Mayor of Pontiac, Michigan, Runs for Re-Election as a Write-in Candidate

According to this story, the Mayor of Pontiac, Michigan, will run for re-election as a write-in candidate in the August 3, 2021 non-partisan primary. She was kept off the ballot by the City Clerk because she has some unpaid campaign finance fines. There are four candidates who will be listed on the ballot. The Mayor, Deirdre Waterman, needs to place first or second on August 3.


Mayor of Pontiac, Michigan, Runs for Re-Election as a Write-in Candidate — 204 Comments

  1. How many troll MORONS waiting for latest RW item —

    to post their troll MORON comments ??? .
    Mich – city mayors – law / charter / ordinance office – so camp fin law junk is a disqual.

    For non-MORONS –

    NOOO primaries.
    equal nom pets
    APPV – execs/judics – pending Condorcet.

  2. Dear lord, STILL talking about eating pets? You are the real MORON.

  3. What does Trump have to do with this election? You really are stupid and should be in a mental asylum.

  4. Wait, is Demo Rep talking about Michigan City Indiana in his first rant? What does that have to do with Pontiac? Are they near each other? I can’t make heads or tales of his rants these days

  5. It would not surprise me if Fact Checker is one of the trolls, but I doubt Fact Checker is Paul.

  6. Sounds like someone is trying to change the subject and deflect because I found his true identity. Cyberpig does troll here but he’s not obsessed with Demo Rep and he doesn’t live in the midwest.

  7. Fact Checker is Paul. I did research under a fake name and found it to be true. I haven’t started a blog yet where I rant about BAN.

  8. If only you were smart enough to use a different email than the one associated with your wordpress account. Otherwise we’d have no idea it was you doing it.

  9. I knew you’d respond Paul. You are no different than Demo Rep and Milnes.

    Andy says you are a troll too.

  10. Unless Fact Checker is Andy who could really be Paul, then you are trolling yourself.

    the wild theories from all continue

  11. So you think this Will Klatt character is trolling on this thread, or maybe Cody Quirk?

  12. “Your sister. She totally wanted to be there the night before.”

    She looks underage in the picture.

    What kind of example are you setting for Geronimo with this crazy trolling and idiocy?

  13. “So you think this Will Klatt character is trolling on this thread, or maybe Cody Quirk?”

    I’m pretty sure it’s Will Klatt. Cody wouldn’t know about Michigan City, Indiana.

  14. If she does place first or second, will she be required to pay those fines to make that ballot?

  15. Silly trumpkin. Paul has been in all states except Hawaii, and all of the lower 48 multiple times. He has lived and worked in Midwest states on multiple occasions. Paul/Andy/fat checkers is well familiar with Michigan City as well as with many of the cities in Michigan.

    He also has a BS in geography, and a weird fondness for maps. He can often be found staring at them for hours on end, when he’s not reading an encyclopedia or dictionary, doing drugs, seeing hookers, trolling online, stuffing his fat face, going to political events, or whacking off to the worst porn he can find.

  16. Is Paul aka Andy aka fat checkers obsessed with demi rep? Well that just depends on which of his many personalities we’re talking about, doesn’t it?

  17. PURGE ALL troll M-O-R-O-N-S off the BAN list – esp those with multiple fake names.

  18. … Ever admit he is Paul, Will, Fag Shagger, Egyptian God Kek Kek Kek, Andy, and many other fake personalities.

    Demo Rep is one of the very few people here who is not one of the cyberpig personalities. He is actually a real person, using his real name, and posting great wisdom and not trolling at all. Everyone is advised to print out his comments and tape them up next to your computer monitors as well as near any and all public access or shared computers.

  19. Will Klatt is not the troll. The cyberpig is the troll, and “fact checker” is one of his many fake names.

  20. If your last name was Rep, wouldn’t you name your kid Demo? I know I would. Look how my parents named me. You’d think it was a fake name if you did not know better.

  21. Any TROLL MORON prize for the worst daily / weekly / monthly / yearly troll moron post – BAN / USA / world ???

    BAN all troll MORONS off of BAN — send them to Mars / Venus / etc. OFF of Mother Earth.

  22. For a full time paid troll, I’m not very good at it, to put it mildly. Thank goodness Demo Rep is not a troll or a moron.

  23. Demo Rep is the definition of troll and moron. His garbage goes back years, long before Paul unless he is Paul. Maybe Robert Milnes is Paul too.

  24. Is Will Klatt Jewish? I looked up Klatt, and it is a German name, but it is a German name that was taken on by Jews.

    I am just wondering if he and Paul could be working together as a part of a Jewish trolling operation.

