John McAfee Dies

On June 23, John McAfee died in Spain. See this story. In 2016 he had sought the Libertarian presidential nomination and had placed third at the national convention, with 131 votes. Thanks to Gene Berkman for this news.


John McAfee Dies — 104 Comments

  1. Due to JM anti-computer virus work –

    MAJOR list of suspects — Esp Russians, Chinese, USA.

  2. His antivirus work was decades ago. More recently he’s been a crypto pump and dump schemer.

  3. There are rumors floating around that John McAfee paid off the people at the jail and faked his death. The other rumor is that the US gov had him murdered.

  4. The rumors sound like bullshit. As soon as the decision came down to extradite him he suicided.

  5. I find it very unlikely he killed himself. I find it more likely he faked his own death and even more likely the CIA had him killed.

  6. Maybe it was a accident from extreme asphyxiation masturbation like Feldman’s death from an s&m accident.

  7. He was a coward who didn’t want to face justice in the United States. He killed himself. Good riddance.

  8. Darryl Perry…weren’t you also a presidential candidate in 2016? Do you think Bill Weld is having y’all killed off one by one?

  9. Darryl is correct.
    I publicly stated long ago that I thought Feldman’s death was suspicious.
    Circumstances wise. I had called him a “terrorist” one of 6 million in USA. And 18 million in the world. The jews.
    In that rag. I forget the name of it.
    I figured the Israelis were real sensitive about being called terrorists, at least in USA.
    Where they enjoy a positive reputation. Because they heavily influence the media. And the government.
    There seems to be 2 forms of “getting died”. Depending on circumstances.
    If the powers that be want you gone, they “die” you.
    I surmise you wind up in some high security facility, somewhere. Drugged probably.
    Indefinitely. Until you die of something unavoidable.
    If the powers that be just want you out of the way for some reason, then they let you get died.
    Whereupon you go to a new life somewhere of your choice, financially comfortably.
    Epstein, Feldman, Jack Ruby.
    I suspected Justice Scalia of this, allowing Judge Garland to replace him becoming the third jew on the Supreme Court. However, that was blocked.
    I suspect something like this happened to my ex-girlfriend Nancy Benson, PhD.
    Also Dr McFarland also of Boulder, my political mentor.
    In addition my father, Uncles Fred the Marine and Bill, my closest thing to a brother. All huge assets to me politically.
    McAfee was being extradited to face tax resisting charges.
    Maybe the government offered him a new life somewhere for the rest of it rather than a highly publicized Court case that they might could lose or get a hung jury.
    Or maybe he is being held involuntarily somewhere.
    Or maybe he did commit suicide.
    I would like to find out definitively.
    I would like Nancy back.
    She promised me a future happy life together.
    And he McAfee, being an old but not dead yet type, accepted their offer, like Scalia.

  10. Did John McAfee really die on the 5th anniversary of the death of Mark Allan Feldman?

  11. And David Nolan.
    I had asked Tom Knapp to put me in contact with him.
    To try to enlist his help with PLAS.
    At the time of his death he was also involved in an issue involving the Nolan Amendment and other complicated issues which I can’t remember the details at this time. So he never made it to the Libertarian Convention in Las Vegas in 2012. Neither did I.
    At age 66 in 2010, Nolan could possibly still be alive somewhere, if he was “died”.
    And now, Merrick Garland is my primary nemesis as Attorney General of the USA in the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting.
    As I have filed an Amicus Curiae brief in that case.
    Recently appointed AG by President Biden.
    BTW, has anyone other than me noticed that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both have jewish spouses?

  12. I knew that the husband of Kamala Harris is an attorney for AIPAC. I do not know about Joe Biden’s wife.

  13. Where’s the body?

    Will there be an autopsy?

    Maybe a seance could shed some light.

  14. Not to mention Kevin Zeese.
    Zeese “died” right around the time I got very sick from some sort of respiratory thing-probably Covid.
    I remember thinking and blogging that somebody tried for a “twofor”.
    Zeese’s “death” would have overshadowed mine.

  15. Walter,
    An autopsy would be unreliable, unless it was conducted under very controlled circumstances.
    Did you ever see the Star Trek TOS episode where Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty and Chekov were on the planet of beings that has the power of illusion?
    Mr Spock concluded after an experiment that their minds were being interfered with.
    Therefore everything they saw and did was “unreliable”.
    Presently the US government strongly influenced by Israel is “in control”.
    Therefore anything we see or do is “unreliable”.

  16. “Mr Spock concluded after an experiment that their minds were being interfered with.”

    Sounds like a seance could be as useful as any investigation, after all.

    An opportunity for a new Travel Channel show? Mystery Channeling, it could be called.

  17. Marc Allan Feldman (October 10, 1959—June 22, 2016)

    John David McAfee (18 September 1945 – 23 June 2021)

  18. I day off after fifth anniversary. Perhaps the body wasn’t discovered until the next day, or maybe it was a difference in time zones?

