Pennsylvania Elections Office Releases Write-in Tally for Howie Hawkins from November 2020 Election

The Pennsylvania state elections office, in response to a freedom of information request, has released the number of write-in votes cast for Howie Hawkins for president in November 2020. The various counties that tallied write-ins say there are 1,282 such votes.


Pennsylvania Elections Office Releases Write-in Tally for Howie Hawkins from November 2020 Election — 4 Comments

  1. BTW, have all legal challenges to the 2020 election returns from Pennsylvania been resolved?

  2. Ongoing 14-2 Amdt violations ???

    States too lazy / incompetent to at least report total write-ins ???

    FEC has to slog thru *results* / NON-results to shortly produce Federal Elections, 2020 —

    Jul-Sep 2021 ??????

    Congress – too stupid / lazy / incompetent to REQUIRE T-O-T-A-L votes be reported FIRST – IMMEDIATELY after polls close —

    to reduce conspiracy ravings.

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