    Why a Jewish trolling operation, certainly not everyone who trolls online is Jewish, right? I never said that everyone who trolls online is Jewish. There are lots of people who troll online from all races and ethnic backgrounds. Jews do not have a monopoly on internet trolling by any means.

    So why do I suspect a Jewish trolling operation is behind at least SOME of the trolling? I say this due to a pattern of themes that keep getting repeated.

    While Jews do not have a monopoly on internet trolling, it is a known fact that they are pretty prolific trollers, and they do in fact have several organized trolling operations. Look at a lot of the themes that get repeated over and over again by some of the trolls, and look at some of the tactics they use. They look like they came out of the Kosher playbook to me.

    Just to be clear, I think there are FBI and CIA and DHS and DOD (Department of Defense) trolls, and I think there are other foreign government trolls, and that there are trolls working for the major political parties, and yes, there are random A-HOLE trolls as well. So it is not as though I think all trolls are Jewish, nor do I think that everyone who is Jewish engages in online trolling (I would guess plenty do not).

    I just think that at least some, if not a large percentage, of the trolling, here, and at IPR, has been Jewish. Is it part of an organized effort, or is Paul just doing it because he is bored? I don’t know, but I suspect there is a larger and more organized effort behind it than some may think.

  25. Klatt named his son Geronimo for some reason.

    According to his Facebook, he observes Passover and he denies the existence of a Jewish lobby. I’m fairly certain he is a Jew.

  26. The fake Jews are behind all the fake news, the funny money, commie dummies, and trolling. They are actually khazars, not Jews, but that’s another story. They are also behind the military industrial complex and the neocons. That came from Trotskyites and Trotsky was a Jew communist who caused with Stalin and jew neocons manipulated the US to carry on Trotsky feud with the USSR.

  27. Meanwhile the Jew Israel lobby manipulated the US into conflict with the middle east. While fighting age American Jews get college and health deferments they send the goyim to do the fighting and dying and come back physically and mentally scarred. And to pay for it so Jew bankers collect interest and jew media make ad revenue and Jew wall streeters profit from the war machine.

  28. Richard, what is going on here? Nearly all of these comments are trolling or have nothing to do with the topic.

  29. Just to clarify.
    I am not Paul or anybody else.
    I have blogged and commented for years. I use my own name. I do not use any other.
    I do have a nom de guerre RobertLeMagne but is mostly to claim as mine for future use if needed.
    There are a lot of garbage and gaslight comments on this blog.
    I do not consider ANY of my comments to be garbage or gaslight.
    I have no interest in trashing Richard’s blog.

  30. Milnes, your comments are indeed garbage. You Demo Rep Robert K Stock Aiden James Ogle Fact Checker Floyd Whitley even Andy are all trolls and mostly communists. Even Richard Winger is a communist.

  31. Hate being called put on your trolling, huh buddy boy? Go back to your blog with zero readers.

  32. If you were really “Not Will Klatt” you would not vehemently deny it as much as you have. It’s obvious to everyone how you put the trolling into another gear once you were exposed.

  33. The posts above from “Karl” dropped some truth bombs, but these were troll posts, probably from Will or Paul. The tactic is to spit out some truth, but to do it in a nasty, trolling manner, and often to associate with unsavory people, this way when a good person hears it or says it, it can be discredited by associate it with unsavory people. This is a psychological manipulation tactic.

  34. They’re not troll posts. I don’t know which parts you think are true and which are not. Would you please explain which are which, in your view?

  35. Also what did you find nasty or unsavory? I didn’t use any “slurs” and if anything, held back.

  36. Cyberpig Paul’s Andy character is making it a little too obvious that he and “fact checker” are one and the same. He supposedly just buys some no name troll’s completely unsupported assertion that many of these posts, probably most or all by himself, are by some guy named will klatt that he never heard of before? Yeah right. Are we supposed to believe he is actually that gullible?

  37. Rufus Redd? Yeah right. Like Lazarus Mudd, it’s as likely to be a real name as Fact Checker or Egyptian God.

    As for Milnes it’s possible he really is unselfaware enough to believe his comments aren’t garbage and gaslighting. Kind of like when Demo Rep calls everyone else trolls and morons, most likely thinking he’s a genius.

  38. How do you know, dumbass? You have no idea what I have or haven’t done. Besides, demo rep is the first one to call lots of lawyers morons. He may be exaggerating, or overstating his case, but he’s not entirely wrong. Many dim bulbs have managed to pass the bar over the years. In any case, there are lots of kinds of intelligence, Paul. This may be too subtle for you, but people who are intelligent in some ways can be quite stupid in others.