  19. Andy, correct. Nolan “died”.
    So Nolan and I never got in contact.
    And never got to engage in issues at the 2012 Libertarian convention.
    Marc Feldman “died” in 2016 in Ohio, USA.
    Feldman was probably brought to Israel and got with the program.
    Jack Ruby also.
    Epstein is also probably in Israel, living the life.
    Having young European blondes kidnapped and brought to him.
    McAfee and Scalia are probably where they chose to be, living the life.
    Nancy, Dr. McFarland, my father and uncles are in a high security facility drugged up.

  20. McAfee committed suicide?
    I do not think so.
    Even if he was looking at a long sentence, for elderly a de facto death sentence, well not so bad.
    He probably would have gotten probation or halfway house. Or low level joint-Club Fed.

  21. Over at IPR I saw the following comment about McAfee.
    “Taxation is I’d rather commit suicide than face US extradition for tax crimes.”
    Come on, now. Suicide is pretty serious. An argument is that the individual taxpayer is not in much of a position to do anything about government spending on say- war.
    It would have been helpful for McAfee to have left a note.
    Did he object to taxation in general? Specifically against war spending?
    WHY did he commit suicide? IF he did.
    Was he depressed? In poor health?
    He may have been able to get a hung jury on the tax issues.

  22. Maybe because life until you die from old age in prison is not something to look forward to for someone who loves freedom? Just a thought.

  23. I agree that under those circumstances, suicide was more understandable. There are reasons to doubt it as well, especially being that he said he would not commit suicide.

    Who knows what the real story is?

  24. You’re right, both are plausible. Escape/faking death less so, I think. He really wasn’t nearly as rich as he had once been, although he may have had some hidden accounts.

  25. “Who knows what the real story is?”

    The death of McAfee will join the vast realm of conspiracy theories for years to come.

  26. Walter,
    How many more of these unreliable deaths are we going to tolerate?
    We need a definitive finding in enough deaths to reach a consensus that either the government is or is not manipulating them.
    Long ago I realized that a reliable exhumation of Nancy Benson, PhD, would satisfy me.
    Exhume Benson. If she s there as she is supposed to and reported to be, then I will be correctly called more than just mistaken.
    What is reported by the “authorities” being done with McAfee now?
    And the authorities include the next of kin/family if they are vulnerable to being duped.
    I say Nancy McCusker Benson, PhD, is not in the assigned grave in Boulder, Colorado.
    The reason: she was a huge political asset to me.
    What is in there? I say, like my father, a very good likeness mannequin,(if open casket)
    Illness, treatment, death, funeral, burial, faked. Right in front of friends and family and various “authorities” e.g. doctors, hospital staff, funeral personnel, coroner/medical examiner etc.
    Like I said, I was the last person to view my father in the viewing room. I was so tempted to cut the face off.
    I just could not bring myself to do it.

  27. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. The only way around then is either total anarchy and chaos, or my preferred solution, which is to nationalize all businesses and globalize all nations.

  28. In case anyone was wondering, I did get my Covid vaccination. About a month ago.
    When my local pharmacy Rite Aid started giving them without appointment necessary, I dropped by.
    They gave me the follow up appointment. I actually preferred the J & J one time but the two shot Pfizer is what they had so that is what I got.
    I did not make my follow up appointment. But a few days later I dropped by.
    Like I said, it was not the vaccine or the science or medicine I had a problem with.
    It was after what happened to my friend, an evident hot shot with ADEM, that I did not trust a political dirty trick.
    In covert operations, it is a huge advantage to know exactly where and when a targeted person would be.
    An appointment is obviously huge.

  29. Robert, I am surprised you’d be naive enough to get a supposed vaccine for a wildly exaggerated, if not completely made up, virus.

    Funny how flu and pneumonia cases have dropped by 90 plus percent.

  30. So you fool Trumpers and POC go get your vaccination. So we can all get herd immunity.
    Or don’t. Get sick and some die.
    Then we will get herd immunity the hard way,
    On you.

  31. Robert, you are surprised that I don’t believe the COVID-19 propaganda spewed forth by the government and mainstream news media?

    Millions of petition signatures were collected in close contact by petition circulators during this so called “pandemic,” yet I have not been able to find one verified case of a petition circulator dying from COVID-19, or even having gotten sick from it. It is not like every petition circulator was a young and healthy person either, as I know there were petition circulators in their 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s, and I also know of some that had pre-existing health problems. Note that a petition circulator can easily come in contact with 1,000 or more people per day. If anything, petition circulators should have been among the most likely group to get sick with or die from COVID-19, yet I still have not found even one verified case of either happening. The same goes with petition coordinators and proponents, and petition office staff. I can tell you that I was personally present at several crowded petition turn ins where nobody was wearing a mask or social distancing. Isn’t this a RED FLAG that this whole thing is a big scam?

  32. Flu and pneumonia went down because masks are good enough to shut transmission of those down. Especially combined with flu vaccine.

