Mike Gravel Dies

Former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel died on June 26, 2021, at the age of 91. See this story. He had sought the Libertarian presidential nomination in 2008, placing fourth in four separate rollcall votes. Thanks to Austin Cassidy for the link.


Mike Gravel Dies — 52 Comments

  1. He was a good man. I voted for him and for McAfee. This is sad. Snowden says Assange could be next.

  2. Mike Gravel was one of the few people who had ever held a high elected office to openly question the official government story about 9/11. RIP.

  3. Sen. Mike Gravel had an important role in the revealing the Pentagon Papers. I wish he would have come to the Libertarian Party in the 1990s.

  4. At first I was skeptical of Gravel seeking the 2008 Libertarian nomination. That he just wanted to get on with a Ron Paul type donations gravy train. And I was very resentful of Ron Paul.
    But then I realized Gravel/Ruwart, what a great PLAS ticket! It was late in the campaign. I tried but got nowhere. Ruwart rejected it as well as Milnes/Ruwart with a polite email.
    I thought he was treated rather poorly at the convention. Especially in comparison to the eventual nominee: Bob Barr.
    Mary should have taken the vp nomination if only to keep it from Root.
    The old timer fought the good fight. RIP old timer.

  5. He had a long legacy to be proud of, sadly besmirched by a brief association with the Libertarian Party.

  6. Mike Gravel was not a good fit for the Libertarian Party at all. Sure, he had a few libertarian views, but a lot of his views were not libertarian at all, such as that he supported Universal Healthcare, and Social Security. Fortunately, LP delegates rejected him, and he quickly left the party. Unfortunately, a majority of LP delegates at that convention in 2008 nominated Bob Barr, who was also not really a libertarian, and he became the LP’s presidential candidate for that election.

  7. Mary Ruwart did not even run for VP. Steve Kubby did jump in the VP race after losing in the presidential nomination race. Having Kubby on the ticket with Bob Barr would have at least salvaged things a bit, but unfortunately, a majority of LP delegates voted for Wayne Root, another guy who had never really cut his umbilical chord to mainstream Republicans, and who, like Bob Barr, ended up going back to being a mainstream Republican in the Republican Party.

  8. This is completely off topic, but I would love to see a group of individuals committed to the Libertarian Party pool their resources, agree on a sparsely populated county someplace, build a development, and work getting recognized as a municipality within the county and with partisan local elections. This could be used as a template for planned party growth. Why not?

  9. Scotty Kilmer, I have been pushing an idea like that for many years. This is like the Free State Project, but on a smaller level.

  10. I have thought about starting a Green State Project in Vermont.
    Gravel was like a once in a lifetime stroke of luck that fell out of the sky and landed in the LP’s lap.
    Like what Wilson could have been if he had bolted the democratic party and joined Teddy Roosevelt.
    But the libertarians, true to form, pissed possible victory down the drain.
    Like I said, Gravel was treated poorly at the convention.
    Shame on you for nominating Barr when Gravel was there.
    I really felt bad for him.

  11. Neither Barr or Gravel should have been nominated, since neither were actually libertarians.

  12. Robert, call me old fashioned if you want, but I believe that Libertarian Party candidates should actually be libertarians.

  13. I heard Paul was hiding out last year, and he may still be, due to fears of COVID-19.

  14. Former Congresswoman Tweets Bizarre Image Stating That “Zionists” Did 9/11. -Mediaite by Michael Luciano.
    That would be Cynthia McKinney, PhD.
    I would like to state that I nearly completely agree with McKinney. I have no problem with the 4.8 million figure.
    Further right here in BAN comments I not long ago alluded that I believe Israel is responsible for the COVID pandemic.
    Both are/were Red Flag covert operations, specifically designed to blame others. By definition their very nature is to be Top Secret. It is very difficult to prove or even obtain evidence of such operations.

  15. Sad to see Milnes doesn’t practice what he preaches.

    He says he’s anti-Zionist, that it’s justified to stab all the Jews, and that the Jews are responsible for 9/11 and Covid, and then he injects the rushed, untested, genetically modified Jewish vaccine into his gluteus maximus.

    Very sad.

  16. I do not deny the Holocaust.
    Although I would call it the German/Jewish Holocaust.
    I do not deny E=Mc2.
    I do not deny Oppenheimer and Teller.
    I do not deny Salk and Sabin.
    I do not care if Pfizer is a jewish or largely jewish owned company. I do not even know.
    That is not the point.

  17. correction above: False Flag operations, not Red Flag.
    IIRC, I never publicly stated that it is justified to stab all the jews.
    Who is this Jim Janos? What proof do you have of this?

  18. Push to Rename Cynthia McKinney Parkway after she Tweets Zionists Responsible for 9/11. -Natalie Colarossi, Newsweek.
    Again I support her and I just about completely agree with her.

  19. I’m sure McKinney would want to work with someone like Milnes who wants to send her back to Africa.

  20. I’m sure she’ll be happy to know that Milnes usually votes for the Green Party candidate for president, even a Jewish one (Stein), but refused to vote for her in 2008 because she’s black, and instead voted for John McCain in order to prevent a black president.

  21. Milnes is Jewisch? That’s something I did not know. If he is not Jewisch why are you ecchoing his name, and what ethniCT kinda name is Milnes anyway?

  22. Robert Milnes supports the globalist Zionist agenda by injecting himself with the experimental Jewish vaccine. He is basically a Jew now.

  23. Robert Milnes does not support the globalist Zionist agenda.
    Gentile infant Robert was circumsized. Scarred for life. Did not make him jewish.
    Ate the red Sabin sugar cube. Still not a jew.
    Watched Star Trek Shatner and Nimoy. Still not a jew.
    Not to mention Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis in The Vikings,
    Studied E = MC2. No.
    Read Freud AND Reich. No.
    Ate a jewish woman’s pussy. No.
    Some borscht and bagels in NYC. No.
    Not worried about an experimental jewish vaccine.
    Thanks for being so concerned, though.

  24. No way. I’m not going to let the Jews replace me with a Zionist puppet like they did you. Being a lab rat is not cool.

  25. (((Vaccination)))

    (((Robert Milnes))) has become a zombie Zionist puppet encouraging people to get an experimental untested vaccine with modified genetic material inside it.

  26. I “befriended” Saturn online about 10m years ago.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever spoken with or met with him. No Zoom.
    Including me.
    There is no photo of him.
    Yet he maintains an impressive presence online especially at Wiki and IPR.
    He is an evident genius or tapped into an Israeli supercomputer or think tank or all three.
    I believe he is now paulie.
    Something happened to him in 2013.
    Before that I do not know who or what he was.

  27. Correction: 10 not 10m years ago.
    He reports he lives in Bayside, Texas on the Gulf coast.
    This has not been verified by anyone to the best of my knowledge.

  28. I believe you have been replaced by an Israeli supercomputer or paulie, which may also be an Israeli supercomputer.

  29. paulie is a real person. He is pretty much as he represents himself.
    A lot of people have seen paulie, met with him.
    There are a lot of pictures of paulie on the interweb.

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