  39. Was Demo Rep disbarred for outbursts and retardedness? I can’t find his information anywhere. He possibly lied about that too. We do know he freaks out when you question him.

  40. It’s more likely he retired. Isn’t he in his 80s? I thought I read that in one of these threads.

  41. I do not know if it is Will Klatt or not. I did look up Will Klatt and he does appear to exist. I do not know if Will Klatt posted here under his real name or not. I would have to search the archives for that.

  42. He has posted here a few times. Fast whacker’s contention that Klatt has posted under other names is completely unproven. In fact there hasn’t even been any evidence. It’s more likely that fast whacker is posting many of those comments himself. He used to blame Cody Quirk for them, now he blames Klatt. You immediately jump to repeating his out of the blue allegation. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that you are fast whacker yourself.

  43. Cody did get busted on IPR a few years ago for posting under fake names. I would not be surprised if Will Klatt is one of the trolls.

  44. Well, for one thing he is Jewish and he denies the existence of a Jewish political lobby. That’s a red flag.

  45. I wonder if Will Klatt and Paul are affiliated somehow. Do they know eachother, or do they troll for the same organization (Mossad, ADL, SPLC, Open Society, Act Blue, etc…)?

  46. I believe Cody Quirk was the troll who initially repeated “Demo Rep is retarded.” But Cody’s far too idiotic to be working for any organization. Will Klatt saw Cody’s trolling and its negative effect on the discussions here and so he replicated it, thinking Cody would get the blame. However, Klatt then accidentally revealed himself in the post linked above.

    Klatt’s denials and tactics are reminiscent of the cyberpig. It would not surprise me if the two were working together for an organization with the intent to disrupt discussion on this and like sites.

  47. Wow, “Andy” and “fact checker” sound exactly alike. Imagine that. I’ll be surprised if they are not the same person. The best case scenario for Andy is that he’s extremely gullible. The gravatar could have popped up from Andy aka fat crapper putting Klatt’s email to deflect blame from himself (the cyberpig).

    So in the unlikely case Andy is not fast jerker, it would be that fast jerker pulled something from out of his troll ass, Andy immediately swallowed it whole and regurgitated it, and now they are passing it back and forth like two trolls, one cup. Of course the more likely explanation is that it’s all one troll.

    Whether it’s one troll or two, he/they is the biggest disruptor of discussion here. Calling everyone including the site owner a communist, crazy antisemitic conspiracies, claiming everyone who shows up is Paul or Cody or now Will Klatt. The whole crazy act has become more worn out, old, tired, and boring than the endless repetition of “eating pets” jokes.

  48. Who is Fact Checker? Could Fact Checker and Egyptian God be the same person? Is Fact Checker working for the FBI or CIA?

  49. Are they any legit comments in this thread? It’s all trolls, garbage posts, or in some cases both. Seriously people find something else to do. I come here to hear the latest on ballot access issues.

  50. Your article is bullshit, and even if it was true what makes you think it’s the same Dave? I don’t know if it is or not, but I think it’s more likely this Dave is you.

  51. As usual your evidence that Dave was cyberpig (actually you are probably the cyberpig) was exactly nothing, much like your so called evidence against Mr. Klatt.

  52. Summarizing the Andy/gay cracker “evidence” against Will: he is a Jewish leftist. This is a pathetic threshold of evidence. There are many Jewish leftists online who are not trolls. Some are interested in third parties or other issues here. There are also many trolls who are rightwing antisemites (fact denier for example), and some of them also have some interest in third parties. So, that someone is a Jewish leftist is not evidence.

    There’s also the gravatar, which just proves that someone (fact dismemberer?) found out his email address. That’s not exactly evidence either.

    The only evidence I see is that Andy immediately and uncritically accepted this as not just evidence but proof, and started repeating it, coming from a known troll no less. That’s strong evidence Andy is fact mutilator or part of the same Putin troll operation. “Wouldn’t surprise me” is his way to weasel out of it. We can also see that Andy routinely avoids questions he doesn’t want to answer. He’s obviously a propagandist, troll, or both, just like Egyptian fud aka fact fracker, who is more likely than not himself.

  53. The fact you’re going to such lengths to deny you are Will Klatt makes it more obvious you are him. And I never even heard of you until I tracked the gravatar to you. You made a mistake in using your real email and you ought to fess up and stop trolling. Geronimo will likely read all of this when he gets older.

  54. I don’t need to deny anything. You’re barking up the wrong tree and can believe or make up whatever you want. The fact that anyone even believed or takes seriously a pathological lying troll like you is enough to suspect it’s you trolling yet again, Paul.