  33. LOL!!!! It is an admitted fact that the masks don’t work. I can tell you lots of petition circulotors did not wear one, or did not wear them consistently, and like I said, I was at turn ins where nobody wore a mask. Also, when I was at the Libertarian National Convention in Orlando last year, I went to crowded parties at an Airbnb house and in hospitality suites at the hotel where nobody wore a mask. NOBODY GOT SICK.


  34. They work well enough for flu and pneumonia. That’s been known for years in Asia and works just fine.

  35. I didn’t notice any jab marks on his arm during his daily masturbation shows.

  36. Dre,
    You are trying to talk sense about vax to someone who is tone deaf.
    Andy, I am not going to argue with you about it.
    I said what I said as my PSA-Public Service Announcement.
    Here at BAN which probably has a bigger audience than The PLAS Place, unfortunately.
    People, get the Covid vax.
    Or get sick, some die.
    Eventually there will be herd immunity, just like flu.
    On the news now, Public Health people are saying that here in USA every Covid illness and death COULD have been prevented with vaccination.
    With mask mandate, flu cases tanked.
    I personally got the multi flu vax and the pneumonia vaccination for the elderly.
    So, get the vax or get sick and some die.
    It is as simple as that.

  37. Actually I am embarrassed for America.
    We are awash in vaccine while most of the rest of the world has little or NONE!
    And we have a vax hesitancy problem?
    What’s up with that?

  38. Are Americans so polarized and alienated that they would deny Biden his goal of 70% vaccination by July 4th?
    Trumpers polarized, POC alienated.
    AT their own individual and collective expense?
    What if it was cut off your nose to spite your face (Biden)?
    You’d see a bunch of Trumpers and POC walking around noseless!

  39. I would love to see Biden not get anywhere near his goal of 70%. I support a mass boycott of the vaccine.

    I also support mass disobedience of mask mandates and lockdowns.

  40. It’s not crazy at all to hold daily masturbation shows on surveillance TV while watching Norah O’Donnell. Or to think people aren’t dead because you saw them in the future while you masturbated. Or to make antisemitic comments with a circumsized penis. Or to get vaccinated in the ass.

  41. It is ok.
    I do not mind garbage comments here at BAN. It is Richard’s blog, not mine.
    I do not mind gaslight comments. I am used to it after most of my adult life of government surveillance and covert operations.
    Water off a duck’s back.

  42. Is your ass sore after taking the vaccine and then taking the (((globalist cock))) up your ass?

  43. Robert, I am astounded that there are still people out there who buy into the COVID-19 scam. It is at best wildly exaggerated, and at worst a completely fabricated hoax. The fact that they have had to greatly inflate the COVID-19 infection rates by intentionally putting out tests that created lots of false positives, and to greatly inflate the death toll by including people who died from a co-morbidity (like a heart attack or cancer or etc…) who supposedly had a Corona virus in their system, and people who were suspected, but not proven, to have died from COVID-19, in with the statistics. Even if you belive the government’s statistics for COVID-19 deaths, it only comes out to maybe 1.5% of the population, but the real number is less than half of that, and keep in mind that flu and pneumonia deaths have dropped by more than 90%. There was no huge increase in deaths in 2020. This thing is one of the biggest SCAMS in human history. It is just a manufactured excuse for a power grab.

  44. Mo you enjoying that globalist cock injecting genetically altered material into your ass?

  45. Whatever, nutbar. Enjoy the delta variant or whatever covid strain you end up with.

  46. I’m uncircumcised and often eat shrimp and bacon so you’re a lying cumbag.

  47. You ask: “Lying jewboy say what?”

    The answer: “No dumbass your moms zogged and jewed so you is to.”

  48. Something is off here with Andy.
    He sounds so rational. Then out of nowhere he says such outrageous things about Covid.
    paulie has disappeared from IPR and BAN. But there still is someone who I suspect is paulie using multiple anonymous names and making many garbage and gaslight comments.
    And there still is William Saturn.
    And Andy goes way off.
    Like Andy is another persona under paulie’s control.
    paulie you are good. A good agent/operative. For Israel.
    You are the Einstein of spying for Israel.
    I wonder if you realize how evil that means you are.
    Blood on your hands vax denier.

  49. Is Israel responsible for Covid?
    A false flag operation blaming China?
    To help Trump in 2020?
    And divert attention from Israel as an evildoer on the international stage?
    Oh, you guys are GOOD!
    I knew I was up against formidable adversaries when I was tricked into handing over my cat to vets who promptly killed him in the ER on a heart monitor. Zapping his heart instead of monitoring it.
    What a terrible, loud cat scream he let out. I was shocked. Devastated.
    It took me several days to realize what happened.
    You got me! AGAIN!
    You guys are good. =EVIL.
    I am impressed.

  50. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful Man to anybody who is in need of relationship/marriage help.. E-mail; ___________________ ( Robinson_buckler11 (@yahoo) com)

    Thank you! I appreciate it!

    Kind regards,

  51. I don’t see what that has to do with getting vaxed up the ass. You need to explain better.

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