really real news, numbskull.

  6. Real news: right wing moron is a moron. His own source calls the Tribune highly accurate and reliable.

  7. If that sounds like fake news to you, then you must be a right wing shit for brains turnip, because of course anything that’s highly accurate and reliable is fake news to you, and only right wingnut stormtrooper bullshit is real news on your planet.

  8. Who are you people? Probably the same person posting under different fake names.

  9. It’s all the cyberpig spreading lies and bullshit. He did it earlier today in the comments about the Rhode Island write ins.

  10. “Egyptian God on May 31, 2021 at 10:25 pm said:
    It’s all the cyberpig spreading lies and bullshit. He did it earlier today in the comments about the Rhode Island write ins.”

    IF so, is he being paid to do this, or is he just mentally ill, or both?

  11. The establishment is leftist, and becoming moreso with the commies now running the country. Dementia Joe is not a centrist, and even if he was, he’s letting the commies take charge because he barely knows who he is.

  12. Perhaps Texas would be a happier place if it were divided into 3-4 new states.

  13. LOL!
    I go to The Saturnalian and click B.A.N. and read the comments. I can find these back and forth between E.G. and Andy v multiple fake anonymous named person-PAULIE. IMO.
    Paulie is a Zionist. Spying on his libertarian friends. Leaving multiple garbage/gaslight comments aimed at me.
    Trashing Richard’s blog. For the Cause.
    Putting Richard in an awkward position.
    Egypt is presently in diplomatic negotiations with Hamas and Israel.
    Let’s hope they give The Sinai Proposal a try.

  14. You are an idiot. What the fuck are you babbling about, right wing troll? The establishment is leftist and communist? Biden is not a centrist? You are so filled with fake news and bullshit that you are literally living in a bubble of lies. You are mentally ill but I doubt anyone would pay you, even Putin. Sure they have plenty of money but I don’t see them being this stupid. I think you really are this crazy and delusional.

    This whole thing started because you are claiming Texas not passing this legislation was fake news. Yet you haven’t cited one source of any kind that claims it passed, and news that it did not pass is all over the internet in every type of news source. In fact when I went to google news it was the top story, this time from Newsweek. I know, you’re going to say Newsweek is communist, and google is communist, blah blah blah, so here’s a simple challenge. Find a different source that claims it passed. I don’t care if it’s the daily stormer or Alex Jones or whatever you think is real news in your bizarro world.

    You would have done it already if there was any doubt that the story is true. You haven’t, because no one is disputing it. Instead you have whipped up this dust storm of bullshit over literally nothing. Now that it’s obvious your nonsense has nothing but your own flatulence keeping it stirred up, you’re doubling and tripling down and descending into total paranoid schizophrenic babbling like you might encounter from an insane homeless person on a street corner. Each of your personalities is crazier than the last one. I guess that’s what happens when you have your head so far up Trump and Fox/Faux News (wait, I know…they are leftist too, right?) ass that you get zero fresh air for an extended period of time.

    Keep it up, nutjob…the more you post, the more it’s obvious you have nothing. You’re the boy who cried “leftist” and “fake news” and “communist” and the rest of your horseshit too many times.

  15. Retard, I didn’t say it didn’t pass. What CNN and the other leftist media said was in the bill is incorrect. Maybe you should learn how to read and stop being a communist retard.

  16. Maybe you should learn to read. The link was just there to demonstrate that the bill didn’t pass, not to nitpick every word of the story. You’re probably the one who is misrepresenting what’s in it, but that’s besides the point, because you never once said or implied that was what you meant. You probably just pulled that out of your ass just now or you would have said that earlier. You are backpedaling now that it’s become clear that the bill did not pass ever to your bobblehead brain. Neither I nor CNN is anywhere close to communist. In fact you probably have a lot more in common with authoritarian communists, since you are a fascist piece of shit. Well, at least your last name is fitting. Please go slither back under whatever rock you crawled out under of, slimeball.

  17. Numbnuts somehow found a way to work teh joooooz into it too, because it’s a day of the week that ends in a y…

  18. It’s always jooooz and communists with these knobheads. Anything that’s not fash trash like them. One track minds and one trick ponies.

  19. You may have lost your cock and balls by accident, but I think it was probably on purpose. In case the point, so to speak, isn’t clear: Please don’t bore me and anyone reading, if anyone is reading, with pointless conjecture.

    If we’re going to continue this pointless snoozefest where you insist on continuously embarrassing yourself to an audience which may or may not exist, please start by defining the terms you keep wearing out such as leftist and communist. They must have some meaning beyond not fascist, or is that assuming too much?

    Perhaps you could give a list of countries which you think are communist. Or maybe the list of countries you think aren’t communist is shorter, so you could start with that.

    It’s probably asking too much, but maybe you can explain what you think the Jews have to do with it. Do you think they run the world and are behind all its problems? Do you think they have horns? Tails? If you believe Zionism and communism are the same thing, or close cousins, why did and do communists all over the world champion the Arab cause while the US has been Israel’s only ally? Why were Jews fleeing the USSR and other communist countries? Why was your lord and savior Trump such a big fan of right wing Israelis and why is his daughter (who he’s in love with in a perverse way) married to a Jew and converted to Judaism?

    We’ve established that you think CNN, and mainstream media in general, are fake news and communist. What about Fox? Also leftist? Communist? Which news sources do you consider to be real news?

    Who are the foreign and or historical world leaders you admire most? Would you like to see the US become a dictatorship or absolute monarchy? What do you think should be done about what you consider to be the ubiquitous problem of leftists and communists? What’s your preferred solution to the “Jewish problem”? Race problems? Do you consider yourself to be a fascist?

    We could go on, or not. There’s really no point, since you’re a chronically lying piece of shit and a troll, but if you do, please at least try to be not so paint by numbers boring.

  20. The garbage comment on June 2, 2021 at 4:55 am is from Demo Rep (Thomas Jones).

  21. You’re barking up the wrong tree with your garbage comment at 5:19, dumbass. If what you meant to say is that you have no answers and nothing useful to contribute to the conversation, you could have just said so, since it’s obvious that is what you actually said.

  22. I think that except for the first and maybe the second comment, and this one, they were all made by the cyberpig, playing different characters.

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