    But then again, does anyone believe you, other than those who may all be you and got kicked off some crappy defunct toilet bowl floater of a website for trolling and for whatever reason still can’t get over it? For that matter, does anyone who does not fit that description care, other than being annoyed by the endless back and forth between yourself and you about it?

    I don’t know anything about Will Klatt other than what you’ve said here. For all I know you made him up. If he’s real, I guess he threw you off some other pathetic blog, or won an argument with you, or rejected your sexual advances and blocked you. I’d tell you to move on and get a life, but you won’t.


    80 PLUS ???


  56. The Will Klatt theory sounds plausible to me. Is it fact? I do not know for sure, but it could be.

  57. “Sounds plausible ” lol. Of course it does, because either you made it up, or anyone who is Jewish and leftist, or just Jewish, is enough for you. But theory? No. It doesn’t even rise to the evidence level of a hypothesis. It’s at best a wild ass guess and more likely total bullshit. Sounding plausible to you says much more about you than the “theory.”

  58. The space lizard theory sounds plausible to me. Is it fact? I do not know for sure, but it could be.

  59. The flat earth theory sounds plausible to me. Is it fact? I do not know for sure, but it could be.

  60. Ah, the old throw out a more extreme statement and use it to discredit more reasonable discussion. Another psychological manipulation tactic. It sounds like you trolls are all using the same play book.

  61. Maybe. Or maybe someone else who knew his email address did. That’s all it takes to leave an avatar. See how gullible or disingenuous you are?

  62. It’s not more reasonable discussion. “He’s a Jew and someone knows his email address” is as well founded as those other “theories.”

  63. Some people sure do seem to have a vested interest in us not thinking that Will Klatt was one of the people trolling here. If you have no connection with Will Klatt, why do you care so much to keep trying to convince us it wasn’t him, or that you have no connection to him?

  64. On the contrary, I don’t know anything about Will Klatt including whether he actually exists or if you made him up, and I don’t care what stupid crap you believe or claim to believe, Paul.

    The question here is your or your character’s so called logic and judgment, what you consider evidence and how you come to conclusions. It’s also whether or not you and the fake fact checker are one and the same. Your latest comment strengthened the case that you are, because it’s a faux checker talking point.

    You are not doing a good enough job of separation between your Andy character and your fact checker character, cyberpig. Try to make it at least a little more plausible that you could actually be different people. Or don’t even try. Whatevs.

  65. “Us thinking” …It’s yet to be proven that there’s any more than one of you doing this so called thinking.

    I agree with Guzman. The retardedness is off the scale. It starts with demi reps usual drivel. It continues with whoever posts the formulaic, reflexive responses to that drivel. It goes to a whole new level with the idiotic speculation about who is doing that, and the twisting and turning that the cyberpig keeps engaging in after being called out and made fun of for the absurdity of it and his lack of skill in keeping his fake personae distinct and generally terrible use of quasilogic and transparent bad rhetoric whilst making a bad attempt at playing amateur detective. It really goes off the scale in the unlikely case that the object of this bumbling speculation is yet another of his fake characters.

  66. “Andy” is a trolling character trying to create confusion. Sloppy is an antitrolling character actually cutting through the confusion and creating clarity.

  67. I never do any trolling and I have not posted here under a fake name, unlike you.

  68. Very,very high probability that the formulaic responses to demi rep is also coming from the very same troll, who is most likely the cyberpig xaulie bannali.

  69. Every single comment you make is trolling and you are a troll. Your name is almost certainly fake and even if it’s not it means nothing because it’s just a common first name so that means jack squat.

  70. Give it up Andy, it I as way too obvious you are fat fracker aka cyberpig Paul.

  71. Even as a write-in, I would imagine an incumbent mayor would have a moderately easy time winning re-election, unless they were unpopular. It doesn’t hurt that “Waterman” is a pretty easy name.

  72. There are people here and at IPR who have met me in person. I am very real.

  73. Andy: 1. Prove it. You have never provided these alleged witnesses. We could get into additional questions if and when you ever do. 2. In the unlikely event you are real, how would we know it you are “fact checker” and/or however many of these other trolls? You say you’re not, but there’s no way to tell whether you’re lying.

  74. As for Klatt there are several possibilities. Here are a few.

    1. He does not exist. You (Paul/Andy/Fact Checker/Egyptian God/etc) made him up and created a word press account, disposable email, and maybe a social media account or two to make it look like that’s a person to further your trolling.

    2. He exists, and is someone you got in a beef with (see above) whereby you got a hold of his email address, and used it to create the comment with the avatar that you are now using as “proof.”

