Eureka County, Nevada, has The Same Number of Democratic Party Registrants and Independent American Party Registrants

The May 2021 voter registration tally for Nevada shows that the Independent American Party and the Democratic Party both have 75 registrants in Eureka County. See the tally here. Thanks to a reader who wishes to remain anonymous.


Eureka County, Nevada, has The Same Number of Democratic Party Registrants and Independent American Party Registrants — 20 Comments

  1. The Independent Party outnumbers the Republicans in Webster County, West Virginia by 1263 to 1193. FYI.

  2. What about Democrats in Loving County, TX? Are they outnumbered by independents?

  3. Any meteor showers in waterless NV ???

    Great Basin of death — most of NV.

    NV — one more Civil War era State to have long time gerrymander CONTROL of USA Senate.

  4. The comments on June 2, 2021 at 4:22 pm, 4:48 pm, 5:10 pm, and 6:39 pm are from an imposter/idiot most likely Cody Quirk or Will Klatt.

  5. Demo Rep is too stupid to realize Nevada does have water. Las Vegas is built on a natural spring.

  6. I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of those registered to vote under the Independent American Party have no idea that this is a party or what it stands for, as I bet they thought they were registering as independents/non-partisan.

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