India Walton, Member of Democratic Socialists of America, Wins Democratic Primary for Mayor of Buffalo, New York

On June 22, India Walton won the Democratic primary for Mayor of Buffalo, New York. She defeated the incumbent Mayor, Byron Brown. She is a member of Democratic Socialists of America and was endorsed by that organization. Here is her website.


India Walton, Member of Democratic Socialists of America, Wins Democratic Primary for Mayor of Buffalo, New York — 12 Comments

  1. This just doesn’t have the kind of impact on me that it would have if she was elected from a ballot line that actually included the word “Socialist” in the party name.

  2. She’s all but elected. The last time anyone other than a Democrat was elected Mayor of Buffalo was 1962.

    She doesn’t seem to be running on a hard line socialist platform, though. It’s pretty mainstream New York Democrat.

  3. That’s funny as hell when you can’t tell the difference between Marxists and Democrats. lolololol Kinda tells you something, doesn’t it?

  4. Yes there is, Sam. Your willful ignorance doesn’t make them the same thing. The idea that Democrats are even close to Marxist is outright bloody insane.

  5. They’re the same thing. What’s outright bloody insane is democrats aka Marxists. They all need to be dropped from helicopters.

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