    3. Same as 2, except he’s just selected at random because you were copied on the same mass email, or for whatever reason his email address was handy to you at the moment you posted that comment.

    4. He exists. You don’t have his email address, but just randomly guessed it when posting your troll comment, and his avatar popped up. You then made up additional bs blaming this random person from there.

    5. He exists and posted that comment, but others have posted a bunch of similar comments, as your “fact checker” persona claims Cody did at one point. If Klatt posted the exact same kind of comment as quirk allegedly did, maybe it was just that one, or maybe other people have before and since.

    6. Maybe you’re right. But there are lots of other possibilities. “He’s a Jew and someone who may or may not have been him once posted a pseudonymous comment and used his email address” is a ridiculously low standard of evidence to use or accept at face value. Shame on you.

  75. Only two meaningful comments and a reply from Richard in this whole thread. One question about advancing to the general election and one speculating about an incumbent’s chances in a write in. The rest is garbage.

  76. There are no trolls comments from me. I have only responded to trolls, and pointed out their tactics.

  77. Andy/Paul/Fact checker

    No one can change you if you’re not willing to change yourself.

  78. Also, all your comments are troll comments, and I have only responded to them and pointed out your tactics.

  79. Keep being a nuisance. If your goal is to annoy Richard to the point he deletes this thread then you’re wasting your time. I already have the whole thread copied and Geronimo will still see it in a Google search.

  80. You’re being a nuisance. I don’t care if it’s deleted, if you have it saved, or what someone named Geronimo who may or may not exist reads. Your deceitful tactics and bizarre lies will keep getting exposed.

  81. An internet search seems to imply Pontiac is heavily Democrat. That means the biggest communist will win.

  82. Actually retard, most Democrats are communists. Look up their plans and voting history.

  83. Actually brain dead zombie, I have, and they’re not even close.

  84. Do you even know what a communist is? Look at the Democrats and compare. Very close, some more than others.

  85. You obviously are too stupid to know what a commie is, or you actually are one and deny it.

  86. Putin is a commie. Putin owns Trump. Trump owns GOP. Republicans are communist.

  87. Putin conspired with HILLARY CLINTON you retard. She is a commie.
    Biden loves China, so he is a commie too.

  88. No dumbass moron, Putin conspired with Trump. You are so stupid it’s a wonder you did not forget to breathe yet. Commies have owned Trump since they bailed him out 30 years ago. He’s also in love with the little North Korean rocket man. You are the commie.

  89. You really are a retard. Evidence showed Russia wanted Clinton to win. Trump was diplomatic, you know what the DemoKKKrats want to do with China and Iran. Hypocrites.

    I thought Robert Milnes was the biggest retard here.

  90. The kkk are all Republicans now, moron. The evidence shows the exact opposite of what you claim. You are the biggest retard here. No one else comes close.

  91. Paul invented “backatcha.” No one else says that. Except maybe Will Klatt, and I’m not even sure about him.

  92. Hey retard, the Dems are the KKK. Look at their racist policies, you dumbass.

  93. This whole conversation is Paul arguing with himself. He is a retard.

  94. How is life on opposites planet? KKK ARE GOP NOW. THEY are the ones with racist policies and favored by commie Putin. Only retards don’t know this.

  95. He probably invented it. I never heard anyone else say it. Besides which, you’re Paul, and you’re a racist commie retard.

  96. The trolls here really bring down the level of conversation here, but this is part of their goal.

  97. Demo Rep just posted more retardedness about propping up the archaic USPS.

  98. Demo Rep is the only one here who is NOT a troll, a retard, a communist, or a racist. Or Paul.

  99. Demo Rep should run for President with Milnes as VP. They would be even less coherent than Dementia Joe.

  100. Robert Milnes is also not a commie, racist, troll, retard, or Paul. Just like Demo Rep. But the rest of you all are.

  101. Of course. Everyone’s mom is Paul, including yours. Paul’s mom is also Paul, and so is his dad. Just like yours, because you’re also Paul.

  102. Paul was the Cute Beatle. He died 55 years ago and has been played by at least two actors ever since his death was covered up.

  103. The garbage post on June 8, 2021 at 7:23 pm is from Fact Checker, calling himself Rufus Redd.

  104. The post above from “Brooke and Paul” from 6/9/21 at 4:40 AM is probably from Paul. He liked that “About Us” song from Brooke “Hogan” Boella and rapper Paul Wall.

  105. Or it could just be a coincidence because the rappers name is Paul “Wall” Slayton. Unless Andy is McCarthybot, who says there are no coincidences. Who knows? Who cares?

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