Colorado Governor Signs Bill to Make it Easier for Cities to Use Ranked Choice Voting

On June 28, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed HB 1071, which makes it easier for cities to use ranked choice voting for their own elections. The bill requires the county elections department to run such elections for cities that want to use ranked choice voting.


Colorado Governor Signs Bill to Make it Easier for Cities to Use Ranked Choice Voting — 14 Comments

  1. It is more subtle than that. Colorado has what is known as coordinated elections where county election authorities administer elections on behalf of cities and school districts. Since cities and school districts do not have coincident boundaries, the county authorities can ensure that voters get a single ballot with all the correct races for them.

    Candidates still file with the relevant government entity, but they then simply forward the names to the county, and then the county sends the results back to the cities and school districts. The cities and counties are billed for this. It is mandatory for the counties to conduct elections this way.

    For this to work for IRV, the counties have to have IRV capable equipment. A city can not force a county to buy the equipment.

  2. IRV/RCV programs and equipment has been around since year ZZZZ.

    Solve for ZZZZ.
    Condorcet [ RCV/IRV done right ] – around since 1780s — long before 1940s-1960s computers.

  3. They “forgot” to remove 135,000 “test ballots” from the NY Dem Mayoral primary.

    What is the test? Whether anyone will notice what they’re trying to do?

    It should be obvious by now.

    How many “test ballots” were cast in the 2020 presidential election? How long are they going to continue this charade?

  4. I look forward to seeing the public executions of everyone who helped carry out the Chicom-Biden-Harris coup after President Trump is back in office next month.

  5. Sam. About the executions. I volunteer to pull the trigger or the switch or whatever it’ll be.

  6. What are some of your favorite torture methods for leftist scum and chicom pawn traitors and illegal invaders?

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