U.S. House Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on the Other Election Law Bill, HR 4

On June 11, the Elections Subcommittee of the House Administration Committee will hold a hearing on voting rights and HR 4, the John Lewis Act, which proposes that all state election law changes be submitted for review to the U.S. Justice Department. See this announcement from the subcommittee. The title of the hearing seems gramatically faulty. One wonders if someone forgot to insert “and” between “to Vote” and “to Interfere.” Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for this news. The hearing will be at 11:00 a.m. eastern.


U.S. House Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on the Other Election Law Bill, HR 4 — 12 Comments

  1. NOOO pre-clearance in 1787 orig const.

    NOOO pre-clearance in amdts.

    Scotus — full of politically IN-correct hacks since 1861.

    Congress hacks too MORON stupid — unable to have DEATH penalty [or mere 100 years in jail] for violations of 15-19-24-26 Amdts to END the subversion of the CONSTITUTIONAL ***RIGHT*** *** TO VOTE *** and bankruptcy of any state/local govts and officials [legis / exec / judic] involved in any such subversions – ie UNLIMITED $$$ damages.

  2. There is, or will be. It already has a bill number, but maybe it has not been formally introduced yet.

  3. I think it’s just planned but I’ve seen multiple news reports in different places about it.

  4. “There is, or will be. It already has a bill number, but maybe it has not been formally introduced yet.”

    Will they have to pass it to find out what is in it?

  5. House Rules have HR bills 1-20 under control by H. Speaker — Pelosi.

    At moment HR 2, 4, 9-17, 20 reserved/not yet published.

    See congress.gov — bills

  6. I don’t know how long it will be. It’s supposed to be simpler and shorter version vs omnibus kitchen sink HR 1, but it could still be long.

  7. Are Democrats in secret consultation with Sen Manchin to see what he will vote for, and write that into HR4?

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